Android Enthusiast
In I Am Legend they were vampires. The book is much better than the movie, btw.
And as others said, 28 days/weeks they just had a rage virus and weren't actually zombies. Good movie though.
i didn't know that about i am legend that confuses me though, i guess that the book gave more details as to how they were vampires. (i will be getting it since you say its a good read)
Cause from my view point the only thing i can see that supports this is the fact that they are sensitve to UV light. They still eat all of their victums. instead of draining their blood. so to me that is more of a "zombie type" to me. They have inhanced ablities and problem solving skills. But again i still think that the idea of just a slow, dumb, "unable to do anything" Zombie as the only type of Zombie is stupid.
just as everyone introduces different type and varations of vampires i think there should be more different type of Zombies (given not everyone will like this)
as for the rage virus in 28 days/weeks later. Zombies are created from a virus. So what is there to say that these "beings" aren't zombies?
1) they feed on flesh,
2) it is transmitted by a virus
3) they are killed by killing the brain (as is the main belief of how to kill a Zombie)
So for me there isn't anything saying that 28 days/weeks later "beings" aren't Zombies
As for I Am Legend ( i see that i was wrong from reading descriptions on the web of the book) Thank you for pointing that out for me.