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notion ink adam

  1. twospirits

    Accessories Adam Docking bay

    As shown in the December 24th daily video, it looks like that docking bay is a a stand for the Adam. Personally, I hope thats not the stand, cause it sure doesn't look right. Actually I should even call it a docking bay cause the Adam itself has all the connections one can need right on the...
  2. crimton

    Adam Unboxing

    Notion Ink Adam Unboxing ala Van Gunst | Android Community pwired posted this over at notionaddicts.com
  3. crimton

    Notion Ink Adam Video-a-Day Thread

    I thought i would try to get all these pre-release videos together here in this one thread. i will try to keep it updated everyday. starting with the first video that rohan released after some bad pub with the pre-orders then the video a day begins. Dec. 19 Eden and our Effort...
  4. crimton

    Root Root may be easier than we think...

    [ANDY] Why did you add protection against rooting? [ROHAN] Its a tough call. Its not impossible to root Adam, but that would lead into cancellation of warranty. We are in talks with our partner to understand how can we resolve this. this was in an interview with rohan shraven(ceo notion...
  5. P

    Notion Ink Adam Gets Hands-On Love

    A device that looks great on paper, but has continued to disappoint with freakin’ release is being featured in a YouTube video that demonstrates what to expect from real world use. Points of interest (all times are rough approximations): 0:40 – Window scrolling, very smooth 2:30...
  6. twospirits

    Notion Ink = 100,000+ units in 24hours

    This blog states the following... If so, whoa, thats a lot. TS out
  7. P

    Notion Ink Adam Ship Date Slips Back, Doubt Continues Over Legitimacy

    As if all the talk of the Notion Ink Adam falling nothing short of a scam wasn’t enough, it appears the situation is getting worse. Originally quoted with a ship date of January 6th, at least one buyer has been notified that their device won’t ship until a few weeks later, between...
  8. J

    Notion Adam vs Netbook & android software questions

    Being used to linux I want to have full control, install whatever I want, do what I want with my new tablet. I have been waiting for a long time for the Notion Ink Adam for one main reason - to have the Pixel Qi screen. The device seems pretty sweet so I have been waiting out for this instead...
  9. D

    Adam tablet

    I've been looking at tablets and was pretty much decided on getting the Advent Vega tablet once it came back into stock. However I noticed the Adam tablet (Notion Ink Adam) last night and really like the look of it. What are people's thoughts on it? I don't want to have to wait till march to...
  10. D

    Official Whos Pre-Ordered the Notion Ink Tablet

    Im not sure if theres a thread on here yet but whos pre ordered the notion yet? I have Pre ordered My notion tablet but i have to say im nervous and i mean VERY NERVOUS about it Notion Ink Preorder Page & Return Policy Are Arousing Suspicion, Anger | Android News, Reviews, Applications...
  11. D

    Notion Ink Tablet Info Requested

    im trying to find some information on the notion ink tablet but i havent been able to find so much about it like a release date and price and where as it will be available for purchase. i know on here that there are some of you with info on it that would benefit me so let me know
  12. K

    Where & How to buy Notion Ink Adam?

    Where & How to buy Notion Ink Adam? :eek:
  13. G

    Notion Ink Adam

    My current plan was to wait and see what HTC puts out in Q1 of 2011 as I love the HTC phones and their Sense UI. That is still my plan overall but I just came across the Notion Ink Adam tablet and I have to say it sounds pretty impressive in what info I could find. I was not able to find a...
  14. mdonova33

    Notion Ink Adam

    Anyone else excited about the Notion Ink Adam tablet that is coming out soon? Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
  15. Norril

    Adam from Notion Ink

    For all the tablet research I have been doing, this one is still my favorite. It would be releasing in June, but there are some glitches in the Nvidia 2nd gen chip and now the release is undetermined. I keep checking up on it and will let you know where there are updates. Compare specs to...
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