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Zombie Apocalypse

In I Am Legend they were vampires. The book is much better than the movie, btw.

And as others said, 28 days/weeks they just had a rage virus and weren't actually zombies. Good movie though.

i didn't know that about i am legend that confuses me though, i guess that the book gave more details as to how they were vampires. (i will be getting it since you say its a good read)

Cause from my view point the only thing i can see that supports this is the fact that they are sensitve to UV light. They still eat all of their victums. instead of draining their blood. so to me that is more of a "zombie type" to me. They have inhanced ablities and problem solving skills. But again i still think that the idea of just a slow, dumb, "unable to do anything" Zombie as the only type of Zombie is stupid.

just as everyone introduces different type and varations of vampires i think there should be more different type of Zombies (given not everyone will like this)

as for the rage virus in 28 days/weeks later. Zombies are created from a virus. So what is there to say that these "beings" aren't zombies?
1) they feed on flesh,
2) it is transmitted by a virus
3) they are killed by killing the brain (as is the main belief of how to kill a Zombie)

So for me there isn't anything saying that 28 days/weeks later "beings" aren't Zombies

As for I Am Legend ( i see that i was wrong from reading descriptions on the web of the book) Thank you for pointing that out for me.
as for the rage virus in 28 days/weeks later. Zombies are created from a virus. So what is there to say that these "beings" aren't zombies?
1) they feed on flesh,
2) it is transmitted by a virus
3) they are killed by killing the brain (as is the main belief of how to kill a Zombie)

So for me there isn't anything saying that 28 days/weeks later "beings" aren't Zombies

1) they don't eat a single person in either movie
2) and?
3) they're killed by any means you would kill any other living human, plus they starve to death eventually (28 days later...).
In I Am Legend they were vampires. The book is much better than the movie, btw.

And as others said, 28 days/weeks they just had a rage virus and weren't actually zombies. Good movie though.

i'll defer to OTD on anything vampire.... just look at those teeth.:D
1) they don't eat a single person in either movie
2) and?
3) they're killed by any means you would kill any other living human, plus they starve to death eventually (28 days later...).

1) If no one is bit/ eaten or anything like that then how is the Virus spread? It isn't airborn other wise they would have to specificly point that out.

2) what do you mean and? that is how a Zombie is made by a Virus ie. The Rage Virus you can't just chose not to see that is what makes a zombie say "oh yeah they are made by a virus but im going to ignore that Zombies are made by one too" Nevermind the fact that Zombies are so enraged because of the hunger for flesh. hey wait they are enraged by hunger by the RAGE virus thats kinda weird that the writers thought of that. i mean i just barley saw that.... oh wait no i figured that out the first time they named the virus....

3) yes they starve to death, but wait you mean i didn't say that zombies are immortal. you are right i never made that claim... so thank you for helping my point as Zombies can starve to death. Zombie Myths Thats just one site that supports this. by no means is it the law on zombies and i am not making any such claim. I said that was the MAIN way to kill them not the only way.

you say that you could kill them just like any human except that you couldn't kill them by just shooting them, and such similar ways. in the movie it just slowed them down a bit.

btw thanks for your help on supporting my first two points
the first one by not giving any alternative to how it is spread

and the second by not giving any argument (Silence is compliance)

EDIT: 3rd as stated above

Okay, this has gotten way too silly. Guess I'll give you some more "compliance".

notice it got too silly after you couldn't think of any reply....

So as for the actual topic of this thread, either way if Zombies were the general slow and cumbersome type that most believe them to be, or fast and fierce.

I would still chose the Mountains as they too like the plains are more isolated than big cities, but also from a defensive stand point offer a better fighting postion. It is generally harder to fight something that is above or equal to you in postioning than it is when you are above them.
i'll defer to OTD on anything vampire.... just look at those teeth.:D


1) If no one is bit/ eaten or anything like that then how is the Virus spread? It isn't airborn other wise they would have to specificly point that out.

2) what do you mean and? that is how a Zombie is made by a Virus ie. The Rage Virus you can't just chose not to see that is what makes a zombie say "oh yeah they are made by a virus but im going to ignore that Zombies are made by one too" Nevermind the fact that Zombies are so enraged because of the hunger for flesh. hey wait they are enraged by hunger by the RAGE virus thats kinda weird that the writers thought of that. i mean i just barley saw that.... oh wait no i figured that out the first time they named the virus....

3) yes they starve to death, but wait you mean i didn't say that zombies are immortal. you are right i never made that claim... so thank you for helping my point as Zombies can starve to death. Zombie Myths Thats just one site that supports this. by no means is it the law on zombies and i am not making any such claim. I said that was the MAIN way to kill them not the only way.

you say that you could kill them just like any human except that you couldn't kill them by just shooting them, and such similar ways. in the movie it just slowed them down a bit.

btw thanks for your help on supporting my first two points
the first one by not giving any alternative to how it is spread

and the second by not giving any argument (Silence is compliance)

EDIT: 3rd as stated above

The only thing I have looked at is 28 Days Later - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The only thing it really says on there is:
Stylus Magazine named it the second best zombie movie of all time.

I'm inclined to agree with you after you made your points, but I can't find anything "official" that actually calls them zombies. I think, based on the way it is that it could be included in the genre even if some people don't consider them full on zombies.

As far as there being different types of zombies there should really only be one type. How a zombie moves is based off of how the human body functions. I actually understand that better thanks to the survival guide. The muscles aren't going to function the same way they would in life and really does take running away as an option. The only way they could or should run is if it was a different form of virus. If the virus acted differently and allowed for full use of the body, which would go along more with the rage virus in 28 days.

As far as different kinds of vampires, there is only one type and they don't sparkle.
notice it got too silly after you couldn't think of any reply....


Okay, okay, okay..................

"Night of the Living Swine Flu Sufferers"

"Night of the Living Ebola Victims"

"Night of the Living Elk Cloner Computer Virus People Who Lost All Their Porn"

Seriously, completely done now. Going to bed even.

(P.s. the phrase is "silence gives consent".)

Okay, okay, okay..................

"Night of the Living Swine Flu Sufferers"

"Night of the Living Ebola Victims"

"Night of the Living Elk Cloner Computer Virus People Who Lost All Their Porn"

Seriously, completely done now. Going to bed even.

(P.s. the phrase is "silence gives consent".)

I actually think that one would be a hit at the box office. Well, it would at least get downloaded a lot.
Wait they dont? Damn there went my hours of wishing lmao just kidding btw. So anyways thank you for not being childish like others and seeing other views
1) If no one is bit/ eaten or anything like that then how is the Virus spread? It isn't airborn other wise they would have to specificly point that out.

2) what do you mean and? that is how a Zombie is made by a Virus ie. The Rage Virus you can't just chose not to see that is what makes a zombie say "oh yeah they are made by a virus but im going to ignore that Zombies are made by one too" Nevermind the fact that Zombies are so enraged because of the hunger for flesh. hey wait they are enraged by hunger by the RAGE virus thats kinda weird that the writers thought of that. i mean i just barley saw that.... oh wait no i figured that out the first time they named the virus....

3) yes they starve to death, but wait you mean i didn't say that zombies are immortal. you are right i never made that claim... so thank you for helping my point as Zombies can starve to death. Zombie Myths Thats just one site that supports this. by no means is it the law on zombies and i am not making any such claim. I said that was the MAIN way to kill them not the only way.

you say that you could kill them just like any human except that you couldn't kill them by just shooting them, and such similar ways. in the movie it just slowed them down a bit.

btw thanks for your help on supporting my first two points
the first one by not giving any alternative to how it is spread

and the second by not giving any argument (Silence is compliance)

EDIT: 3rd as stated above

I would argue that they aren't zombies for two reasons.

1) Zombies are defined as having died, and brought back to life (by virus or whatever), and for the RAGE virus death wasn't required.

2) The RAGE virus can potentially be cured, returning people to a relatively normal state. Zombies can't be cured.
Shaun of the dead was funny, but I prefer the more serious versions of the genre. Zombieland is a really nice mix in my opinion though. It has enough funny along with enough serious in it that it just makes for a great movie. I especially like the rules.

Zombieland was awesome, definitely went on my list of best zombie movies.

Along with Dawn of the Dead, Quarantine and Planet Terror

EDIT- Oh an I have to mention Re-animator of course.
I would argue that they aren't zombies for two reasons.

1) Zombies are defined as having died, and brought back to life (by virus or whatever), and for the RAGE virus death wasn't required.

2) The RAGE virus can potentially be cured, returning people to a relatively normal state. Zombies can't be cured.

though death wasn't required, do you think it to be possible that this is merely a different take one it?

i haven't seen anything that said it could be cured. i did however see where the writers had a different ending to 28 days later but then realized that once it is in your blood then it stays there cause there wouldn't be any ways to get ever little piece of the virus out of you.

and such is the def of a virus.Virus | Define Virus at Dictionary.com

Also a virus is incureable, cases of these are the Rhinovirus aka the common cold, which once you have it, it is always there just dormant. Also HIV, there are however temp fixes to help surpress symptoms so i would say that would be a posibilty but no real cure
I would say I am Legend though some say they aren't true Zombies i just say they are the more evolved. thats why i like them.

Also 28 days/ weeks Later, i think i like that they run after their pray and aren't entirely stupid.
im guessin zombies arent gonna be fast when they come to town, but its still easily more watchable when they sprint around a mall vs. somehting like land of the dead
the o'bannon zombies are a cop out for bad film makers who can't create tension with slow moving relatively fragile monsters and instead rely on hectic action

as for what counts as a zombie - there are of course many definitions, but one particular i'm always gonna root for is that zombies are undead
and that by itself rules out the 28 days later infected as zombies (good movie tho')
though death wasn't required, do you think it to be possible that this is merely a different take one it?

i haven't seen anything that said it could be cured. i did however see where the writers had a different ending to 28 days later but then realized that once it is in your blood then it stays there cause there wouldn't be any ways to get ever little piece of the virus out of you.

and such is the def of a virus.Virus | Define Virus at Dictionary.com

Also a virus is incureable, cases of these are the Rhinovirus aka the common cold, which once you have it, it is always there just dormant. Also HIV, there are however temp fixes to help surpress symptoms so i would say that would be a posibilty but no real cure

Viruses aren't currently curable, but that doesn't mean that it is impossible to cure them.

Plus... definition of zombie is undead.

You can't be undead, without having first been dead.

Roxors said:
So if you say that the beings in 28days/ weeks later aren't Zombies what would you call them?

I don't know, but there are many types of monsters. It isn't required for them to be zombies for them to be something to fear.
just wanted to thank all of you in this post for providing me some ammusement at work and getting me to thinking what I'd do in a zombie apocalypse.

First I would grab my long bow (replenishable ammo so to speak[just sharpen sticks]), a small yet sharp knife (sharpening items to shoot with bow) a cooking pot. and as odd as this sounds, I would create some form of latch for the inside of a fridge so I could lock it from the inside, and make some ventilation slits in the fridge (primary sleeping place) and would hold out in some woods that I am familiar with giving me advantage of the terrain. Finally as odd as this sounds, magic mushrooms, the heightened senses would help when used for combat purposes.

sadly i probably wouldnt last the longest like this but I still think it would be a good little set up for a while.
just wanted to thank all of you in this post for providing me some ammusement at work and getting me to thinking what I'd do in a zombie apocalypse.

First I would grab my long bow (replenishable ammo so to speak[just sharpen sticks]), a small yet sharp knife (sharpening items to shoot with bow) a cooking pot. and as odd as this sounds, I would create some form of latch for the inside of a fridge so I could lock it from the inside, and make some ventilation slits in the fridge (primary sleeping place) and would hold out in some woods that I am familiar with giving me advantage of the terrain. Finally as odd as this sounds, magic mushrooms, the heightened senses would help when used for combat purposes.

sadly i probably wouldnt last the longest like this but I still think it would be a good little set up for a while.

Thats what i am here for (others amusement) :D as for your plan i like it! risky and not very much trouble to acomplish though i would go with a deepfreezer, more comfy for sleeping
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