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Zombie Apocalypse

Thing about the midwest is you can pick off the zombies from miles away. Food is easily growable, providing you put yourself in an area with moderate rainfall. As for ammo? You will run out. Build yourself a crossbow, use sticks and bones and shit(not literally:/) for ammo, then when you can, venture to civilization, find ammo, find survivors who are uninfected and go back. Make sure to take your whole party, and anything that would attract an infected so you are not overwhelmed when you return. One of my friends said he would go to a Boy Scouts camp in New Mexico, I can't quite remember what it's called, but it's supposed a huge, flat, barren, lifeless area with lots, and lots of gun, ammo, and food and water. Another good way to go, settle on the lower west coast of America(Or the lower east cost of Asia), stay a little while building up supplies, then build a ship(not a boat, a huge ship for sailing), sail it across the ocean and find yourself a nice tropical island with lots of life and no human settlement. No people, no contact, no zombies! (Unless the zombies are created using necromancy, but that's a whole different girl). Food will be plentlyful, you can get water using rainfall, in island freshwater bodies, purifying the ocean water, or a combination of the three. The food would come from the various fruit on the islands. Also, bring all kinds of seeds, and a few species of animals. Rabbits for breeding for food, dogs or company(even if you venture out in a party), tamed birds for conversation, cows for milk and meat, horses for transportation, and, other people (endless possibilities.). Make sure you bring your loved ones and friends so that being so worried doesn't make you sick. A zombie apocalypse is also a great time to express you feelings for someone if they don't already know it.

Hope this doesn't make me sound creepy, if it does, I'm sorry, but that post made you sound so sexy, OTD IMO

3 things:

1) You aren't likely to be able to captain a boat with sizable supplies alone, or with a small crew.

2) Coastal towns with ships you can pilot are likely to be resort towns that have decent populations = plenty of zombies. Mind your zpsm ratio (Zombies per square mile). You want to stay in areas with a low zpsm, so if you do encounter problems, they are likely to be limited in numbers.

3) If anything happens to the boat, then you are screwed. No ones going to come save you. Avoid putting yourself in a situation that you might not be able to fix yourself.

The plains are a good place. Find flat farmland. Have a pair of binoculars. Ensure that you have clear line of sight for 5 miles (bulldoze if necessary... CAREFULLY!). Survey the entire horizon 4 times per day.

The last time you survey the horizon should be 2 hours before sunset. If you see any zombies on the horizon. Drive out to them, and pick them off from a distance. Do not allow them close to your home.

If you killed zombies after the last survey, then survey again before retreating to your shelter for the night. If you spot zombies, you know that you will have to be extra careful in the morning.

The morning will be the most dangerous time. You will have to survey from the roof of your shelter structure before exiting out of the building. Survey the horizon, and then around the structure. Listen. Most of the world should be dead, so any unusual noise likely indicates zombies.

As for weaponry:

Learn to make a bow.

Learn to service a bow.

Learn to fletch arrows. (Never recover arrows from a dead zombie. They may not be completely dead. More than that, you will not be entirely sure how the virus is spread, so avoid any physical contact with any zombie body or goo.)

Just my thoughts.
Not really. There are a number of barrier style contraceptive devices on the market now and there would be even more if this was the case. As for reproduction, we have labs that can take care of that. There would be a lot of adjusting, but I think the human race would get by just fine.

manufacturing a barrier style contraceptive, would not last beyond day 1 of a massive outbreak. the older they get, the more they bust, that's why they have an expiration date...
3 things:

1) You aren't likely to be able to captain a boat with sizable supplies alone, or with a small crew.

2) Coastal towns with ships you can pilot are likely to be resort towns that have decent populations = plenty of zombies. Mind your zpsm ratio (Zombies per square mile). You want to stay in areas with a low zpsm, so if you do encounter problems, they are likely to be limited in numbers.

3) If anything happens to the boat, then you are screwed. No ones going to come save you. Avoid putting yourself in a situation that you might not be able to fix yourself.

The plains are a good place. Find flat farmland. Have a pair of binoculars. Ensure that you have clear line of sight for 5 miles (bulldoze if necessary... CAREFULLY!). Survey the entire horizon 4 times per day.

The last time you survey the horizon should be 2 hours before sunset. If you see any zombies on the horizon. Drive out to them, and pick them off from a distance. Do not allow them close to your home.

If you killed zombies after the last survey, then survey again before retreating to your shelter for the night. If you spot zombies, you know that you will have to be extra careful in the morning.

The morning will be the most dangerous time. You will have to survey from the roof of your shelter structure before exiting out of the building. Survey the horizon, and then around the structure. Listen. Most of the world should be dead, so any unusual noise likely indicates zombies.

As for weaponry:

Learn to make a bow.

Learn to service a bow.

Learn to fletch arrows. (Never recover arrows from a dead zombie. They may not be completely dead. More than that, you will not be entirely sure how the virus is spread, so avoid any physical contact with any zombie body or goo.)

Just my thoughts.

1. Not by myself, with my friends, family, and other survivors. Probably will be a lot.
2. Not all port towns are tourist traps. And they'll probably be empty because all the residents are dead, undead, and if undead, they'd probably try to find food elsewhere.
3. No one is probably gonna help you anyways. It's a zombie apocalypse. The very definition of apocalypse is a disaster that wipes out a significant portion of the human population.
I would wait a while, make sure that everyone that is leaving is gone, then, make a boat, and establish a small island settlement to survive. I've already listed what I'll take.
Oh, and OTD, what I meant is that you possessing that knowledge is sexy. I like girls with guns. Probably explains why I'm a high powered rifle shooter :D.
My survival situation in a zombie apocalypse.

Preferably for me, an Austrian Steyer AUG. It uses 7.62 rounds, and has quick, easily interchangeable barrels allowing for accuracy at extended range and letting you switch to a shorter barrel for when having some spread could be helpful.
As for general use weapons, the standard 12-guage boom sticks, some revolvers, 9mm handguns and general pistols, as many medium to large caliber automatic weapons as we/I could get my hands on.
Close range combat, I would DEFINTELY want some highlander style swords, some regular swords, a bat, a shovel, a pick-axe, a 15lb sledge hammer (minimum weight), just generally anything that can cause devastating blunt force trauma or slice/pound through rotting flesh and bone with little resistance.

I wouldn't want a group size of over 9 people. Any more than that, and you've got a disaster waiting. One person gets infected, don't want to say anything, they turn, and you've got one ****ed bunch of survivors doomed to straggle for days trying to out-run each other and eventually turn to the brain munchers. The other thing with the group, is no panic-prone people. The ones who scream as LOUD as they humanly can at anything, be it a micro-meter long spider, or a stain on their shirt, are out. This, from my observations so far, generally refers to the, 'less intelligent', shall I say, female population. You're only as strong as the weakest link in your group, and if that link is going to be an ear-splitting audio beacon for death to come rolling to your feet, I don't want it. Leave them behind with other groups or if you must take them, keep them sheltered from everything that you can, chances are they can't handle what's happening around them. Do NOT give them weapons unless it's an absolute shit storm falling around your head. Chances are, they're going to be the ones who think rashly and with no concern for anyone, and a weapon would only help them bolster their false thoughts that they could succeed at whatever suicidal attempt at something they're going to make. Give them what food and water they need to survive, but nothing else--maybe a close combat weapon like a bat, but that's all.

I would prefer to go to the roof top of large grocery store/supply center (Wal-Mart a-la-mode). Chances are, this is going to be rather difficult, because it will be one of the first places flocked to by many other panicking straggling survivors, who will inevitably be turned into gurgling decaying piles of re-animated flesh. Clearing out a path to get to the roof would be the hardest part, here is where having high powered rifles would be good. The roof of these buildings is usually relatively high (two or three stories up) and provides an excellent vantage point. There is usually few entrance points to the roof as well, making it easy to defend and fortify. From on the roof, you could lure most/all of the remaining un-dead inhabitants of the store outside for easy pickings to thin the hoard. Once that's done, you've now got access to things like tents to set up on the roof (sun protection, and basic shelter) food, drinks, and hell, even entertainment. Not to mention, if it's one of some stores, like Super Wal-Marts, there's bound to be a hunting section with plenty of ammo and weapons for the entire group in there. Again, this would be a daunting task to clear out, but the rewards well out weigh the risks.
So, I took my son to Game Stop because he really wanted Lego Indiana Jones for the Wii. While I was there I noticed several zombie themed games and asked the guy that worked there about them. He recommended Dead Rising and I have to say that it is a lot of fun and very educational. I now know many things that I will NOT be doing in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
That's a fun game. One side note, I thought vampires couldn't breed. I know if a zombie apocolyspe comes, the last thing I'm doing is heading to the mall. Refer to "Pawn of the Dead".
It's a funny and witty movie. It's worth a watch.
or maybe she calls those that she's sired "her children" :)

Nahhhhh i would totally go with my answer LMAO

But thank you for your imput, i will file it away in my vault under "usless information not able to be used in Jeopardy" JK;)

Hmmm would you rather fight a child Zombie that is weaker or a grown up one? i would go for a grown up i would be to hesitant with a child one. even if it was hand to hand
I think it also depends on what type of zombies you are dealing with. Dealing with Night of the Living Dead zombies is completely different from dealing with Zombieland or Dawn of the Dead zombies. One group is slow moving and non-problem solving and the other are fast with some problem solving skills.

I may have to pick up the Zombie Survival Guide just to make sure I am prepared. I know I would have guns though....I like guns. :D

or return of the living dead in which they could, think, speak, communicate and cooperate. basicly retaining their full humanity other than a craving for brains and a tendancy to decompose. not only that, but if dissmembered, the individual pieces could still come after you.

another good book on the subject is 'World War Z' which in all seriousness, gives an earily realistic picture of what an actual zombie apocolypse would look like(i say realistic in the way that it portrays governmental responses and individual responses to the event)
i'll defer to OTD on anything vampire.... just look at those teeth.:D

cough*omega man*cough in the original, i dont believe they were either, but rather mutants. and yes, i am legend was just a remake of omega man, and the asylum*shudders* even made their own chime in with 'i am omega'. personally, i liked the original better and the fact that in the original he knew the mutants and they bantered back and forth.

*edit*... wow, totally quoted the wrong person here...

lemme fix that real quick..

In I Am Legend they were vampires. The book is much better than the movie, btw.

And as others said, 28 days/weeks they just had a rage virus and weren't actually zombies. Good movie though.
That's a fun game. One side note, I thought vampires couldn't breed. I know if a zombie apocolyspe comes, the last thing I'm doing is heading to the mall. Refer to "Pawn of the Dead".
It's a funny and witty movie. It's worth a watch.

Breed? Depends on the type of Vamp, but most can turn people.

She had her kids Before she got turned duhhhhh :p


or maybe she calls those that she's sired "her children" :)


Nahhhhh i would totally go with my answer LMAO

But thank you for your imput, i will file it away in my vault under "usless information not able to be used in Jeopardy" JK;)

Hmmm would you rather fight a child Zombie that is weaker or a grown up one? i would go for a grown up i would be to hesitant with a child one. even if it was hand to hand

Child Zombies would be creepy, although I think you would eventually have to take the human element out of it and start treating them like any other predator. You wouldn't hesitate if it was a "child" great white shark coming at you, would you?

or return of the living dead in which they could, think, speak, communicate and cooperate. basicly retaining their full humanity other than a craving for brains and a tendancy to decompose. not only that, but if dissmembered, the individual pieces could still come after you.

another good book on the subject is 'World War Z' which in all seriousness, gives an earily realistic picture of what an actual zombie apocolypse would look like(i say realistic in the way that it portrays governmental responses and individual responses to the event)

I have World War Z on my phone and plan to read it after I finish one of the other 4 books I'm currently reading.

cough*omega man*cough in the original, i dont believe they were either, but rather mutants. and yes, i am legend was just a remake of omega man, and the asylum*shudders* even made their own chime in with 'i am omega'. personally, i liked the original better and the fact that in the original he knew the mutants and they bantered back and forth.

*edit*... wow, totally quoted the wrong person here...

lemme fix that real quick..

Omega man was based on the book I Am Legend as was the movie I Am Legend. The book is so much better than either movie though. The turmoil that this guy goes through being the last human is pretty horrific. I highly recommend it to anyone. It is actually on Google Books too, so you can read it for free. I Am Legend - Google Books or the graphic novel
Hmmm would you rather fight a child Zombie that is weaker or a grown up one? i would go for a grown up i would be to hesitant with a child one. even if it was hand to hand

Jeez, I'm not even sure I'd notice the difference. Parasites alive, flesh-eating ghouls dead.

Stock up on Ho-Ho's and Mt Dew and you'll be fine. Adopt an alias, mine would of course be "xzillerationer" or "x", "Xziller", or, "Xzil" for short.
Would be so cool if there was a forum dedicated to finding Zombie Proof buildings in certain cities. For the 'Just in case' factor.

I would be down to go out and look.. :D

I live in AZ... and there have been SOO many areas where I would think to my self, damn I would so go here if there were ever a Zombie Apocalypse.
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