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  • I'm actually a small time reseller. Advertise on the various forums I frequent giving the other users a discount as well as some ebay here and there.

    If your'e interested, I deal with paypal. Everything ships direct from ProClip and warrantied the same. I'm just a middleman saving you a few dollars. I'm crogs571 on ebay if you wanted to look me up. Havne't posted anything in a few. The iphone holders have been the only consistent sellers lately, and I need to update my auction for their newest holders. Anyway, feel free to drop me an email at crogs571@yahoo.com if you're interested. You can let me know what you planned on getting, and I can give you a total. If you live in a state they charge sales tax you'd pay less as well. Shipping costs would be the same. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Hi I'm about to purchase a proclip mount, wondering if you have a discount code? Thanks.
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