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samsung galaxy portal

  1. N

    Help Wont Charge

    Hi All, I am new to the Portal and new to the forums! so hello I got my portal of the net new and boxed and loved it for a week..... until the battery refused to charge. Symptons - 1, Displayed battery full when not 2, Charger not connected when attached 3, The charging screen...
  2. Grazuncle

    Root Success!

    Thanks to Beerkan's script and handholding/software and XplosiV's final tip I was only inches away from upgrading to 2.1 all the time except for the b****y USB monitoring which I never moticed. turned that off and BINGO!.. a few minutes as Beerkan said it owould be and up comes a new...
  3. R

    Root Bricked Samsung galaxy portal any help

    Well folks i think i bricked my galaxy portal ( great paper weight ) What happenend was i did the update with odin program but windows desided to crash on me now i cant boot into recovery or the download mode phone is dead even when i plug in charger or usb nothing appears on screen, so was...
  4. Z

    Help Galaxy Portal Drivers issue

    HI, I got the i5700 yesterday. I've been trying to update it to 2.1 but with no success. Initially i had port problems but i fixed that. Now it wont go past <1> setup connection. It hasnt been bricked (thankfully) but when i checked the drivers (while in that download mode) and they showed up...
  5. R

    Help hay there new portal user here

    Hi there folks realy like this site well i just bought a galaxy portal last week so what iam here to ask what cool things can i do to this phone.. links to the things i can do would be great :) well heres a wee bit info on phone locked to 3 payg UK Model number : GT-I5700 Firmware...
  6. M

    Help how to disable/turn off frequent calls list

    Hi i have just got the samsung galaxy portal on friday and although i can empty the call log the phone still retains a list of recent contacts that i have called,which will become incredibly long in a short time as i use this phone for work.Any ideas would be welcome.
  7. J

    Help Contacts - Messaging & Phone

    Can someone pls explain the difference between the contacts that are listed in Messaging and those listed under Phone ? I'm confused. It doesn't help that I have a contacts in - my corporate Outlook - that are synched with my PDA (iPAQ) - the mains one of which I've Bluetoothed over to my...
  8. I

    Help Is there a way to set individual ringtones for various contacts?

    I'm just wondering whether there is any way that I can set individual ringtones for my contacts? There are a few people I answer the phone to everytime they ring and a few that I decide can wait until I can call them back, usually when I'm driving. As it's against the law to be messing with...
  9. XplosiV

    Help Default Sounds

    I have a Galaxy Portal on 2.1 update 1. I dont use or like most of the default ringtones, so I've deleted most of them. However im sure on 1.5 I could use andexplorer to copy mp3's into the phones internal media folder. However, if I try now, I just get an error. "cannot paste <filename>...
  10. T

    Help Live Wallpaper

    Hi, Hoping someone can help me. I've just got a galaxy portal and I'm struggling to do what I want on it. I've been trying to install some live wallpaper but once I've downloaded it I don't know how to make it work.....do I need to install something else to make it work? Thanks Tfq
  11. Grazuncle

    Root can't get a com port recognised in Odin

    Hi all Im trying desperately to upgrade to 2.1 and have everything in place (courtesy of Beekan) but try as i might I cannot get a com port recognised in Odin I have installed NPS and Kies on two different computers now and they see the phone/USB/Memory card mounted but I do not see a com...
  12. L

    Help Galaxy Portal doesn't mount as USB storage on my macbook

    Anyone got any ideas? I had a Desire for a while (until i dropped it!), that mounted no problem. I'm not bothered about syncing music, etc., i just want to be able to drop music/video files onto the memory card.
  13. tanzi

    Help Pantheon ???? Battery usage

    My battery seems to have gone down really quickly today, I have just checked my usage and it says Pantheon 68% and android 32% what is pantheon:confused: and how can I stop my battery from declining so quickly??
  14. Grazuncle

    Root went to bite the ullet but it bit back

    Hi all after all my waiting..finally got around to trying the update to 2.1 got as far as cable connection but Odin did not see the phone on a com port.. abandond it. I have Kies and use mounted SD.... will remove and reload again. ust to make sure.. somewhere I say a post that warned...
  15. R

    Help Googlemail/Gmail problem

    Has anyone managed to solve the googlemail/gmail issue on the Galaxy Portal? I changed over to gmail last week without realising the implications for Android. Then being unable to use the Market, I read the various advice online, switched back to googlemail and cleared all the data in my...
  16. J

    Help Vibrating keypad

    Hi, all this technology is new to me. Its taken me an hour to figure out how to turn off the vibration/tone when writing a text. However, it still vibrates when I type a number into contacts. I've set all the sound/display to nothing, so cant figure out why its still doing it, please somebody...
  17. S

    Root root my sammy

    Hello all i wish to root my sammy galaxy portal how do i do it im such a n00b to android the last f/w mods i did was to my SE W800i so a nice guide or website with a guide would be good! can only google for so long without knowing what your looking for. Reasons for rooting Keyboard...
  18. K

    Help Is this a general problem with these phones or is mine faulty?

    Hi there everytime I call people they complain that they cnt hear me, is there a way to turn my mic volume up? if not is this a common problem or is it just my phone?
  19. XplosiV

    Help Backup My Portal

    Ok, so im sick of waiting for samsung/t-mobile to get their finger out and dish out the 2.1 update. So, I have pretty much decided to do it through the 'unofficial' route. Only thing is, before I do anything, is there a way to back up 'everything' on my phone? If it helps im on 1.5 I have...
  20. B

    Help ebay app for galaxy portal

    Hi, Might get a galaxy portal. Does anyone know of an ebay app? if so does it work? how good is it for buying and selling? Any opinions would be useful. thanks
  21. K

    Help How do you turn off 3G ?

    What it says in the title, people keep mentioning that turning off 3g helps save battery life so I would love to know how to do that! Thank :)
  22. K

    Help Need help with Galaxy Portal

    Just bought the galaxy portal and one thing i love is delivery reports could someone tell me how to enable them on the portal? Thanks xx
  23. M

    Help streaming videos

    2 weeks on and im happy with my galaxy portal but a couple questions on video streaming just been on to bbc mobile web site (im on the 3 network) this is in the 3 favourites settings , tried to view some of the bbc clips, just to see how good it was. an eastenders clip was one i tried. got...
  24. P

    Help OMG, Im Not Happy!

    Received my first android phone yesterday, today, went to turn it on, and it froze, the phone wont reboot...so i took to the t-mobile store, and they told me the software had froze and because i only had the phone a day, they would replace it, but that means i havent got a phone for 3 days ...
  25. T

    Help USB mass storage

    I am wanting to use my phone with different text alerts, however, when trying to disable the mass storage, i am getting the following menu. settings about phone (no disable mass storage on the menu) then not sure how to go further to get to the root folder. Hope anybody can help.
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