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  1. Wolvie66

    App Question

    I seen an app that shows the battery level plus tell you how much time you have left on like texting listening to music etc on a Droid X. Can anybody tell me what App this is call and if it is Free? Thanks in Advance Wolvie
  2. Wolvie66

    Help Ask the experts once again.

    Can anybody tell me why my live screen doesn't stay when I turn my phone off. It goes back to a non live screen something totally different. Can abode help me with this please. Thanks in advance Wolvie
  3. Wolvie66

    Help Battery dies so quick now

    Why is my battery going dead so quick. Can anybody tell me what their battery manager has for setting please. Or what I am doing wrong now since it just started like 2 weeks ago. And never had this problem before. Phone is only 6 months old. Thanks
  4. Wolvie66

    Help K9

    Can somebody please explain how to set up my K9 account. I got my emails account set up but I have to check for emails myself. I would like to know how to set it up to fetch emails by itself. I have polls set up for 5 minutes to check for emails but still don't work. This K9 Mails has some much...
  5. Wolvie66

    Help Starting to hate my Droid X: email problems

    Droid X is really getting me upset. Every day I have to pull my battery out to get my emails to send. I called service and they tell me everyday to delete my account and set it back up again. Then that don't work so pulled battery and works for a little bit then stops again. Is anybody else...
  6. Wolvie66

    Printer App

    Is there a free printer app that work good on the droid x. I get all my mail etc on my phone but have know means of printing them. Is there a wifi printer app that works good. Thanks in advance Wolvie
  7. Wolvie66

    Help EMail (verizon)

    Can somebody tell me how to fix my email or is this a common problem. Here is the problem, My email works sometime meaning that I receive emails without doing anything, and respond back to them without any problems. But seems like once a day it stops working meaning I don't get any emails and...
  8. Wolvie66

    Help Video MSM

    Can somebody explain to me why I cannot send a video through handcent. I thought you could send pics and video through any MSM/text. I sent pis before but will not let me send videos I recorded with my phone. Is anybody else having this problem. Thanks in advance Wolvie
  9. Wolvie66

    Couple of questions

    1st if I do Z4 root will this void my warranty and can it make my phone freeze up were I cannot use it anymore. I mean if I do this Z4 root will my phone have any problems doing updates etc. 2nd when you download an app from the market and use that app does that use your data minutes...
  10. Wolvie66

    Ask the experts once again.

    Ok here it goes, I tried to buy beautiful widgets and put all my card info in. Hit purchased and it send me an error saying card was not charged but says that I purchased it and it says installed on my phone. But guess what it's not, so I write the developer and he said that my bank does do euro...
  11. Wolvie66

    Picture background for handcent

    How can I make the background for my text message from one of my pictures from my phone. Sorry if this was asked before, and I am not a Droid expert. Thanks
  12. Wolvie66

    Help Ok let me ask the experts

    Ok here is my problem, I have 2 emails accounts set up on my Droid X and they worked great for 2 months. Emails use to come and I would be notified by the number on my screen over top the email logo. Now after 3 days ago I get no emails or get notified of getting any. I pulled battery and dialed...
  13. Wolvie66


    Is there a way to have images automatically open when you open your mail. Right now every time I open a my mail and try to open an email a box comes up and says display images? So is there a way to have this set so it opens and displays the images already as soon as I open an email. Thanks
  14. Wolvie66

    Help Live wallpapers

    Couldn't find so will ask. Is there anyway to make you own live wallpapers on the Droid X? Like can you take a picture you have on your phone and put it as you wall paper, then add like rain, snow etc to that pic? Thanks
  15. Wolvie66

    Something like

    Does Droid have like messenger group like when I had a blackberry? Blackberry had messenger groups like pictures groups, 40+ groups, etc does the droid family have something like this. Blackberry had a pin assigned that came with your phone, and to join the group you had to give them your pin...
  16. Wolvie66

    If you had to pick just 1

    If you had to pick just one App for your Droid X and had to keep that only one for a week. What App would you pick to install on your phone. Thanks
  17. Wolvie66

    Live wallpaper

    Just want to see how many use live wallpaper, and if so how long does your battery last using live wallpapers. And also heard that if you use live wallpapers etc for awhile it burns the image on the screen. Is this true? Thanks in advance
  18. Wolvie66

    Help Picture Taking With Droid X

    Can I get some tips as to how to take good/great pictures with my X. Everytime I take a picture it looks blur or quality looks like crap etc. I have it set on 8MP and tried different settings and still not good. I see other people picks on here and they are GREAT quality and look perfect...
  19. Wolvie66

    Help Clock on home screen

    Can somebody tell me in easy instruction on how to get the clock with the weather and everything together on the droid x please. Don't know what app to get or how to set it up. Thank you in advance Wolvie
  20. Wolvie66

    Help Star 228 send option 2

    Can somebody tell me why verizon would tell me 1 a month on my Droid X to hit star 228 send then hit option 2. Just got off the phone with them about a warranty plan and they told me to do this once a month... Thanks
  21. Wolvie66

    Help On or Off

    Ok here is my problem! I like to know from the forum here, do you leave your phone on 24/7 even while charging it. I heard from verizon that leaving phone on 24/7 will hurt your phone. Then I heard from another verizon person that turning it off and on everyday will hurt your phone. So can I...
  22. Wolvie66

    Help Might be a stupid question

    Don't laugh to hard when you read this plz. But on my Droid X I have and guess everybody else has it to (GPS) icon. My question is if I leave it on do I have a monthly service for this, or is this free from Verizon. I use it a lot when I use the places icon to find stores etc. Then hit get...
  23. Wolvie66

    Help Emails on Droid X

    Is there a way to put sound for your email accounts on a Dorid X? Make sound when I get text but not for emails. Thanks
  24. Wolvie66

    Emails on Droid X

  25. Wolvie66

    Coming back

    Just wanted to say that I am coming back to the droid side again. I had the first droid that came out for verizon and like it a lot. But after a year the droid started to die on me and went with a blackberry for awhile, but just ordered the droid x and get it on wednesday so I am pump that I...
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