From the article:
I couldn't agree more! Saw the same thing with Blackberry. As of now a lot of their devices still don't have OS 5 on them even though it's been leaked for the better part of 2009 and the new devices they're pushing have it installed.
What's the incentive to buy the latest phone when you walk into Rogers and see that the latest/greatest is running the same OS you updated to a month ago. Sure, it may be faster, but is it worth the upgrade cost??? Probably not.
If you ask me, Rogers & HTC are on cahoots together on this. Just like many carriers & their phone manufacturers.
Yah - unfortunately, it might be the case here (HTC not having incentives to roll out upgrades). However, some argue that being known as a manufacturer that abandons already-sold devices might be incentive enough!
There a good discussion on this here: Slashdot | Carriers, Manufacturers Are Strangling Android