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  1. V

    Help MP3 tags very messed up

    Apparently I'm not the only one with this problem, but I haven't yet found a solution. This is really pissing me off, and it's one of the things that really makes me regret switching. I am very careful with tagging my music collection. VERY careful. I've gone over my whole collection with a...
  2. V

    Help Can't write to SD card

    I feel like a complete moron. I've searched high and low and I CANNOT find a solution to this problem. I recently purchased a 32GB microSDHC card for my phone to store my music, pics and videos. I popped the card in, it was instantly recognized, prepared and mounted. But I couldn't write...
  3. V

    iPhone 4 to Galaxy S3: Unimpressed so far

    Hi all, First of all, this thread is not meant to start a flame war or anything. I am just giving my opinion on my observations of having used both iPhone 4 and Galaxy S3. These are my opinions, and I'm a bit of stickler for certain things, so please take this with a grain of salt. Second...
  4. V

    Help S Voice with Bluetooth is useless

    I've been playing around with my S3 and found S Voice. While not as accurate as iPhone's Siri, it seems to do a decent job. Problem is, when my phone is paired with my car, S Voice is absolutely useless. I double-click the home button to bring up S Voice, but when I speak, nothing happens. My...
  5. V

    Notifications tray in full screen app

    Is there a way to get the notifications tray when running a full-screen app? I was able to do this on my iPhone 4 by pressing and holding at the top where the status bar would be, but the same thing doesn't work on my GS3.
  6. V

    Setting date format to MMM

    As far as I can tell, the only kind of date formatting I can do is changing the order of month, day, year. I would like to change the date format to include the 3-letter month, i.e. so it says 7 Dec 2012 instead of 7-12-12. Is there any way to do this?
  7. V

    Default audio player for Bluetooth

    When I get into my car, my Galaxy S3 Bluetooth-syncs with my car and automatically starts playing music. Problem is, I don't want to use the stock music player; I want it to continue using my last music player, which is BeyondPod (a podcast manager.) Is there any way to do this?
  8. V

    Vibrate setting overriden by apps

    Today I had my phone set to vibrate, but when I entered a game, the game still made sound! I had to go into the game's settings and manually turn off sounds. This is pretty annoying if I have to turn off sounds on an app-by-app basis. I would expect that the phone's audio profile overrides...
  9. V

    Help Questions about contacts

    I've been using my GS3 for a few days now and I really like it, but I've found 2 things that are annoying. 1) In the Contacts, when I go to Groups, there are several "Integrated groups" that are already there. Can I delete or change the names of these groups? I really don't need an emergency...
  10. V

    Deleting apps without App manager

    Is there a way I can delete apps without having to go into App manager? Coming from an iPhone, it was convenient being able to delete an app just by getting rid of its icon. This also deleted all data with the app, which I found wasn't the case when I recently deleted a podcast player, and it...
  11. V

    Unified mail client

    I notice on my GS3 I have two mail apps: one specifically for GMail and another which is for all e-mail. I don't like the idea of having multiple clients depending on the type of e-mail address I have. Is there a unified e-mail client someone can recommend which supports all types of e-mail?
  12. V

    Help Notifications and toggles

    Brand new to Android, and I'm already confused about a few things on my GS3. 1) In the slide-down notifications tray, I see something called "Driving Mode". I'm not too clear on what this does, and I haven't found a suitable answer online. The general consensus is that when in driving mode...
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