Android Expert
Millions of products are made in china, so what? Do you think people in Korea and Taiwan get paid more than a few bucks a day?
I don't believe that routers article, all they are trying to do is to keep less players on our market. Apple had a similar security threat a few years back, and by the way I don't think you can buy an iPhone in Germany for exactly the same reasons as mentioned in the article. For some reason US does not look at Apple the same way.
It's pretty ignorant to compare Communist China with South Korea or Taiwan when it comes to working conditions. ZTE has refused to answer enough questions regarding it's relationship to the Chinese government that it's pretty clear it's a state funded or run company. WTH, you think that's a Chinese Starbucks job? Foxconn, that makes the IPuds, Isn't Government run. It has suicide nets on the side of the building to stop the swan diving workers from hitting the pavement. They have a waiting list years ahead of time for applicants. Wait lists Full of people at ZTE type government companies who are praying to Budda they can GET to the place with the suicide nets.
I'm a pretty stoic non-activist kind of guy but China's human rights atrocities at times peg the meter. So no, Hell No! China isn't the same as South Korea or Thailand.
By the way, you already lost the discussion anyway.
Everyone execpt apparently You knows The Internet Rules. Calling someone a Nazi is an automatic DQ. You even had to shoot twice at the same bird.

Bruce in Ocala, FL