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  • The 90's were good for such things as school violence, parking garage keggers and mc hammer pants! lol
    Hah ya or gamer maybe. Hell been doing shit for Electronic Arts, Mythic, Bioware and the list goes on for so long over the years i mix up the various lingo at times. Being friday the beer doesn't help much either lol. But ya tells/pm's/private messages or hell even back when AOL first came out with that stupid "INNNNSTAAANT MESSAGE!" that blared over your speakers when someone would sent you a message...ehh ya i been around lol.
    err tells = private messages. Damn i must be getting old. To many different interweb languages to keep up with in the world these days lol.
    Hrmm well being a mod maybe you could use something else. Like if a thread turns into a phone vs phone flame war you could always tell a person "You troll like old people ****!" and then lock the thread.

    Though i guess that would be abit harsh huh lol.
    Well then my good deed of the day is done and i am glad it was noticed. Cause you know what they say about good deeds don't you?

    A good deed is a lot like pissing yourself in dark pants. Sure you get a warm feeling, but no one really notices. ;)
    San Diego 2011: Thursday: Wherein Pat Is (mostly) Not A Pervert

    15 Awesome Things You Probably Shouldn't Do - Page 2 | PCWorld
    Ha, course not. I'm following your kidney stone saga on here! I just always see you on when I wake up at odd hours in the middle of the night. :)
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