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Rogers Dream 1.6 Update

From the article:

I couldn't agree more! Saw the same thing with Blackberry. As of now a lot of their devices still don't have OS 5 on them even though it's been leaked for the better part of 2009 and the new devices they're pushing have it installed.

What's the incentive to buy the latest phone when you walk into Rogers and see that the latest/greatest is running the same OS you updated to a month ago. Sure, it may be faster, but is it worth the upgrade cost??? Probably not.

If you ask me, Rogers & HTC are on cahoots together on this. Just like many carriers & their phone manufacturers.

Yah - unfortunately, it might be the case here (HTC not having incentives to roll out upgrades). However, some argue that being known as a manufacturer that abandons already-sold devices might be incentive enough!

There a good discussion on this here: Slashdot | Carriers, Manufacturers Are Strangling Android
What about get one who represent for us to talk with Rogers?
Let's say, we might name a organization "Rogers Android customers Alliance"?
If needed, we can sign a formal letter and send to Rogers.

This is sort of what I was trying to do with the IWantMyOnePointSix site, that's why I registered the domain name, and created the twitter account. "I Want MY One Point Six" is meant to be a catchy slogan because of the alliteration of the words "want" and "one" that could become easily recognizable with our cause.

In order for it to work, though, it needs help by being supported by everyone in the forum, which is why I keep pestering y'all to go there and register or comment. ;-)

Other blogs have started to notice and are reporting on it. The more people who sign up on the blog, and who comment, and the more people who add it on Twitter, the higher we get in Google results, and the more exposure we get. It also helps us to appear as more of an organized group, and we can go to the media, and Rogers, and say "I/We represent the 'I Want My One Point Six' group of Rogers Android users".

As for being the official spokesperson, I don't mind being a voice here, but there are a number of users here, like Big Dog, loconet, Andy, and Puleen who have also been doing a lot to help with our exposure with their blogs.
FYI: There is a thread here about rooting the Rogers HTC Magic and Dream: http://androidforums.com/rogers/29742-rooting-rogers-htc-phones.html

Thanks to itsolution42 for the link (itsolution42 is also a follower of the IWantMyOnePointSix twitter feed).

Just because it has to be said: Use the instructions, and root, and your own risk. I have not tried these instructions yet, and your results may vary from others. You could brick your phone if you are not careful, and it voids your warranty. Caveat Emptor, consider yourself warned. I'm not a lawyer, or a doctor, but I occasionally play one or both on TV. Not.

I've been following this thread for some time and thought I'd chime in on a few items:

- Rogers did at one point get a software update from HTC. It was for a Windows Mobile 6 update for the S621 device. I had an HTC TyTn at the time and that one never got the same update, and that was 2 years ago... Maybe they had a bad experience with this? Maybe not enough customers bothered to upgrade? Only Rogers knows for sure... But to my knowledge that was the first and only time this was done. There does exist a precedent though!

- 3rd party ROMs are cool, but so far I have yet to find one that rivals the functionality of the carrier supplied ROMs. Specifically the 3rd party ROMs are devoid of ANY licensed software (namely HTC additions in this case). So you loose stuff like the PDFviewer, Exchange sync (mail, calendar and contacts) and a slew of others. Even the 1.5 and 1.6 ROMs from HTC for the development phones have these stripped. So there is defenitely a HUGE benefit to having a proper ROM from the carrier / OEM to assure we maintain that "terrific user experience"...

- Finally I can confirm that applying the 1.5 update from the Rogers / HTC web site to a rooted phone restores the phone to the factory default configuration (recovery, SPL, radio, data, and system) so if service is needed on your phone you are but an update away from a factory fresh phone! Doing this is probably a good idea anyway as this will guarentee your issue is not a software / configuration one...

So what did I do with my HTC TyTn... I eventually built my own WM6 ROM and was mostly satisfied with that. Became somewhat of an expert on hard resetting and re-initialising my device since it would lock up hard every so often. Was it my ROM? Don't know but I lived with it for two years.

Come on Rogers... Please step up to the plate so I don't have to go through that pain again!!!
Mary @ Rogers
24 minutes ago
Hi All - This is Mary with Rogers. I just wanted to clarify that HTC must customize the operating system to fully integrate with all aspects of Rogers platforms and services in order for the software to be approved by Rogers. If these customizations are not done, certain features/capabilities of the device may not work properly on the Rogers network. This will result in a poor user experience.

We have asked for an upgrade from HTC and while they have indicated that they had not planned to upgrade the Rogers Dream or Magic to 1.6., they agreed to investigate all options and get back to us.

When I have more to share, I will.

Confirmed: No Android 1.6 For Rogers HTC Dream/Magic | Android in Canada Blog
FYI: There is a thread here about rooting the Rogers HTC Magic and Dream: Rooting rogers htc phones?

Thanks to itsolution42 for the link (itsolution42 is also a follower of the IWantMyOnePointSix twitter feed).

Just because it has to be said: Use the instructions, and root, and your own risk. I have not tried these instructions yet, and your results may vary from others. You could brick your phone if you are not careful, and it voids your warranty. Caveat Emptor, consider yourself warned.
I will attest to this statement! Once I found out that Rogers.. HTC.. the Almighty Purple Chipmunk... or whoever the finger is pointing to at the moment decided not to provide 1.6 upgrades and my Rogers rep told me that I had used too many minutes in the first week to return the phone, I tried to take matters into my own hands.

I spent a couple of days researching rooting and modded ROMS. The first attempt provided me with a perfectly operable T-Mobile version of Android 1.5. I entered Rogers' APN info and found that aside from no 3G, it worked just fine. Working my way up to 1.6 in steps, I tried a modded Rogers 1.5 ROM, but messed up and flashed the SPL before the radio and... I am now bricked!

I have explained why I have done this to Rogers (I need the 1.6 upgrade for voice dialing as in my work, I use 2500+ minutes per month, mostly in my car (as of Jan 1, 2010 voice phone operation is law)). They had me call HTC Technical Support and I explained to the "tech?" what I had done and that I thought that I had bricked the phone. Not only did she not understand the term "bricked" but she proceeded to start going through the "push Home+End Call" button routine after I had already explained in detail that I was not able to access these screens and how I came to get that way.
I am now about to contact HTC repair to see what they have to say. I will post once I get a response.

I am so pissed that I am going through this simply because my mobile provider has decided to make my brand new phone obsolete and not provide upgrades to make my business phone usable in conjunction with the laws of my province!!

Can you say unacceptable? .... Sure you can...
Mary @ Rogers
24 minutes ago
Hi All - This is Mary with Rogers. I just wanted to clarify that HTC must customize the operating system to fully integrate with all aspects of Rogers platforms and services in order for the software to be approved by Rogers. If these customizations are not done, certain features/capabilities of the device may not work properly on the Rogers network. This will result in a poor user experience.

We have asked for an upgrade from HTC and while they have indicated that they had not planned to upgrade the Rogers Dream or Magic to 1.6., they agreed to investigate all options and get back to us.

When I have more to share, I will.

Not really sure what to say. While I appreciate the fact that Rogers is trying to get this solved, this actually tells me that they either they didn't researched what they were selling fully or they knew about the no-upgrade policy and were hoping we kept quiet? It still doesn't add up. Never mind the fact that HTC is selling phones that do not have an upgrade roadmap...

All this stinks like someone up top decided to ride the Android bandwagon and make a quick buck without thinking (or caring) about the significance of carrying such devices. :mad:
- 3rd party ROMs are cool, but so far I have yet to find one that rivals the functionality of the carrier supplied ROMs. Specifically the 3rd party ROMs are devoid of ANY licensed software (namely HTC additions in this case). So you loose stuff like the PDFviewer, Exchange sync (mail, calendar and contacts) and a slew of others.

I have 1.6 and Exchange sync works just fine with all the sync things that the original had. lots of pdf viewers etc. not to mention all the 1.6 only apps that work fine. It not only rivals the rogers brick, it works better. *

On the other hand, what did anyone expect rogers to do with this? You didn't believe the marketing did you? Same old crap they've pulled for many years going back long before smart phones. They all leave much to be desired and I have little hope with the Wind and whoever comes around. Same old game same old country.

* your mileage may vary. professional driver on closed course. actual device may not be exactly as shown. simulated picture. conditions apply. see dealer for details. oac. side effects include....
Hi Everyone - Sorry I haven't re-engaged sooner but I've been working with our team and HTC to try and find some answers for you.

I can see some of you have already quoted replies I've made to other blogs :)

From what I've read, most of it can be captured in a comment I made on I Want My One Point Six - Demanding Android 1.6 for our Rogers HTC Magic & Dream, and LG Eve Phones but I'll copy it below as well.

I'm sure you'll have additional questions/comments and I'll get back as often as I can.

Here's what I posted earlier:

Hi Michael
Hard to stay mad when Rogers uses fire-fighters posting after midnight. Get some rest Mary lol. Thanks for the info/work.

This isn't over though!
thanks for the reply mary...is late but i will add this,if they really want to keep their customers happy how about we just go to 2.0 since technically 1.6 is almost outdated now also and would cover any issues they may have also.by the time we see a 1.6 update really we should be at 2.0........
All I have to say is Keep Pushing Rogers but it you can't wait Root... I was not going to Root till I heard the news that Rogers was not going to be sending us updates... So I rooted my phone and had a new Rom installed in 20min.. All I have to say its the best thing that has happen to my phone.... I'm now using Android 1.6 everything works on the phone.. and its faster then the Rogers Rom.. and you get all the 1.6 apps....

I Thought rooting would be a Pain but there are some really easy way to root now...

How To: Root the HTC Magic in One Click! | The Unlockr and

How To: Load a Custom ROM on Your HTC Magic | The Unlockr

Was very easy..

Also on a side note! Now you can get Google maps Navigation working on your rooted Phone Outside the USA.. Using the Hacked version of maps... I tryed it out yesterday and it works great.
All I have to say is Keep Pushing Rogers but it you can't wait Root... I was not going to Root till I heard the news that Rogers was not going to be sending us updates... So I rooted my phone and had a new Rom installed in 20min.. All I have to say its the best thing that has happen to my phone.... I'm now using Android 1.6 everything works on the phone.. and its faster then the Rogers Rom.. and you get all the 1.6 apps....

I Thought rooting would be a Pain but there are some really easy way to root now...

How To: Root the HTC Magic in One Click! | The Unlockr and

How To: Load a Custom ROM on Your HTC Magic | The Unlockr

Was very easy..

Also on a side note! Now you can get Google maps Navigation working on your rooted Phone Outside the USA.. Using the Hacked version of maps... I tryed it out yesterday and it works great.

I wish it had been that easy for me! :-(

I saw a post earlier of someone who was in contact with a lawyer. Any chance of a class action law suit? There are just way too many of us who believe that we were mislead..
Since I bricked my own phone, I may not be able to join but I certainly would continue to help the cause...

Any thoughts?

BTW: No. 3 hit on Yahoo with a search of "Rogers HTC Dream" <no quotes> =


Anyone researching these phones before buying will find this type of information!
Keep it going all....

Agreed with that on theunlockr.com
Very easy and reliable.

Btw do you have a link for hacked gmaps?

here is the Link
[Think Tank #2 - SOLVED] Modifying Maps to enable Navigation outside USA - xda-developers

A class action law suit. would likey be the best thing. we just need to get the word out... I mean if you just do a search on google for the Magic or Dream with Rogers beside it some of the top links are about how Rogers will not do the update... and now that its out in the open I think alot more people will start to come to this place as well upset.
I want to thank RogersMary for taking the time to get back to us continuously with information. As she mentioned above, she posted a reply to my specific question on the IWantMyOnePointSix blog, and she copied and pasted them, verbatim, above.

I will shortly repost her comments as an actual blog post so they are easier for everyone to find, and I will include there my response to it.

We're not giving up, though, I consider this a foot in the door. If the information from Rogers is to be believed, and this is really HTC _refusing_ to do it, then Rogers needs to insist that it be done.

We are customers of Rogers, and Rogers is the customer of HTC. It is simply dumb to say no to your customer, because your customer can take away your business.

Imagine the edge Rogers would have if they convinced HTC (or coerced them) to get the update done, and Bell and Telus did not? Of course, that is assuming this information proves to be true, and RogersMary hasn't been misled by her own bosses, just to placate us.

@RogersMary: Thanks again for keeping up with us. Please let your bosses know that we aren't done, and we're not going away until we either have the update, or Rogers offers us a _proper_ replacement phone we consider to be equivalent (or, as far as some of us are concerned, inferior) in the iPhone.

@HTC: We're coming for you next.
Hi Everyone - Sorry I haven't re-engaged sooner but I've been working with our team and HTC to try and find some answers for you.
Take care,

Thank you for your continued efforts. I'm sure it is an uphill battle because as you say, for everyone here with Rogers and Rogers themselves, it's new territory. That said, someone at HTC, probably in the US, has been there before because it's already been done with T-Mobile, I believe. Maybe the Canadian office is a little behind the times and a quick call from Rogers to the US office might light a fire under the Canadian outpost!

I second the idea of someone else that, if the process has not been started, then it should be done for 2.0 and just skip the 1.6 step. As long as we know that Rogers is committed to their Android clients, most of us will probably hang in there.

Thanks again for your efforts.
Here's a question, let's say that there is a release of 1.6 for our HTC hardware. What happens next? January comes along and miraculously we get 1.6. So now we have somewhat up-to-date hardware. Now there is only 2 and a half years left on my contract and 2.5 is released...then what? Start this fight all over again? I don't think so. Mike (mjschmidt) will have to start another site called iwantmytwopointzero :). I feel that a hardware replacement is the only viable solution (for me anyway).

Thanks RogersMary for information provided to us. I will try to contact HTC and see if i could talk to someone in their management dept to confirm this story and as to why they have no plan to upgrade us to 1.6.

Secondly, people with T-mobile, verizon, sprint are running 1.6 on their droid phones without exchange and I don't see that is a feature for us. And because of this feature, we are held back.

Thirdly, HTC maybe working on 2.x for upgrades and new phone. Did Rogers asked about 2.x version update?

In the reply from HTC, they stated clearly that Rogers simply have to request for the update and I don't see why HTC would want to refuse it.
Here's a question, let's say that there is a release of 1.6 for our HTC hardware. What happens next? January comes along and miraculously we get 1.6. So now we have somewhat up-to-date hardware. Now there is only 2 and a half years left on my contract and 2.5 is released...then what? Start this fight all over again? I don't think so. Mike (mjschmidt) will have to start another site called iwantmytwopointzero :). I feel that a hardware replacement is the only viable solution (for me anyway).


Ok you have to remember one thing. If you read about 2.0 the hackers are working on, they barely managed to squeeze the ROM into dream/magic with a few mb left (just for the OS). So i doubt that 2.5 will be able to fit in there. But being said that, anything could happen. If I could get at least up to 2.0, I am a happy camper and i'll live with it. What Rogers could do is to have the next upgrade version remove the HTC branded ROM. This way, we can use google rom and stop bugging them for upgrade.
Why does HTC keep saying that 1.6 does not have Exchange support? Isn't exchange support native to android 1.x ?
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