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Help Calendar App Not updating outlook

I use Ms Outlook as my default email. I have added the email as an Exchange email with sync for all. However, my calendar won't sync. I have deleted the account and reinstalled and it still won't sync.

Another issue is that when I go to the calendar to select calendar, it has a calendar for each email and a Samsung calendar. I do have several accounts on the phone but almost all of them them are set for email sync only. How do I remove these from the select calendar page?

The calendar I want to sync won't sync and the calendars I don't want to show up won't go away.

After factory reset, phone has been "restoring" for an hour. Normal?

Samsung Galaxy S7. It prompted "restore 83 apps" and I selected yes, and it's been restoring for over an hour now. Is this normal? A little worried it's using data.

Additionally, I plan to restore my phone via a backup to my computer that I did earlier today. Is there any point in waiting for Google to restore my apps if I'm just going to restore it from Smart Switch on my computer anyway?

They're ruining phones. Can they just make 'this' perfect phone please?

Sure, no bezels is nice. A phone that's 6 inches is smaller than older 5.5 inch and almost all screen is beautiful, but I do not understand their obsession with bezels. Just make them smaller. That's it. I HATE these holes and notches. Watching a video or playing a game with a hole on the screen is supposed to be good? I seen an upcoming samsung phone that has the front selfie camera pull up. It's cool, but unnecessary. No one asked for any of this.

I don't understand the obsession with tall narrow phones.
I don't understand the obsession with taking out headphone jack and sd card.
I don't understand the obsession with glass.
I don't understand the obsession with huge phones.

Give me this phone:
Flagship processor and ram.
Small bezels. No holes or notches.
A good camera. I don't need a ground breaking camera. I don't want to be a photographer.
4 to 5 inches.
No glass.
Amoled display.
Sd card slot.
Headphone jack.
Most importantly, give me a phone, with top of the notch calling experience.

Is this too much to ask for?

Can't get bitmap from cache

I'm trying to share a bitmap from my cache drive to other social media apps. My goal is to allow the user to share their memes on social media without creating a copy of it in the Gallery app, as I have already implemented a saving feature for that. But when I call the shareMeme() method, social media apps are launched without the bitmap.

This is my shareMeme() method:

public void shareMeme(Bitmap bitmap) {
    String path = Objects.requireNonNull(getContext()).getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath();
    File file = new File(path + "/Memes/" + timeStamp + counter + ".jpg");
    Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(getContext(), "com.example.omar.memegenerator.fileprovider", file);
    try {
        OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file);
        bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    Intent share = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
    share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri);
    share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, "This is my Meme");
    getContext().startActivity(Intent.createChooser(share, "Share Your Meme!"));

    Toast.makeText(getContext(), "The Cache drive is: " + path, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

This is my res/xml/filepaths.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<paths xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <cache-path name="shared_images" path="Memes/"/>

And this is the manifest:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

                android:resource="@xml/filepaths" />


Text message fails to send to group chat

Hello! I am getting an error message when trying to reply to a "group text" with 7 other people. I am seeing their messages, photos, etc. But can't reply back - each response comes back with my original message in purple box with red circle (!) error code = mixed group of iPhone & Android users. I have Galaxy S7...

I have tested a separate group of friends to see if they receive my messages, and both groups are getting them. Just this other one that seems to be the challenge - not sure what's going on here!

"Couldn't send message"

I have tried the 'resend' option multiple times, but 'failure' keeps happening. :( This is the language that shows up in the (!) box to top right of my initial message. Thanks in advance for any feedback!!

Help Galaxy Tab A 10.1 - System Data Taking up ~10 GB

My model is SM-T580 and I'm running Android 8.1.0. I have been getting the running out of memory warning and trying to figure out what is going on.

When I look at internal storage from the System Interface, I see see 13.7 of 16GB used, with 13.7GB of system/user data. It lists ~54MB for docs, ~31MB for images, ~5MB for audio, and 4.6GB for apps. That leaves a bit over 9GB unaccounted for, a bit over 3GB of which should be for the sytem.

When I use Storage Truth on my tablet I see that the system is actually blocking 3.24 GB with 2.58 used and .66 free; however, I have repeated data entries that start with data/knox/ and go on to: secure_fs/enc_user; secure/fs/enc_media; data_de/150; misc_de/150; data/150; and misc_ce/150, which say 10.64GB, 8.31GB used; 2.33 GB free.

What the heck is the 8.31gb used? Or the unaccounted for 6GB or so? How do I get rid of whatever is bloating up my device? I already have as storage card in and I can move apps over, but I'm still concerned about the internal storage being eaten up. Does it have to do with the phase out of Knox, which used to be on there? Did it block off a segment of storage before it was pulled from the system? Anyway, I'll stop rapid-firing questions. Would love help if anyone has seen (and hopefully solved) this issue. Thanks!

Help Moto G3 Unable to see all photos via USB from Windows 7

Most of the relevant discussions for this problem are really old (2016), but this just started happening to me, apparently in January this year. Prior to that, connecting to the G3 via USB showed all the photos and videos that were also visible in the Gallery. Something seems to have changed in early January such that photos accessible in the Gallery and visible with X-plore on the device are no longer visible through a USB (MTP) connection. But it's just the photos that are no longer visible. The videos are unaffected, as are the audio recordings made with Easy Voice Recorder.

This is a Moto G3, running Android 6.0. I have a 32Gb Transcend SD card, configured to be used as internal storage. When I eject the SD card, it does not seem to change what is visible either on the device or through USB on the computer. I did manage to get a backup of my photos by using X-plore to copy the now invisible files to a newly created folder on the G3, which was then immediately accessible via my USB connection.

I have tried the various solutions suggested in the 2016 posts, including removing/replacing the SD card, clearing various caches, and updating the driver Windows is using to access the device, but nothing has succeeded in making the invisible files show up again.

I am at a loss to understand what is going on here. Any suggestions are more than welcome.

Basic concern about Textfiles

I'm a naive to android development. I'm making an app regarding digital investigating , for this project I want a feature that when the app opens it should demand that UPLOAD A TEXT FILE and after uploading and it should processed in less time and then save the same file in SORTED (alphabetically) manner.
How can I perform all this ?
Can somebody guide me in this project?

Samsung J3 - random double-vibrates

My Samsung J3 (specifically SM-J330FN) has suddenly started giving a curious double-vibration at random intervals. Since I never know when it's going to happen it's difficult to listen closely to the effect, but both sounds are very brief and of the same duration.

Notification reminder is switched off and I can't find any other setting which would produce this. The phone is running Android 8.0.0.

I'd be very grateful for any thoughts. Thanks.

Apps How to parsel bitmap image into another activity

This is my image capture method

imageView = findViewById(R.id.image_prievew);
findViewById(R.id.btn_image_capture).setOnClickListener(v -> {
captureBitmap(bitmap -> {
new Handler().post(() -> {
String imagePath = getImageFilePath();
saveAsPngImage(bitmap, imagePath);
exportPngToGallery(getApplicationContext(), imagePath);

I used this method in my first activity just below of image capture method(Activity 1)

findViewById(R.id.image_prievew).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Bitmap receipt = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(bitmap.toString());

Intent intent = new Intent(BaseCameraActivity.this,ImageCaptureListner.class);
intent.putExtra("Bmp",receipt); //Optional parameters

I want to pass above captured image into this activity but it showing error:(Activity 2)

imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.image_bitmap);

Bitmap bitmap = getIntent().getExtras().getParcelable("Bmp");

call forwarding

I'm looking for an app, which would help me solve the following problem.
There is a gate, which can be opened by calling from one authorized phone number (let's say 111111111) to another. A gate receives calles on it's own number (let's say 999999999) and then - when the caller is identified as authorized, it opens. However, there are other people which need to open the gate. In order to do it, they have to call number 111111111 and ask the number's owner to cal 999999999 from their mobile.
What I would like to do is - install some application on the device with number 111111111, which could be controlled by other, authorized phone numbers - for example 222222222, 333333333, 444444444 and which would make a call from 111111111 to 999999999 on their demand. Is that possible?
In other words, I need the number which controls the gate opening, to work as server for a few other mobile phones.

Default storage location, how to set to SD Card?

For my husband's Nokia 6.1, running Android 9, I cannot find a place in Settings. to make the MicroSD card the default location for saving files, especially Download. There is a Download folder on the SD card with nothing in it. I just changed his Google Chrome setting to make the SD card the default location but want to do so for the entire phone if possible.

Cannot find this on Nokia's site (where another user asked this question in Nov 2018 without getting an answer.) Also cannot turn up any search result looking for this with an Android 9 tag.



Hola que pasa aqui les traigo la version de

KrakenOS 12 Aguas negras es meenor a la version original
pero trae todo los nesesario para hacer lllamadas
y enviar mensajes

asta aqui mi reporte






Hi what happens here I bring you the version of

KrakenOS 12 Black Waters is meenor to the original version
but it brings all the necessary to make callings
and send messages

here is my report




Multiple pictures issue

Greetings fellow Android users,

forgive me if this issue has been addressed, but I've been having this issue with my S7 ever since I bought it years ago.

It used to be If I wanted to send someone say, multiple photos, I could do so and the person would receive just one text with all of the photos. Now, if I send my wife ten photos of our daughter in one text message, my wife's phone will receive ten individual picture texts It drives me crazy!!

Please tell me there's a simple fix that I've missed.


Ethernet problem gig speed

So I bought a Cat 7 50 foot ethernet cable and a usbc to ethernet adapter for my note 9 thinking this will finally bring the speed up dramatically. Unfortunately its hit and miss I get these readings below . Am I doing this wrong ?? cause in the picture below it shows the i need to set up the ethernet connection even tho it is . And when I go into this it says turn off the ethernet connection. I did purchase a cheap 20 dollar cat 7 flat ethernet cable.

Should I buy a cat 8 cable for more money and that may solve it or am I connecting this up wrong ?

I have ran a my modem test and it says that the speeds should be 1000mbs


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