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  1. A.Nonymous

    Help Did I kill my N7?

    So, long story short, my N7 ended up sitting in my glove compartment of my car for long enough for the battery to go dead and for the temperature to get below freezing several times. But I retrieved it today and tried to power it on. Nothing happened of course. Dead battery. No problem. I...
  2. A.Nonymous

    Help Is the camera really THIS bad?

    I tried taking some pics w/the camera on the phone tonight. It was awful. Every picture came out grainy and horrible looking. Didn't matter if I took pictures of stuff far away or close to me. They all looked grainy. Does the camera app suck? My photo taking skills? Or the camera itself...
  3. A.Nonymous

    Help Help!! Brand new phone is dead

    So I got this phone yesterday afternoon. Took it down to the store and got it activated, loaded all of my apps on it and then didn't have time to mess w/it so I went to bed. Phone was at like 20% battery anyway. I plugged it in, saw the nice little light change color to indicate it was...
  4. A.Nonymous

    Pros and Cons of this phone?

    I'm in the market for an upgrade from my Droid Incredible 2 and have been eyeballing the Razr M. I know no phone is perfect though so I'm curious what the pros and cons are of this device. I'd be buying it off contract so I want to get all my ducks in a row before I pull the trigger.
  5. A.Nonymous

    I am not meant to have this phone :(

    I just broke the screen on the phone again. Second time in two months I've broken this phone. I've never broken a phone before in my life and now I've broken one twice in two months. I don't know if it's the size, the weight or what it is, but apparently this is a very easy phone to break. I...
  6. A.Nonymous

    Help This bug has me ready to take this stupid phone back

    I cannot fix this. Nor can I figure out any way to work around this. It is extremely annoying. For some reason the ringer on my phone will randomly turn on. I have no clue why. I keep the phone on vibrate at all times because it annoys me to no end to hear phones ringing in public. I had...
  7. A.Nonymous

    so, my battery is going tits up. What now?

    I have an I/O edition Tab and my battery is dieing. It's getting to the point where it no longer holds a charge. I use my tab as a comic book reader mainly in the evening. Used to be it would last 2-3 days with only a couple of hours of use in the evening. Now, I have to charge it on a daily...
  8. A.Nonymous

    Broke phone after day 1 :(

    I finally broke down and bought the DInc 4g. I must say I love the form factor. Way better than the Rezound. I am having many minor issues with it mainly relating to setting up new apps again and I'll iron them out I'm sure. I do have two questions though. 1. I'm using Widget locker since I...
  9. A.Nonymous

    Phone still worth getting?

    So for those who have had this phone for a few weeks now, are you still happy with the phone? I'm still looking at getting it, but just got scammed out of $300 I was going to spend on it so it may be a few more weeks. Just wondering what the pros/cons seem to be after using it for a while.
  10. A.Nonymous

    Anyone else planning on pre-ordering?

    I typically scoff with derision at early adopters, but I'm giving serious thought to replacing my Kindle Fire with this. The specs make me think it'll perform better than the Fire and it'll do everything the Fire can do plus the apps that aren't available in the Amazon market.
  11. A.Nonymous

    What's different between the retail and IO versions?

    Long story short, I'm looking at trading for one of two Tabs. Both are 32 GB, but one is the Google IO version and one is the standard retail version. Aside from that, they are identical. What is different about the IO version besides the Androids on it instead of being grey? Is the...
  12. A.Nonymous

    Help Any fix for the screen?

    I got the Prime yesterday. Guy I bought it from gave it to me with a dead battery so I didn't get a chance to play with it really until today. After installing all my apps and playing around with it, my only real gripe with the thing is the screen. It does not look good at all IMO. I'm not...
  13. A.Nonymous

    Root How do I get back to stock?

    Long story short, I need to get my phone back to stock so I can sell it. The problem is, my SD card got wiped and my stock backup is now gone. I haven't flashed a custom recovery. Can I just boot into stock recovery and get back to root somehow?
  14. A.Nonymous

    Is there any reason I should give this phone a 3rd chance?

    Long story short, I bought the Rezound using an upgrade. I really liked everything about the phone except for the horribly crappy battery life. A couple of people suggested I flash CleanRom on the phone and it would fix the battery life. I didn't want to void the warranty on a phone that was...
  15. A.Nonymous

    Help Talk me out of taking this phone back. I'm right on the edge.

    I'm more pissed with this phone than I have been with any other phone I've had. I'm right on the brink of just taking it back. I got the phone Monday over lunchtime. I was thrilled at the 4G speeds. Loved the red buttons (red is my favorite color) and was very happy with it. Had heard bad...
  16. A.Nonymous

    What are the cons about this phone?

    I'm due for an upgrade in two days. I looked at the various phones at the store and the Rezound is the only one that was really interesting to me. What are the cons of this phone? I know every phone has them. Are there reasons I should avoid this phone altogether or hold out for something...
  17. A.Nonymous

    Not impressed with the reliability of the DInc2

    About a month or so ago, I woke up to find my phone completely dead. Screen blank. Didn't respond to battery pulls or the power button. Completely bricked. Switched over to my backup phone, went through the hassle of getting a replacement shipped and by the time the replacement arrived, the...
  18. A.Nonymous

    Is the EVO View worth buying?

    I've currently got a 7" Galaxy Tab that I'm very happy with. I'm considering selling it because it's pretty dated (even though I'm very happy with it) and getting an EVO View. I confess I'm an HTC fanboy. Is it worth upgrading over a 7" Galaxy Tab? Or should I just stick with the Tab since...
  19. A.Nonymous

    Root Help!! My phone bricked itself!!

    Somehow my phone has bricked itself. It's a Droid Incredible 2 that I purchased off an ebay power seller a few months ago. I've had no problems with it. I got myself a wireless charger for Christmas. Not sure if that is relevant or not, but wanted to give all the facts. Last night I put the...
  20. A.Nonymous

    Root Can someone recommend a ROM that supports wireless charging?

    So I really wanted the camera on the lock screen so I downloaded and flashed a Sense 3.5 ROM. I was happy. Set it up from scratch, tweaked twenty billion things and then my battery started to die. So I dropped it on my wireless charging mat. I heard a happy beep, but the phone did not start...
  21. A.Nonymous

    Should I think about putting a fork in my Tab?

    I've got a 7" Tab that I got when Woot had them many, many months ago. Lately, it's been having a hard time holding a charge and I fear the end is near for the battery. In just a couple of hours tonight of basically sitting there not being used it went from 100% to 80%. I'm wondering if this...
  22. A.Nonymous

    Root Do I need to sidenote the Google Market on my DInc2?

    So I bought a DInc2 off ebay this past week. It came out of the box with Froyo on it. No problem. Ran the OTA updates, got it up to 2.3.3, rooted it and restored all my apps (not system settings) from Titanium. The problem is the Market is outdated. It's running 2.3.4 and 3.1.3 I think is...
  23. A.Nonymous

    Which case supports wireless charging?

    I just got my DInc2 today and I'm in the process of setting it up and transferring all my stuff over to it. I put the case on that I bought and quickly found out that it does not fit with the battery cover needed for wireless charging. The cover is just a tad too thick. Can anyone recommend a...
  24. A.Nonymous

    Question about charging mats

    I ordered my DInc2 to replace my DInc and I'm currently waiting impatiently for it to come in. I ordered the OEM wireless charging back 'cuz I found a really good deal on line. Now I just need the charging mat. Am I required to use the OEM VZW charging mat or will 3rd parties like Powermat...
  25. A.Nonymous

    Second impressions anyone?

    Now that everyone has had their Touchpads for few weeks and the aura of the new shiny thing has worn off I'm curious what everyone's impressions still is. Do you still have a generally positive view of it? Do you still think HP dropped the ball or can you easily see now why no one bought them...
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