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dell streak

  1. M

    Buying a Dell 5 as a Tablet (NOT phone)?

    I'm looking for a good small tablet solution. I was looking at an archos 5 (old, but cheap), but now I'm looking at the Dell Streak. There are just three things I want from a tablet. The ability to read e-books, portability (smaller = better), and GPS. What concerns me is... without a phone...
  2. DesertDemon

    Help DS5- Problem with order of texts, please help.

    Hey I couldn't find this anywhere even with a google search so who ever can help thank you so much in advance. When I receive text messages from anyone their texts always appear above mine or you could say when I text they always appear at the bottom of the screen and his at the top. It's not...
  3. A

    Root Beginners guide to rooting?

    I'm trying to root my Streak. Not so that I can put in any new ROMS, just so that I can tweak slightly the stock rom that's already in there. I've been searching hard for a simple guide (for those new to all this), but everything I find (90% of which is on xda developers), immediately launches...
  4. sarahirun

    Help I can not hear any sound via earphone.

    Hi streak players ! I've stuck with these problems for several time , after I've upgrade rom and ongoing use for a while , I've founded that I can not hear caller ( or calling to someone) via earphone My speakerphone and Bluetooth still usable normally but i wonder why earphone is suddenly...
  5. C

    Help self connecting to wifis

    what i am looking for is an app that will auto connect to the variuos wifi locations with out haveing to go on to the site and and ackdowlding or accepting the terms
  6. thahim

    Help Reduce Space Between icons on home screen

    There is huge space in between short-cut icons, when they are placed on home screen. Is there any app to reduce that space.
  7. thahim

    Help Memory getting low

    My Phones memory is getting low and have 12GB Free on SD Card, all my apps that were possible are stored on SD Card, rest i can't find any app to move to SD card, and i don't know what's consuming so much memory on the phone. Any idea's how to solve this problem?
  8. A

    Help Unexpected Factory Reset, and now I can't change my sound settings!

    Last night, as I was getting ready to go to bed, I went to set my alarm and my phone shut down. When it started up, there was some form of message--I wasn't quick enough to catch what it was. Then suddenly, it was back at factory defaults. My apps are gone, my accounts are all signed out...
  9. Calab

    Wifi doesn't disconnect

    I'm having a wifi issue with my Dell Streak. It just started happening in the last two weeks or so. No idea what might have changed. The wifi will connect at home... I'll leave and come to work. The phone still thinks it's connected to the home network, and doesn't work (of course). I...
  10. P

    Wanted: Replacement LCD

    Hey all, the LCD on my Dell Streak broke and I am looking for a replacement. If you have the LCD either loose or on a scrap Streak, please let me know if you would be willing to sell. I am planning to repair it myself. Just a note, this is NOT the gorilla glass, it is the LCD beneath it.
  11. H

    Help facebook twitter and the rest

    Help please. I desperately want to remove these apps from the streak5 and nothing does it. Even deleted them in MyPhoneExplorer and they lived. Grrrrrrrrr
  12. D-U-R-X

    Root Streak (Mini 5): All Things Root Guide

    *** Important Note *** Since this is a new root guide for your all-things-root sub-forum, we need your help to populate it and keep it organized with the best and most relevant information. Please contact (by PM) your favorite Guide, or drop us a note in the private chat section if you have...
  13. S

    Help Upgrade Streak 5 to Android 2.3

    Hi experts, My Streak 5 is currently running Android 2.2 . I would like to upgrade it to the recently released Android 2.3 . Could you tell me how to do it please. Dell doesnt seem to give an over-the-air update for 2.3 so I need to do it manually. Could someone please tell me the steps...
  14. H

    Help Getting a mini 5

    I'm looking to get a Dell Streak mini 5 used. I had one that was O2 unlocked but it would not data stream but worked fine on texting and phoning. I am on talkmobile. I had a similar problem with a Desire Z earlier this year which, though unlocked, had T-Mobile firmware and so couldn't be used...
  15. H

    Help Dell mini 5

    Is it possible to tether the Dell mini 5 to my netbook? It has V2.2 on it.
  16. nb_mitch

    Merry Christmas Dell Streak Users

    I have now had a Dell Streak for 1 year and 2 days. It has been the best phone I have had ever since the upgrade to 2.1, Swype & NetFlix. It has been solid for the most part. I replaced my original Streak after 6 months and the replacement was solid until I forgot it on the back of my car and...
  17. thahim

    Help Facebook Stage Widget Not Working

    Since Faceboook Locatoin Security when you login from unknown location, i can't login from my Stage Widget. Any solution?
  18. M

    Root How to Upgrade custom rom to v2.3.3

    hi guys, I'm using simple streak 1.2 on my rooted dell streak 2.2.2.. I wana upgrade it to official 2.3.3 so that I can use dj-steve ginger streak.. So I need to know 2things.. 1.Is this update 2.3.3available in India..? and where can I download the official update.PNG.. ? 2. can u guys...
  19. nb_mitch

    Dell Streak remains after accident

    Just for grins, here is a picture of my Dell Streak after it fell off the rear of my car at about 60 mph. It was sitting on the rear wing of my VW Beetle. Guerrilla Glass & Rubber cover was not enough to protect it, although the tire tracks on the cover (both sides) came off and I am using it...
  20. nb_mitch

    Free Otterbox cover for Dell Streak

    I have a cover that came with my replacement Streak, but it is too thick for me and I have my original cover that survived the accident. If anyone wants it, I can send it to you for the cost of shipping. I believe it shouldn't cost more than a couple of dollars to send USPS. I have even shipped...
  21. G

    Help Can't sync

    I can't get my DELL STREAK 5 to sync. I have 2.2 on the STREAK and WINDOWS 7 on the SONY VAIO. Was there an upgrade from the DELL PC SUITE? Honestly, this is not my only issue. I feel as though the user manual is out dated. I'm sure I'm not using the STREAK to its full potential...
  22. D

    zinio app on streak will not run

    Hi, The Zinio built-in app on streak always force close. I can't open and uninstall it. It won't even upgrade. Installed another Zinio from the market so now I have 2 same app with different versions. How can I fix this? Thanks.
  23. I

    Help WiFi issues with DLink DIR-655 router

    I have the DLink DIR-655 router at home and what happens is my Streak seems to time out with the router after going into sleep mode, even though it says its connected in the WiFi menu. I thought a firmware update to the router would do the trick, but to no avail. It's annoying, because after...
  24. nb_mitch

    Streak is Gone :(

    I had my Streak for 10 months, 19 days before it's life was cut short. Yesterday morning, I was taking my wife to the hospital for an operation and a bit distracted. I put the device on the wing on the rear of my car. With it's rubber cover, it lasted 5 miles before falling off. We were at the...
  25. N

    Streak has been given a new lease of life

    The Streak has had an interesting life. One minute it's going to be discontinued, and the next it's going to used by the US Military, which should ensure a reasonably long life for it.