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Update: 2.1 OS upgrade for Rogers HTC Magic+

I updated yesterday as soon as I got the Twitter from RogersMary. I had the issue with Insufficient Space and started deleting things from the SD card. When I had 1.5 GB free and it still gave the error, I started deleting apps (I had done a backup already, though, so my apps were saved). With 108MB free, it STILL told me I didn't have enough space, so I talked to Rogers Support. They said to talk to HTC. HTC had me do a soft reset, taking out the battery for 10 seconds and then putting it in and trying again. Still no go. At that point, the only option I saw was a factory reset (after seeing mjschmidt's tweets on it, and others suggesting factory reset was the way to go), and the HTC rep agreed.

I found the manual update option and was about to try it but the revision number (the last digit of the version number) was supposed to be 3 and mine was 7, so even though the rest was identical, I didn't want to take a chance. So I did a factory wipe which, oddly, didn't get rid of the 911 update or Sense UI. Everything else was gone, though. Started back up, the update came down, installed right away, no more issues.

Funny thing, my wife has the exact same phone that we got at the exact same time, and I did the 911 update to both back in January with no issues... She did the 2.1 update OTA, first shot, no issues. Weird! Must be me!

I like 2.1 so far. I added vlingo per a previous post, and now I have the voice recognition. Live wallpaper would have been cool, but I don't want to melt my phone as it tries to perform that function, so I will live without it... Now, I want my 2.2 (ya, I'm a lil greedy! ;) )
Had the same issue as SlydeDraco where I was getting the Insufficient Storage error. I removed apps until I had only 50 MB out of 165 MB used and my SD card had 6 GB out of 8 GB free but was still getting the same error so I did a factory reset and the update then worked without issue. Lost all my apps but I am looking at this as a chance to start again and reinstall. Really missed the voice search in Google but Michael S. pointed me in the right direction and I got that back! Also with 2.1 I now have my Kindle for Android and Google Goggles! Very happy so far!
I do seem to have less free memory available now though as when I use Advanced Task Killer to kill all running apps I still only have 64M available when before I used to get upwards of 90M but there does seem to be more crap on here now.
For all users with update errors

It seems there are two common errors, the triangle-! error, and the Insufficient Storage error.

1. In most cases users with the triangle-! error have been able to get the update to work but simply retrying the OTA update until it works. According to HTC the update is set up to continue DLing/installing from the last spot, so theoretically retrying will eventually have the update pick up where it left off. Possibly this error is due to network congestion from people doing the update?

2. as for the Insufficient Storage error, the majority of users who have done a Factory Reset have found that it works after.

So, if you encounter these errors, try the following:

1. Retry the OTA repeatedly until it works.

2. Turn off phone, remove battery, wait 10 seconds or so, replace battery, reboot, try OTA again.


Also, there is manual download you can try (not OTA). Details are on my blog.

I Want My One Point Six - Demanding Android 1.6 for our Rogers HTC Magic & Dream, and LG Eve Phones

I have an HTC Magic, not-rooted, with the E911 update preformed back in Feb.

Bolded the parts above that affected me.

I had thetriangle-! error 4 times in a row last night and gave up.
The triangle-! error would always come up at approx 60% of the way through the unpacking, and it would come up after the progress bar had stopped moving for a good 20 seconds.

I tried to call HTC support in N.America last night about it, but the lady did not know anything about the error. It took her 20 minutes to first tell me to take the battery out of the back of the phone to soft-reset it. And after I got the error again, she told me we should go for a hard-reset. I said "yea.... :/" I'll get back to you guys on that.

I figured I will leave it for the evening, and try again tomorrow.

When I try to update this morning from a fresh download this is what I get:

and then:

i am getting the 'no update is available, your phone is up to date' msg as well.

i've been struggling with the insufficient space msg the last couple days, but i have around 60mb free on the phone and 3 gigs on my sd card. and i really prefer not to have to do a factory reset.

this morning i tried again, but now the update isn't even available anymore!
I too, have had the same exclamation mark, factory reset, and no update available experience as well!

Both Rogers and HTC have told me to find a windows machine that can run the manual update, or, wait the two weeks for the update schedule to come around again for the phone.

This is nutz.
@Volred: I've emailed Mary to ask her to check that the OTA update is still, in fact, available OTA.

Great. I would assume that they may just be fixing the "zip" package so that it doesn't break when "unzipping".
I can wait for the next OTA update to come back around.

I too, have had the same exclamation mark, factory reset, and no update available experience as well!

Both Rogers and HTC have told me to find a windows machine that can run the manual update, or, wait the two weeks for the update schedule to come around again for the phone.

This is nutz.

You can always tell your phone to check for an update.
See my post above the the pictures.
Thx for the note - I've been manually trying the 'Check Now' button on the hour, every hour.

That said, I might take a step back and wait the two weeks to see if they fix this crappy package.
No, running the E911 package. Been afraid of wrecking my phone with rooting. WHoda thunk I'd have troubles with the stock builds.

I've been trying to update my phone since yesterday. Was and still am on the 911 update *forced* by Rogers.

I've tried from the OTA update (that was available yesterday but seem to no longer be.. perhaps they are working on a better install or something) and also the manual "Eclair" one.

The OTA update downloads fine but during the installation, it stops at about 60-70% and gives me the Warning ("!").

I also tried the manual process and this one is giving me the "Wrong signature" error.

I'm with Fido. Ever since the 911 update, the only way to get on my data plan is to go roaming (no extra charge, just annoying). I am seriously wondering if this could be the reason why the OTA update stays on the warning.

[From the HTC website]
In roaming mode if the data connection is through 3G/GPRS, all check-ins and downloads will be blocked. If Wi-Fi connection is available then the checking and downloading can still work

Maybe there is a verification made during the installation process and the phone is actually waiting for a non-roaming connection to be established with the carrier (note that I'm on wireless when trying to perform the OTA update).

Anyway, what I would like to know is if ANY Fido user got their phone to update via OTA or manually?

1. OTA OS 2.1 download = ~ 40 minutes

took ~7 minutes over wifi. chose that method as i didn't want to lose the signal.

5. After OS is installed, phone will reboot (the waiving droids are gone!)

my wife is heartbroken. she always smiled always waved back...

but so far it actually seems a little faster than OS 1.5.

it does feel snappier. there are moments where it lags a touch, but overall smoothness of scrolling and load times for menus are faster.

I've been trying to update my phone since yesterday. Was and still am on the 911 update *forced* by Rogers.

I've tried from the OTA update (that was available yesterday but seem to no longer be.. perhaps they are working on a better install or something) and also the manual "Eclair" one.

The OTA update downloads fine but during the installation, it stops at about 60-70% and gives me the Warning ("!").

I also tried the manual process and this one is giving me the "Wrong signature" error.

I'm with Fido. Ever since the 911 update, the only way to get on my data plan is to go roaming (no extra charge, just annoying). I am seriously wondering if this could be the reason why the OTA update stays on the warning.

[From the HTC website]
In roaming mode if the data connection is through 3G/GPRS, all check-ins and downloads will be blocked. If Wi-Fi connection is available then the checking and downloading can still work

Maybe there is a verification made during the installation process and the phone is actually waiting for a non-roaming connection to be established with the carrier (note that I'm on wireless when trying to perform the OTA update).

Anyway, what I would like to know is if ANY Fido user got their phone to update via OTA or manually?


Hilarious, just shows how much fido/rogers blows. I too have a magic (unrooted) running 1.5 with fido and i cannot upgrade OTA. Everytime I try click the "check now" button, it hangs at "checking". Thor was kind enough to post a nice link (previous page) that shows you how to root a ROGERS htc magic and upgrade to android 2.2 (froyo). I'm in the preliminary process of making sure my phone meets the criteria and the phone is in the proper state to follow his procedure, but once I'm done I plan on doing it. **** rogers and fido.
Hilarious, just shows how much fido/rogers blows. I too have a magic (unrooted) running 1.5 with fido and i cannot upgrade OTA. Everytime I try click the "check now" button, it hangs at "checking". Thor was kind enough to post a nice link (previous page) that shows you how to root a ROGERS htc magic and upgrade to android 2.2 (froyo). I'm in the preliminary process of making sure my phone meets the criteria and the phone is in the proper state to follow his procedure, but once I'm done I plan on doing it. **** rogers and fido.

I'm also having this problem but this is because the data is on roaming. To avoid this, connect your phone on a wireless connection and see if you can update via the OTA plz. I would really like to see if you can pass the installation part... mine stucks at about 70% (warning "!").

I'm also getting tired about this situation and seriously thinking about rooting. I think you loose the hability to use your data plan though when doing so... not sure.

Can anyone confirm this?
I'm also having this problem but this is because the data is on roaming. To avoid this, connect your phone on a wireless connection and see if you can update via the OTA plz. I would really like to see if you can pass the installation part... mine stucks at about 70% (warning "!").

I'm also getting tired about this situation and seriously thinking about rooting. I think you loose the hability to use your data plan though when doing so... not sure.

Can anyone confirm this?

I can check but I highly doubt i'll take if it does. Why run 2.1 when you can root and run 2.2?
did you use 1-click root?

I did but I cannot load a ROM onto it. The phone just boots back into normal operation. Sometimes it gets stuck in a loop. If I wait long enough it boots into the normal 1.5.

Anyone have the "No signature" error during the install procedure?
See my Prev Post, I am with Fido, checked OTA, it was available and downloaded and install for me no issues at all first try.

Thats weird. I'm with Fido too and I connected to wifi and checked for updates, and I got "there are no updates available you are up to date". lol. Lame...
Hi. I am also getting the "signature error" . Unlocked Magic on Bell network. Tried wifi and taking out the battery but OTA doesn't give positive result. Downloaded the updater manually but get the signature error.
I can't seem to update either. When the update first came out, I tried downloading it, and got the "Insufficient Storage Error", because I actually didn't have enough. So I deleted some apps, and with around 100MB, still no dice, getting the "Insufficient Storage Error" Then I try again the next day, and it says no update is available anymore, and that my phone is up to date!
So I look, and find the manual updater. Of course, this causes problems too, and I get the "Error [132] Signarure Error" (with the typo :|).
Factory reset my phone, still get the Signature Error, and there is still no update reported when trying the OTA update.
Has anyone with these problems been able to update, or as thor124 said, has the update been taken off for updating OTA?
Out of curiosity then anything else has anyone been able to switch off the htc sense home screen and revert back to stock android?

I was able to do this pre-update and wonder if it has been disabled now.
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