I was on CM6 (froyo) but decided to go with the 2.1 update with rogers for one simple reason: i was losing signal around 10 times a day and the only way to have signal back is airplane on/off or reboot and i'm not the only one to have this issue there's a full post about it here Radio problems with rooted Rogers Magic 32A - CyanogenMod Forum
So what i did is that i installed back the 911RUU and I'm now waiting for the next OTA round. Everyone that want to root their phone get informed before and trust me when i tell you that it's really frustrating to lose signal randomly like that. Froyo is amazing but not worth losing signal like that. I might go back to it when this issue will be fixed.
So what i did is that i installed back the 911RUU and I'm now waiting for the next OTA round. Everyone that want to root their phone get informed before and trust me when i tell you that it's really frustrating to lose signal randomly like that. Froyo is amazing but not worth losing signal like that. I might go back to it when this issue will be fixed.