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  1. D

    Different keyboards?

    I got my R2D2 back in October and in February it starting doing the random reboots. Verizon had me to a factory reset. Worked fine for a month then back to its old ways so they sent me a "certified like new" R2D2. First thing I noticed out of the box is that it has a different keyboard. My old...
  2. D

    Why no Facebook Push?

    Anyone know a good solid reason why the Droids don't support Facebook Push?
  3. D

    Help "Twitter" symbol gone from Motoblur

    I noticed while looking through status updates that there is still an "F" on the Facebook ones but the "T" for the Twitter one is gone. This is also the case when I set my status update and view my status as well. I deleted my Twitter account and then added it again..no dice.. Any idea...
  4. D

    Help AppShare

    How can I share Apps with friends? I had the incredible and this came with Froyo. Any help would be great
  5. D

    Help Notification Ringtone

    So I went under Sound - Notification Ringtone. I was messing around and set a ringtone. Now the Notification ringtone is overriding my Handcent alerts. Not sure what else, yet. Is there a way to undo this? When I originally went it there was nothing set. Thanks
  6. D

    Gotta love Motorola tech support.

    I am having some issues with my new D2 (which they cant solve) and when I asked about battery life the tech replied "Dont plug it in if there is any battery left" That it? Thats their advice?
  7. D

    Incredible has tremendous battery life

    compared to the Droid 2. For my bday my wife got me R2D2 and I gave her my Incredible. My Incredible had terrific battery compared to the D2. I could get almost 2 days out of my Incredible compared to less than a day out of my D2.
  8. D

    Help how do I reply to a tweet with Motoblur

    I think the title asks my question. Anyone know?
  9. D

    New Droid 2 owner

    Hello I am coming over from a Droid Incredible. For my birthday my wife gave me the R2D2 since I am a star wars geek. It was hard to let my Incredible go but the geek in me won. Anyway, my question is this, I have Desktop visualizer installed but I need some Star Wars icons. Anyone know where...
  10. D

    Help Facebook birthday's not showing

    Since the 2.2 update I have had double Facebook birthdays showing in my calendar. 1 from the old method of posting the URL in google calendars and the other from Facebook under the calendar option. After trying over and over to erase the original way from my phone with no luck, I decided to just...
  11. D

    Help Double Texts Sent

    I am using Handcent and was just told today that sometimes they receive double texts. I never receive double texts. Is it both Handcent and stock sending the message? Any advice or suggestions? Thanks
  12. D

    Help Manage Application screen stuck refreshing

    Twice now I have had to restart my phone because the "Manage Application" screen has been stuck in refresh mode. The first time I don't recall what i was doing. Today I uninstalled an app I had installed on my SD card. I backed out of the app screen and went about my business. About 15 mins...
  13. D

    Help So I am thinking about switching to LauncherPro

    Any advice on steps I should take before I download and start using it? For example; should I delete everything off my current home screens?
  14. D

    WiFi vs 3G

    Based upon reading through this message board I was convinced that turning on Wifi and leaving it connected I would get better battery life. After a few days of trying this I can say "FALSE". My battery life has been greatly affected. This is with my normal use. No more use than usual. I read...
  15. D

    Help ESPN Fantasy Football?

    Anyone know of a good FREE app I can use to manage my ESPN fantasy team? Thanks
  16. D

    Help WidgetLocker issue

    When I press the button on top of my phone to wake my incredible, it shows the stock sense lock screen for a second and then goes to widgetlocker. Any suggestions? Maybe a setting I am overlooking? Thanks!
  17. D

    Help Double Calendar Entries

    Long Story short.... I did a factory reset after froyo. I backed up via google and with backuppro. Now I have double entries on my calendar that do not appear on google.com gmail calendar. Any suggestions how to remove them without having to scroll thru next 12 months or so deleting things...
  18. D

    Help Automatic Screen Orientation Issues?

    Since downloading 2.2 my phone sometimes switches to landscape by itself. Especially with Handcent. I have to shake the phone a few times to get it to not be landscape. Anyone have this problem or any advice? Thanks
  19. D

    Help What exactly is Active Sync?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question. Is it for business emails only or does it work with AOL? Thanks!
  20. D

    Help Phone doesn't sync

    Hello My phone is not syncing with verizon back up or gmail. I recently went into verizon back up website and there was 1 contact which I had just added recently. I went into gmail and that particular contact was not listed. Any suggestions? Any advice? Thanks
  21. D

    Help Android Theme?

    Hello I have seen with some alternate launchers you can download for different "themes". Is there a way I can keep Sense and download the little Android guy as icons for things like messaging, Gmail etc...? Thanks!
  22. D

    Help Facebook sync contacts

    Could someone explain to me how exactly facebook contacts are updated under "People"? By that I mean the picture and the status updates. Is it Friendstream? I am not using friendstream for live feeds. I only have sync contacts checked. I am using the actual facebook app. Let me explain..I have...
  23. D

    Help Is this good battery life?

    The phone has been uplugged for 19 hours now. Awake time is 2 hours. Battery is at 50% This is with texting, a few phone calls, using the app store a few times, reading and updating my status'. I have had the phone almost a week and I have been on a mission to get great battery life.
  24. D

    Help Battery profile?

    Does the Incredible have different battery profile options like older versions of Android? Thanks!
  25. D

    RSS Newsfeed Widget

    Hello I am a new Incredible owner and previously owned the Devour. The devour runs Android 1.5 or 1.6 and has a terrific RSS feed. I had 2 seperate feeds on 2 different screens. One was for NFL and one was for news. I was very sad to see the Incredible does not have this stock. Can anyone...