Thing about the midwest is you can pick off the zombies from miles away. Food is easily growable, providing you put yourself in an area with moderate rainfall. As for ammo? You will run out. Build yourself a crossbow, use sticks and bones and shit(not literally:/) for ammo, then when you can, venture to civilization, find ammo, find survivors who are uninfected and go back. Make sure to take your whole party, and anything that would attract an infected so you are not overwhelmed when you return. One of my friends said he would go to a Boy Scouts camp in New Mexico, I can't quite remember what it's called, but it's supposed a huge, flat, barren, lifeless area with lots, and lots of gun, ammo, and food and water. Another good way to go, settle on the lower west coast of America(Or the lower east cost of Asia), stay a little while building up supplies, then build a ship(not a boat, a huge ship for sailing), sail it across the ocean and find yourself a nice tropical island with lots of life and no human settlement. No people, no contact, no zombies! (Unless the zombies are created using necromancy, but that's a whole different girl). Food will be plentlyful, you can get water using rainfall, in island freshwater bodies, purifying the ocean water, or a combination of the three. The food would come from the various fruit on the islands. Also, bring all kinds of seeds, and a few species of animals. Rabbits for breeding for food, dogs or company(even if you venture out in a party), tamed birds for conversation, cows for milk and meat, horses for transportation, and, other people (endless possibilities.). Make sure you bring your loved ones and friends so that being so worried doesn't make you sick. A zombie apocalypse is also a great time to express you feelings for someone if they don't already know it.
My personal choice for a living environment would be a hospital that has already been looted. There might still be some basic first aid supplies still around. You could demolition the stairs on the first and second floor so that nothing can get up unless you allow it. Hospitals have gas powered generators and full security systems so you can stay warm/cool and keep an eye on your environment. Full kitchens for cooking and food storage. They usually have multiple floors and helicopter landing pads for rescue/evacuation. They also provide plenty of beds.
As for weapons, I'll take a few swords and a baseball bat for close combat. A couple of Glocks and a 12 guage shotgun for medium range. Last a nice hunting riffle and/or bow for food in the future.
Hope this doesn't make me sound creepy, if it does, I'm sorry, but that post made you sound so sexy, OTD IMO