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Am i being ridiclous? Droid 2 OVER the X?


Well-Known Member
Why hello all you sexy people

I'm rocking a droid eris right now. Not "rocking" in the sense where i'm rockin out and lovin it, "rocking" as in it's like a big rock in my hand. I was so set on getting the X but this backorder just pisses me off. I have the money now and i want to upgrade now, but the only thing that's in stock is the droid 2. Which is like a mini droid x. I'm also thinking, what if i ordered a droid x and there's an issue? I have to wait 3 weeks for a replacement? Really? Pardon my harsh language, but this does not tickle me the right way.

The main reasons i wanted a droid x was the higher quality cam and the big ass screen. So tell me. Does the droid 2's screen seem dinky? Do you feel good browsing? How does 2.2 feel? Is the picture quality on this cam a dealbreaker? Does the fact that this phone ISN'T on backorder say something about how good or bad it is? Was anyone here considering a droid x and then decided on a droid 2? How often do you use the real keyboard vs virtual? Regret getting the 2 yet?

I should've made that less of a mess of jumbled questions...but if anybody could answer a couple of these, i'll send a thanks your way and maybe let you borrow my girlfriend for an hour
Why hello all you sexy people

I'm rocking a droid eris right now. Not "rocking" in the sense where i'm rockin out and lovin it, "rocking" as in it's like a big rock in my hand. I was so set on getting the X but this backorder just pisses me off. I have the money now and i want to upgrade now, but the only thing that's in stock is the droid 2. Which is like a mini droid x. I'm also thinking, what if i ordered a droid x and there's an issue? I have to wait 3 weeks for a replacement? Really? Pardon my harsh language, but this does not tickle me the right way.

The main reasons i wanted a droid x was the higher quality cam and the big ass screen. So tell me. Does the droid 2's screen seem dinky? Do you feel good browsing? How does 2.2 feel? Is the picture quality on this cam a dealbreaker? Does the fact that this phone ISN'T on backorder say something about how good or bad it is? Was anyone here considering a droid x and then decided on a droid 2? How often do you use the real keyboard vs virtual? Regret getting the 2 yet?

I should've made that less of a mess of jumbled questions...but if anybody could answer a couple of these, i'll send a thanks your way and maybe let you borrow my girlfriend for an hour

I totally feel your pain on the back order issue. The Dx is my first phone with Verizon after canceling my T-Mobile account. I ordered the Dx, canceled T-Mobile and have not had a phone with service since the 13th.

The day before I ordered I stopped in a Verizon store to test out the phones.

The fact that the Droid 2 not on back order is due to advertising not being all out there yet (I just seen the first TV ad yesterday). Not to mention for the non-technical people who don't know about the specs of the system at all, they don't see the difference between the Droid and the Droid 2. For those people there is no reason to upgrade their existing droid to the droid 2. Droid-X has billboards and ads that have been out since the start of this month, that I have noticed.

As far as browsing and everything else is concerned the droid 2 is smooth and with Android 2.2, it gets a great rating when I ran The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5? from the phone at the store (179 score). WAY better than what IE 8 or Firefox 3.6.8 get on that same test.

To me the screen was not dinky, but then again my previous phone I am coming from is a Samsung Behold 2. So the droid 2 is half of a inch larger than my old phone. Also keep this in mind, you are trying to compare the screen size to the phone with the largest screen on the market now. The only other phones with screen larger than the Droid 2 are the Samsung Galaxy S model phones.
I chose the Droid 2 over the X and I'm happy with that decision. I've only had mine for a couple of days and it's an awesome phone so far.
Also as a side note, if you are reading the Droid-X threads notice how some have exchanged their phones several times or already broke them are getting exchanges. So this is creating a shortage of supply that should be made available to the purchasers.
Just thought it would be helpful to point out that the shortage of Droid X's has nothing to do with it being a superior phone or lack of advertising for the Droid 2.

HTC placed an order with a company to make a specific amount of screens for the Droid X. Once that order was fulfilled, like any company that fulfills an order, they stopped production on them. Basically, HTC messed up in shorting themselves on their order and was left asking "hey where are our screens?". Things have been resolved, but obviously it's going to take awhile to catch things up and this is where the delay lies.
Just thought it would be helpful to point out that the shortage of Droid X's has nothing to do with it being a superior phone or lack of advertising for the Droid 2.

HTC placed an order with a company to make a specific amount of screens for the Droid X. Once that order was fulfilled, like any company that fulfills an order, they stopped production on them. Basically, HTC messed up in shorting themselves on their order and was left asking "hey where are our screens?". Things have been resolved, but obviously it's going to take awhile to catch things up and this is where the delay lies.

Is it HTC's fault or Verizon's? Phone carriers do forecasting and, I believe, tell manufacturers how many the expect to sell and, likely, how many they are willing to discount.

I think this is the problem with the HTC EVO which I've almost tossed in the towel on obtaining. Sprint likes to blame the screen shortage. True, there is a screen shortage. However, they have admitted they screwed up their forecast so now they're squeezing HTC to catch up. HTC orders screens based upon those forecasts and now is stuck begging screen makers to make even more.
Just thought it would be helpful to point out that the shortage of Droid X's has nothing to do with it being a superior phone or lack of advertising for the Droid 2.

HTC placed an order with a company to make a specific amount of screens for the Droid X. Once that order was fulfilled, like any company that fulfills an order, they stopped production on them. Basically, HTC messed up in shorting themselves on their order and was left asking "hey where are our screens?". Things have been resolved, but obviously it's going to take awhile to catch things up and this is where the delay lies.
I believe that you may be thinking of the HTC Incredible where Samsung did not want to increase production of the AMOLED displays used in the Incredible so that they could instead focus on Super AMOLED display production for their own Galaxy S series phones. The Droid X is a Motorola product and uses an LCD display, I do not think that there are any display availability issues related to the Droid X.

However, this may be indirectly related to the Droid X availability as the problem with availability of the Incredible led Verizon to push people to wait for and then order the Droid X instead. They even allowed existing order for the Incredible to be switched. So that probably increased demand for the Droid X beyond what was expected if the Incredible had been available with no backorder.
I got a droid 2 for the very same reason as you, I didn't want to wait any longer for the droid x to be available, and while the droid 2 is a good phone, im going to return it for a droid x before my 30 days is up, even if I have to wait longer for a droid x to come in. I just want that bigger screen and to me it just seems like the droid x is a bit smoother for some reason. (my gf has a droid x so I've played with it alot)
I played with a Droid 2 today, I was at the mall and figured what the heck. It is a nice phone, the keyboard is a lot better on it than the original Droid. While I like the phone I won't be getting rid of my Droid X anytime soon.

I don't care for physical keyboards personally, and I like my bigger screen. But I definitely think the phone was nice and would recommend it people.
So! I decided...drumroll please...

I had the choice between the x and droid 2 because i was at one of the few stores that had both in stock yesterday. I've been so committed to getting the x ever since it came out i never even looked at the droid 2. Having a dinky little POS eris with it's 3.2 inch screen, i was stuck in that "i'm sick of small. I want BIGGER. BIGGER!" mentality so whereas others would complain about how big the x was and not pocketable, i was stuck on "screw it. Bigger is better baby". So, imagine my shock when i finally try it in the store yesterday and i go into total reversal mode of "uh, big is great. But this is just huge".

Then i tried to convince myself to play with it and that i might like it and get used to the big screen and blah blah. Then i saw how laggy it was. And all these little things about the x just started to really turn me off. People use key buzzwords when talking about these products, much like a fan of cars talks about their engine. When they say "HD cam" you think that's gotta be awesome. Til you see what it really is. It's not horrible but it's not exactly what you think when you hear HD either. So from then on, i decided the camera was out of the equation.

I'm big into swype, that's why droid 2 wasn't even on my radar. But surprisingly, the keyboard on the droid 2 feels pretty effing cool. The d-pad for games and scrolling was a nice bonus and it doesn't add much bulk.

Having read a million reviews and refreshing the search "droid x" on youtube to see all the new videos brainwashed me a little. Everyone reviewing (except phonedog) talked about how small the droid 2 screen was compared to the droid x, but to me anyway it felt huge. Slightly bigger than my old iPhone. So for me anyway, i choose the droid 2. Ran smoother, keyboard was a surprising pro instead of a con, the camera isn't nearly as bad as they say, 2.2 out of the box, screen is effing beautiful and it's in stock everywhere you go so no backorder. What if my phone breaks and i need a new one? Would they send it to me right then or would there be a backorder? I don't know. Kinda worried me.

Cash in hand, droid 2 felt like the better deal to me. But really, i was set on the x for the past month and it took one trip to verizon to change my mind. You won't know how you feel until you hold them both in your hand. X is great if it's what you want but you need to be sure it's what you want. We can talk specs and watch youtube videos/reviews til our eyes burn out, but until you hold it...like i said. You won't know. Specs and user experience can be very different things
In my opinion, the only things the X has over the 2 are: larger screen, HD Cam, and HDMI (if you would actually use this).

The D2's keyboard is a 1000% improvement over the D1, and I went the 2 over the X because of that. My wife wanted the physical keyboard. Both phones have a 1GHz processor, and I imagine the performance is similar between the X and the 2. At least it wouldn't be enough to have made me go for the X.

The D2 gets equivalent quadrant benchmarks as my D1 OC'd to 1.1Ghz. And it doesn't run nearly as hot doing it.

So! I decided...drumroll please...

I had the choice between the x and droid 2 because i was at one of the few stores that had both in stock yesterday. I've been so committed to getting the x ever since it came out i never even looked at the droid 2. Having a dinky little POS eris with it's 3.2 inch screen, i was stuck in that "i'm sick of small. I want BIGGER. BIGGER!" mentality so whereas others would complain about how big the x was and not pocketable, i was stuck on "screw it. Bigger is better baby". So, imagine my shock when i finally try it in the store yesterday and i go into total reversal mode of "uh, big is great. But this is just huge".

Then i tried to convince myself to play with it and that i might like it and get used to the big screen and blah blah. Then i saw how laggy it was. And all these little things about the x just started to really turn me off. People use key buzzwords when talking about these products, much like a fan of cars talks about their engine. When they say "HD cam" you think that's gotta be awesome. Til you see what it really is. It's not horrible but it's not exactly what you think when you hear HD either. So from then on, i decided the camera was out of the equation.

I'm big into swype, that's why droid 2 wasn't even on my radar. But surprisingly, the keyboard on the droid 2 feels pretty effing cool. The d-pad for games and scrolling was a nice bonus and it doesn't add much bulk.

Having read a million reviews and refreshing the search "droid x" on youtube to see all the new videos brainwashed me a little. Everyone reviewing (except phonedog) talked about how small the droid 2 screen was compared to the droid x, but to me anyway it felt huge. Slightly bigger than my old iPhone. So for me anyway, i choose the droid 2. Ran smoother, keyboard was a surprising pro instead of a con, the camera isn't nearly as bad as they say, 2.2 out of the box, screen is effing beautiful and it's in stock everywhere you go so no backorder. What if my phone breaks and i need a new one? Would they send it to me right then or would there be a backorder? I don't know. Kinda worried me.

Cash in hand, droid 2 felt like the better deal to me. But really, i was set on the x for the past month and it took one trip to verizon to change my mind. You won't know how you feel until you hold them both in your hand. X is great if it's what you want but you need to be sure it's what you want. We can talk specs and watch youtube videos/reviews til our eyes burn out, but until you hold it...like i said. You won't know. Specs and user experience can be very different things

You think the droid 2 runs smoother? I think otherwise, im guessing because the websites are loading flash whereas the droid x isn't. I guess I will find out when my gf's droid x gets the 2.2 update and isn't as smooth anymore. I still want the droid x though because I browse on my phone alot and look at videos and the bigger the screen the better for those types of things.
I'm big into swype, that's why droid 2 wasn't even on my radar. But surprisingly, the keyboard on the droid 2 feels pretty effing cool. The d-pad for games and scrolling was a nice bonus and it doesn't add much bulk.

I thought Droid 2 was also preloaded with swype? Check your keyboard settings and let us know.
I have the DX. I traded in my Dinc for it. Honestly? They are all three superlative phones. (BTW, the DX fits fine in my pocket.) It is a benefit to us that we can have the choice of so many great phones. Enjoy your D2. :)
I picked up a D2 Friday. I was waiting for my NE2 date in October to get the $50 discount. Unfortunately, my old well used storm let me down and I needed a phone now.

I got the D2 thinking of the 30 day rental and hoping Dx would be in stock by then. I am hearing that a few higher volume stores are getting a few in. I still may trade for the Dx, I dont know.

But, This D2 is AUsome! I can see me possibly keeping it. I forgot how handy a real keyboard can be. I love having the WHOLE screen for relevant real estate when I have that keyboard out. I have it loaded with all my favorite apps and some new ones. It is a great size and feels like a piece of quality electronics.

The phone is fast with no lag to speak of. The screen is big enough for my old eyes. Froyo is AUsome. Battery life is great and getting better. Most importantly, it holds a call and gets data MUCH better than my old storm or my daughters eris's. Thank you Moto!

I still may try the Dx, but this phone.....it DOES!

The droid is a good phone the x is a good phone its all in preference mY friend I bought a droid thinking about the x. It would be the same the other way around too many choices. I think I'll keep the little droid even though I still have timeto return but I'm attached now
Why hello all you sexy people

I'm rocking a droid eris right now. Not "rocking" in the sense where i'm rockin out and lovin it, "rocking" as in it's like a big rock in my hand. I was so set on getting the X but this backorder just pisses me off. I have the money now and i want to upgrade now, but the only thing that's in stock is the droid 2. Which is like a mini droid x. I'm also thinking, what if i ordered a droid x and there's an issue? I have to wait 3 weeks for a replacement? Really? Pardon my harsh language, but this does not tickle me the right way.

The main reasons i wanted a droid x was the higher quality cam and the big ass screen. So tell me. Does the droid 2's screen seem dinky? Do you feel good browsing? How does 2.2 feel? Is the picture quality on this cam a dealbreaker? Does the fact that this phone ISN'T on backorder say something about how good or bad it is? Was anyone here considering a droid x and then decided on a droid 2? How often do you use the real keyboard vs virtual? Regret getting the 2 yet?

I should've made that less of a mess of jumbled questions...but if anybody could answer a couple of these, i'll send a thanks your way and maybe let you borrow my girlfriend for an hour

I had the X and i exchanged it it was just to big for my liking so now im waiting to see maybe the fascinate or the whatever comes out in the next month or so. I played with a droid 2 and it was really nice i liked the keyboard and the screen didnt seem that small at all. Its more of a personal preference than anything just go play with them both and see which you like better
havong come from an eris->droid->droid 2, i gotta say the d2 is a huge upgrade over the droid.

Definately alot harder to choke it up :p. While i do appreciate the larger screen of the droid x, i tend to think that it is a bit of a breakage hazard, at least for me. Im a mechanic=delicate things do not last around me :P.

My phone has got to be able to take a beating. The eris took an epic amount of abuse without a problem, 2.1 was the problem w/ the eris. The droid i got as a replacement was having hardware button issues which warranted a repalcement and put me into a d2.

So far this thing is awesome, the screen is definately a tad smaller than the dx however i dont think its a noticeable difference. Whiel i rarely, if ever use the physical keyboard i think it can be useful.

Last but not least, the other main factor in choosing the d2 over the dx/inc was the overall phone design, while different from the droid in a few aspects, is a generally proven design. I like proven hehe.
The Droid 2 is my first Android phone. I have been waiting a long time to jump ship to Android, and after trying both the 2 and the X side by side I chose the D2 over the X for these reasons:

- Overall Design: The Droid 2 has the X beat in this department IMO. The physical keys at the bottom of the X are not made well, and move around quite a bit. Having those keys built in on the screen of the 2 makes the overall look and feel of the phone nicer to me. I know some people may not agree with me, but that is ok!

- Screen- I came from an iPhone 3Gs so the screen on the Droid 2 is a wee bit bigger, and after fiddling with the Droid X the screen seemed too large for me. I have very large hands and even for me the X felt way too big. It seems like these days the bigger screen the better, but for me I don't need all that real estate.

Those are the two biggest reasons.

As a side note a lot of people seem to be comlpaining about the camera on the 2. I myself have not had any problems with it. Maybe that is because I am coming from a 3GS? I'm not sure, but I will say that I enjoy taking pictures on my D2 over mu iPhone by far.

NOT TO MENTION VERIZON'S NETWORK IS 1,000,000,000 TIMES BETTER THAN AT&T... That fact I cannot stress enough.
Whiel i rarely, if ever use the physical keyboard i think it can be useful..

I agree. When I got the D2 i thought it would be fun to have a keyboard again, but since then I've fallen head over heels for Swype!

Thats not to say having a physical keyboard for an SNES emulater is better than screen keys though :p
I'm in the D2 section to help my friend with her battery life. She's coming from a BB :where's the throw up icon?:

Anyway I can tell you being a DX owner that I love my DX for it's screen size and how thin it is. She wanted d2 for the physical keyboard.

I can't stand her D2. I'm spoiled and the screen is tiny. The text on the widgets is tiny. On the weather channel widget the text is barely readable.

It is heavy and thick. I'm shocked they didn't make the D2 dramatically thinner than the D1. I guess they figured rounding the corners would be enough to satiate D1 fans.

Like I said I'm spoiled.

The other day I went into the Verizon store while waiting on pizza and after zooming around and playing with all the phones I was surprised that I didn't have an ounce of envy for any of the phones in the store. They were either slow, unresponsive, or they had windows mobile, palm, BB etc.

I left that store loving my DX even more... especially with launcher pro fully customized.

Just wanted to give a DX POV
I'm in the D2 section to help my friend with her battery life. She's coming from a BB :where's the throw up icon?:

Anyway I can tell you being a DX owner that I love my DX for it's screen size and how thin it is. She wanted d2 for the physical keyboard.

I can't stand her D2. I'm spoiled and the screen is tiny. The text on the widgets is tiny. On the weather channel widget the text is barely readable.

It is heavy and thick. I'm shocked they didn't make the D2 dramatically thinner than the D1. I guess they figured rounding the corners would be enough to satiate D1 fans.

Like I said I'm spoiled.

The other day I went into the Verizon store while waiting on pizza and after zooming around and playing with all the phones I was surprised that I didn't have an ounce of envy for any of the phones in the store. They were either slow, unresponsive, or they had windows mobile, palm, BB etc.

I left that store loving my DX even more... especially with launcher pro fully customized.

Just wanted to give a DX POV

I did notice my d2 didn't come with an overinflated ego or god complex......
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