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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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Hey guys the 4G sprint rep was at my work today. So I started talking to him about the Evo, but of coarse didn't know much. He didn't know about any marketing bliz today, he did say that he got to go to a meeting in Houston, and he got to put his hands briefly on the Evo. He said Htc was there and there was only about 12 Evo's in Sprint circulation right now. He said he heard rumors about the 4G app being $10-15, but he didn't think Sprint would go that route. I think he knows things and is just putting on a front. He has to know something, he is the 4G rep for Austin! Ohh and he said what Jackson has been saying all along, he was pretty sure the phone would be priced at $199-$250.

Nothing new just thought I'd share....
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I was also on the verge of getting a Moment, but I kept believing Sprint would release a better phone, and I'm glad I did.

The moment isn't too bad of a phone, but the build quality feels amateurish to me.

Don't get a Moment or a Hero it's an "end of an era" phone. These will be the last of the smartphones that don't support flash and I HIGHLY doubt they will get anymore updates after the 2.1 Eclair update surfaces.
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Palm c40 is out in the wild however..... expect a video not all that far in the future (hin hint) there will more than likely be gloves in this one too bahahaha


Hey there, since you know about this video being made before hand, would it be possible to request to your friend that he do it a little differently than the supersonic video? In that one it was nearly impossible to see the hardware because there was a bright white splash screen, which took the exposure down too low to see the details in the black casing. It would be better if the screen was off or showing a darker screen shot, and/or if the lighting in the room was bright enough to contend with the screen brightness. Thanks!
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Hey there, since you know about this video being made before hand, would it be possible to request to your friend that he do it a little differently than the supersonic video? In that one it was nearly impossible to see the hardware because there was a bright white splash screen, which took the exposure down too low to see the details in the black casing. It would be better if the screen was off or showing a darker screen shot, and/or if the lighting in the room was bright enough to contend with the screen brightness. Thanks!

agree with this at least turn it on and show us some stuff!!! I hope palm can get this out the door soon I fear they dont have long to live
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Yeah I think even if the c40 is amazing I'd still much rather prefer an android device even though there are some cool things about webOS. Android just has so much more dev support. A version of the Pre with a 4.3" screen/slide out KB, and wimax would be cool though (but make it a lightweight/strong aluminum case and thin it out). Sprint's lineup will be stacked!
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Heya all. on vacation in DC and just read through to see we are still left a wondering. Jacksona and everyone that was hyping the 16th... don't worry about it :) you call 10 right and one wrong. Meh. You have a dang fine scorecard in my book.

To EVERYONE here, you simply rock. If this were another phone thread (red cartoon characters come to mind), this thread would have exploded into complete chaos and ugly behavior. I am so glad to be part of this group!

Proud member of the 4G orG!
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I don't know if this has been posted yet, (I have been following this thread since day one and don't remember seeing it posted) But I was just reading the Smartphone Showdown in this months Maxim Magazine (hey I get it for the articles). And in the article it was comparing the HTC HD2 to the Iphone. In the section talking about the HTC HD2 it said this.

BUY IT (HTC HD2) IF...you want your showpiece of a phone to start conversations when you set it on the dinner table (hey, it's better than talking about your receding haitline).

DON'T BUY IT (HTC HD2) IF... you can wait a few months for HTC to debut a similarly sexy cell phone running the more capable-and more app-friendly-Android OS.

Now it does not mention what phone that is, but I think I can guess what phone the author was referring to. Kinda cool. EVO for Pres. in 2010
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Hello all...long time lurker, first time poster. Just had to register and say thanks for putting all of this great information out there! I've been following this thread daily since before CTIA, and the information presented here is simply top notch...AND has me salivating for the EVO. Many thanks to all of you for providing updates and info to those of us interested in this magnificent device.

I have been a Sprint customer for six years now, and until I started reading this forum, I was set to use my upgrade for the Hero. While it's a good phone, I'm glad I found this place and can now hold out for the EVO! :) Thanks for making this place a source of good information and positive vibes...can't wait to own my first Android device!

It'll be worth the wait, I traded my Pre for a HERO and havn't looked back. I too am thankful for the info here and this thread has now become routine to check.
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If Android and Web Os were to mix... now that would be killer!

I'd love HTC to take over Palm and merge SenseUI with WebOS they can call it SenseOS :) I highly doubt Google would take over Palm and integrate WebOS into a rapidly maturing OS such as Android which is now taking off and gaining much credibility. The fact that Palm had it's share of problems would only hurt Android.
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I'd love HTC to take over Palm and merge SenseUI with WebOS they can call it SenseOS :) I highly doubt Google would take over Palm and integrate WebOS into a rapidly maturing OS such as Android which is now taking off and gaining much credibility. The fact that Palm had it's share of problems would only hurt Android.

What would be most likely is HTC building it's own brand of products running WebOS, rather than an immediate merger of the two.

So you would still have different choices.

It would be nice if developers from both sides of the field could collaborate and share technologies though, but that likely wouldn't happen for a good while.

SenseOS is a good name though =P.

I know that Incredible video was posted to get an idea of how the EVO might be, but try as I might, I cannot get excited over the Incredible at all, it's a nice phone, that's for sure, but imo, the EVO trumps it in nearly every aspect, so it doesn't impress me at all.

Nice to see it running Sense though to get an idea of how it will look on the EVO.
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I'd love HTC to take over Palm and merge SenseUI with WebOS they can call it SenseOS :) I highly doubt Google would take over Palm and integrate WebOS into a rapidly maturing OS such as Android which is now taking off and gaining much credibility. The fact that Palm had it's share of problems would only hurt Android.

I think HTC and Google should go into a joint venture (split costs 50/50 to purchase Palm). My thinking is similar to how the CW came to fruition by CBS/UPN and WB merging to form one network.

From there, HTC can do what they do best (concentrate on the actual devices) and work with Google on expanding the Android OS, possibly using some functionalities that WebOS would help enhance the Android platform. I think it'd be mutually beneficial and HTC has already been fairly successful with their Android handsets to date.
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i don't want HTC to go anywhere near Palm. the last thing i want is HTC to get tripped up by making a bad acquisition and wasting time, money, and resources by acquiring a bunch of bums.

HTC is humming on all cylinders. don't F it up. they don't need Palm.

HTC owning Palm and it's assets could help them with the Apple lawsuit though...
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HTC owning Palm and it's assets could help them with the Apple lawsuit though...

1. are you sure about this? what specific IP/patents does Palm hold that could help them? and why wouldn't Palm be suing Apple for big bucks already?
2. is Palm really worth $1+ BILLION?

seems like a bad strategy to pay $1+ BILLION to get a dubious patent portfolio. nobody has ever been able to tell me one single valuable patent they own.

IMO Palm has a dated and tarnished brand and patent portfolio along with a buggy and unstable OS and mediocre at best talent. best to wait and cherry pick from the dead carcass postmortem.

BTW this is all coming from a 10+ year Palm user.
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