So I am reading the WSJ article this morning. To paraphrase, it says that all the other phone manufacturers are rushing to get out announcements ahead of next weeks' IP5 launch. Fair enough.
Then is says that Apple's consistent (implied as fast) product updates....every year......make it very hard for the other manufacturers to "KEEP UP" with them........
This is where I spit out my coffee into the air in a sitcom-like style.
REALLY? Apple is always at the BLEEDING EDGE of TECHNOLOGY such that the others are just trying to keep up?
I felt like asking the author if that is why Apple currently has the smallest screen, no LTE, no NFC, etc. Maybe Apple will pull a rabbit out of their you know what but otherwise it seems to me that APPLE is the one who is "catching up" to others in terms of hardware at the current time.
I realize I am partial to Android and even Samsung, but it always appears to me that in the press, Apple is just constantly put on a pedestal as a do-no-wrong genius company. It's just sort of ridiculous.
Then is says that Apple's consistent (implied as fast) product updates....every year......make it very hard for the other manufacturers to "KEEP UP" with them........
This is where I spit out my coffee into the air in a sitcom-like style.
REALLY? Apple is always at the BLEEDING EDGE of TECHNOLOGY such that the others are just trying to keep up?
I felt like asking the author if that is why Apple currently has the smallest screen, no LTE, no NFC, etc. Maybe Apple will pull a rabbit out of their you know what but otherwise it seems to me that APPLE is the one who is "catching up" to others in terms of hardware at the current time.
I realize I am partial to Android and even Samsung, but it always appears to me that in the press, Apple is just constantly put on a pedestal as a do-no-wrong genius company. It's just sort of ridiculous.