I would almost love to have this phone just to show it to all my coworkers with iPhones.
Anyone seen one in the wild?
I noticed there isn't a forum for'm...
Hell yes there is a forum!!
"Seek and ye shall find"
Forum - Anexonel Productions
And here is a guide on how to root it lol crazy stuff:
Forum - Anexonel Productions
Very crazy... you can even install a custom rom!!
Welcome to the PRC!! where jaywalking, bad driving, copyright infringement, trademark abuse and IP theft are a national pastime and sport don't you know?
lol you said "national pastime" hahaha you are a funny guy!
hehehe this is pretty insane isn't it?
Woooow I dunno why they are still standing without being sued into oblivion.
It boggles my little brain.
But I see these clones running around all over the internet so it seems that no body has been able to catch these guys?
Why have they not been sued yet?
There has got to be a logical reason why they have not been sued for super super super super super super copy right infringement and get sued into the next millennium.
I just don't get why they are still standing / alive.
Why have they not been sued yet?
lol it is pretty damn crazy though!!

I am thinking of getting one!
By your powers combined I am "Copy Right Infringement Man to the resuce!!"