See, this update was a real... odd update. The core error is with the boot partition. That's where it fails.
It seems in the logs, everything flashes fine until the end, when it draws the partition layouts. I personally don't develop updates, so I'm not sure why it looks at the partition table to begin with.
It seems the initial error occurs during writing of the userdata partition. It mucks up either the partition table layout, or just the boot sector.
Now, RUU mode is an interesting mode. Unlike standard fastboot mode, you can actually execute "fastboot flash" commands. However, (THANKS AS USUAL HTC), everything you can flash HAS to be signed by HTC. So you can't just go flashing even extracted img files to fix it. As well, some nice person at HTC decided to disable the ability to erase partitions from RUU mode.
Now, with "fastboot oem" commands, we were unable to boot into regular, HBOOT, or fastboot modes. There was a "too many links" error when trying to do a standard boot, compared to your regular one describing the model number and such.
So, here's where it sucks. Unless HTC actually becomes helpful, the only way to fix this is either JTAG or send to HTC.
Puleen and I went through everything, including trying the zip files from the e911 update. The only way to fix, I repeat again, is to reflash the flash ROM, which you cannot do via software at this time.
I'll post as I hear things. This really sucks for you guys