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Major Supreme Court Opinions 6/20/2024


Retired IBEW
Major Supreme Court opinions are coming today 6/20/2024 dealing with

1. Immunity for former Presidents
2. Obstruction charges forJanuary 6 defendants
3. Emergency Abortion care
4. Gun Rights for Domestic Abusers
They did rule on the "gun right for domestic abusers" fairly promptly, and all but one of them in a sensible way.

If you are wondering about the one, as far as I can understand Clarence Thomas' "thinking" it seems to be "back when the constitution was framed it wasn't an offense for a man to abuse his wife, and hence despite that being illegal now it shouldn't be a reason for debarring him from owning a gun". I've heard more rational arguments from the Flat Earth Society, but I understand that once someone is on that bench you are stuck with them...
WOW just WOW
any sitting president is now above the law that they are supposed to govern!!!!!!!!!!!

well we can now kiss our Constitution goodbye and say by e bye to democracy as well.
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Major Supreme Court opinions are coming today 6/20/2024 dealing with

1. Immunity for former Presidents
2. Obstruction charges forJanuary 6 defendants
3. Emergency Abortion care
4. Gun Rights for Domestic Abusers
Immunity for all former Presidents and at least one assissination of those we hated.
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