In my Android project, I have a folder whose content is generated by a gradle task, and I need to package this folder as assets for the .apk I build. Initially, this is how I am setting up my gradle build file:
android {
sourceSets {
main {
assets {
srcDir generatedAssetsDir
afterEvaluate { evaluated ->
evaluated.tasks.getByPath("packageReleaseAssets").dependsOn evaluated.tasks.getByPath('taskThatGeneratesTheAssetsDir')
Now I am trying to avoid using `afterEvaluate`, so I followed this
example and created two gradle projects, one acting as producer and one as consumer. The relevant portions of the producer project’s build.gradle looks like:
abstract class MyTaskClass extends DefaultTask {
abstract DirectoryProperty getOutputDir()
def run() {
def src = new File(getProject().getRootDir().toString()+'/in/src.txt')
def dst = new File(getOutputDir().get().getAsFile().toString()+'/dst.txt')
dst << src.text
tasks.register("myTask", MyTaskClass) {
outputDir = new File(getProject().getRootDir().toString()+'/out')
configurations {
prepAssets {
canBeConsumed = true
canBeResolved = false
extendsFrom implementation, runtimeOnly
artifacts {
prepAssets(myTask.outputDir) {
While the build.gradle file of the consumer looks like:
configurations {
assetsConsumer {
canBeConsumed = false
canBeResolved = true
android {
sourceSets {
main {
assets {
srcDir configurations.assetsConsumer
dependencies {
assetsConsumer project(path: ":mylibrary", configuration: 'prepAssets')
The idea is that when myTask inside the producer runs, it should create a text file inside <Project_Root>/out/ folder. This folder is then specified as the Android assets folder in the consumer project.
However, when I try to perform a gradle sync, I get this strange error:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:assetsConsumer'.
Could not create task ':app:generateDebugLintModel'.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:assetsConsumer'.
Cannot query the value of this property because it has no value available.
The value of this property is derived from:
- task ':app:generateDebugLintModel' property 'outputDirectory'
Any idea what I am doing wrong with Gradle configurations?