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  1. HasH_BrowN

    Root [GUIDE]Install Xposed Framework on CM13 (& other MM ROMs) w/all necessary files

    I installed Xposed Framework for CM13/MM and have been using for a couple of days now. Seamlessly. See post #2 for known module issues There have been a number of talks for proper order of installation (more-or-less for compatability), when flashing with/without ROM, GApps, and APN fix. I...
  2. HasH_BrowN

    Root [Guide]Install Viper4Android on CM13 (& other MM roms) w/all necessary files

    I decided to write a simple guide, seeing how the installation of V4A on marshmallow was an iffy subject. There are too many ways of installing that simply don't work. The main reason is SELinux not set to permissive. Now there are security risks by setting the SELinux to permissive, but most...
  3. HasH_BrowN

    Root this is how to get MSL code

    To get your MSL code from VM and possibly other carriers. You call Customer Service and explain that it keeps asking for a service code in order to finish activation (which isn't true, but necessary for getting code). To keep self-service from running, do the following: Boot phone Turn off...
  4. HasH_BrowN


    Check out this resource I came across. http://androidforums.com/threads/resource-on-android-dex-editor.963273/#post-7125296 I think you guys will love it.
  5. HasH_BrowN

    Root [Adreno Mod] GPU Performance

    :) Read the whole thread, including the update below. :) I know some people are leary of editing system files, so I made some zips. Just flash in recovery. The mod_egl has the edited egl.cfg file and library file has been deleted. What this does is forces the use of the GPU (instead of using...
  6. HasH_BrowN

    [PSA]Please read before posting. How to title threads and useful posting tips for forum use.

    Since there are numerous differences in the firmware between the Data Done Right devices and the other carriers devices, we are requesting that you make a note of it in your thread title. Stating which carrier you have is a necessary item to be included into your thread title...
  7. HasH_BrowN


    I need a copy of an untouched stock /misc partition from ls660zv5 from a VM DDR.
  8. HasH_BrowN

    Help Data Done Right subforum

    Can we get get a sub section for Data Done Right phones within our subforum? There are numerous differences in the phones that would warrant separation. Ease of locating information. Please consider.
  9. HasH_BrowN

    Root in need of a Data Done Right zv5 boot.img

    I need a backup of the stock Data Done Right ZV5 boot.img.
  10. HasH_BrowN

    Stop the Nagging [Update Notification]

    This is being wrote in the attempt to stop having this asked in almost every thread. It has been answered numerous times throughout our subforum. There are basically 2 different ways to stop the update notification, without actually updating. Long press update notification Tap app info Uncheck...
  11. HasH_BrowN

    Why isn't the Downloads section being used?

    The user guide has been in the downloads section since 1/27/2015. There isn't anything else there. Why? Isn't the point of having a downloads section to be the area where all resources can viewed and downloaded. There's a few ROMs, recovery, fixes, and mods that can be put in the downloads...
  12. HasH_BrowN

    Root TWRP Bootloop fix ZIP

    HasH_BrowN submitted a new resource: TWRP Bootloop fix ZIP - bootloop fix after OTA update Read more about this resource...
  13. HasH_BrowN

    MAC address cloned after Virgin update. How to correct?

    I have a Virgin mobile and wife has a Data Done Right, both LGLS660 Tributes. She and I received the ZV6 updates for our devices. I declined because I'm running deodexed rom, because of the incompatibilities. She updated. Soon after there were network issues with WiFi. After countless hours of...
  14. HasH_BrowN

    Time To Get Our Hands Dirty

    (A Little Rant To Nobody Specific, But Just In General) ===================================== Too many people rely on 3rd party "solutions", I'm occasionally guilty of this as well. The tweaks, the mods, the cutomizations, and other settings. Knowing how to use the tools that we are provided is...
  15. HasH_BrowN


    Can we port the Tribute 2 Lollipop ROM to our device? Would it be possible to get a nandroid from the 2 and dissect it to find the differences? If it its the same device, with just larger storage, then it should of possible to port it. If I'm wrong please explain why. EDIT: Tribute 2 has...
  16. HasH_BrowN

    Root TWRP Bootloop Fix COMMANDS

    HasH_BrowN submitted a new resource: TWRP Bootloop Fix - enables you to boot normally after bootlooping to recovery Read more about this resource...
  17. HasH_BrowN

    Root Return to Stock Adreno

    HasH_BrowN submitted a new resource: Return to Stock Adreno - graphics un-performance Read more about this resource...
  18. HasH_BrowN

    Root Adreno Mod

    HasH_BrowN submitted a new resource: Adreno Mod - graphics performance Read more about this resource...
  19. HasH_BrowN


    HasH_BrowN submitted a new resource: LS660 STOCK ZV6 UPDATE**OFFICIAL** - stagefright fix plus Virgin software Look here for occasional boot issue http://androidforums.com/threads/twrp-bootloop-fix-after-update-ota.922585/ Read more about this resource... Please be aware there seems to be...
  20. HasH_BrowN


    We now have a downloads section. Please click on the tab and familiarize yourself with the format, if you haven't already. Please double check your files before uploading to avoid any confusion and issues. Also ask for assistance if your not sure. There is nothing wrong with asking for help...
  21. HasH_BrowN

    Root Repeated TWRP Bootloops on Wally World "data done right (DDR)"

    Well the phone has been rooted, updated, and working fine. Past couple of days though the phone will reboot itself from Virgin software updates, then load in to TWRP. Bootlooping over and over. Although I don't mind entering commands, this is my wifes phone and she isn't doesn't feel comfortable...
  22. HasH_BrowN

    Root Adreno Mod/Hack/Edit [**zip files included**]

    This is for anyone that wants to increase graphics performance. @hydroman202 pointed me to the link on XDA, where the edit is talked about in further detail (links at bottom). Even though it is on the Samsung forum, the information is still viable. Its basic. Delete the first line of a file and...
  23. HasH_BrowN

    Root Stuck with Download Mode and Stock Recovery, in a Bootloop. **Making the most of Download Mode**

    So I got stuck with download mode when flashing ZV6 update without TWRP. http://androidforums.com/threads/zv6-ota-released.943636/ I did use factory reset in stock recovery to boot back up. My question is this: How do I flash/install a recovery.img in download mode? Can ADB be used somehow...
  24. HasH_BrowN

    Sprint phone on Virgin Mobile

    Can I use a new 816 (in a unopened box) from Sprint, with my service plan through Virgin Mobile? I thought I could. Do I have to have Sprint unlock it? I assume so. What do I need to do to get it to work? Call Virgin Mobile? I would expect to. The reason I'm asking is Sprint is selling the...
  25. HasH_BrowN

    Help The Different "Plans"

    So what's the difference? What are the differences with the Walmart software? Is it as simple as adding the necessary files? My questions are for obtaining the "Data Done Right", just seems like a better plan than direct with Virgin mobile - especially the shared plan. I'm not asking for...
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