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samsung galaxy portal

  1. I

    Root i need that app Mod Install Location cause i can find it in my market

    hey guys i need that app Mod Install Location i want it as apk file cause i didnt found it in my market maybe cause it doesnt exist in my country Note: use app saver to get the apk if u have the app its attached too
  2. V

    Help Unlocked Galaxy APN/Network Operator help needed.

    1. GT-I5700 2. Firmware 1.5 3. Baseband I5700XXIl2 4. Kernel 2.6.27 5. Build number cupcake.xxila I'm in the U.S. and recently bought an unlocked Galaxy Spica/Lite/Portal. I love the phone but Droid is not as intuitive as I thought it would be. Since it's not one of their phones Centennial...
  3. Beerkan

    Root Root guide

    Ok folks, it's never been easier to root your phone than it is right now. Not only that, but follow this upgrade process, and you will have a rooted phone that runs Apps2SD by default. (Where apps are stored on the SD card rather than in internal memory). You will have up to 1GB of...
  4. L

    Help phone keeps crashing

    My month old portal has developed an annoying habit of crashing for no obvious reason. Screen goes completely black and none of the buttons respond. Only fix seems to be removing the battery and reassembling the phone. I'm using an up-to-date (2.1 Android) 3 branded PAYG phone on a 3...
  5. I

    Help Doc viewer?

    Does anyone know of an application that will view .doc/.docx files? I'd also prefer it to be free preferably because work won't pay out for it as they don't own the phone. I've seen a few available, but the problem is they all upload the document to a server for conversion and the problem I...
  6. T

    Help Best Apps?

    So far I've only added one application, colour note pad, but I've been looking what else is available. I'm completely amazed by the huge variety there is but with sooo much choice and a lot which seem to do the same kinda thing I was just wondering what other people have got and which ones they...
  7. T

    Help Nosey???

    Can anyone tell me why a lot of the applications in the market need to have access to, my location, network communication, person information, phone calls and system tools..........is there an actual valid reason or are they just being nosey? :confused:
  8. R

    Help says already updated

    hi Ive just installed nps 1.5 then connected my phone when i click to upgrade mobile phone it says latest version already installed.how can i update to android 2.1 please help me
  9. E

    Help internet problems - please help!

    Hi all... wondering if anyone can give me any advice? I've had the SGP for a couple of months now and its been fine. I have a contract with a 500mb allowance a month. this was fine last month, but after only 6 days this month I've max-ed this out and had additional charges of
  10. AndyBoot

    Help 2.1 for Galaxy Portal?

    Hi All, I've just recently purchased a Galaxy Portal for my girlfriend from ebay, it's currently in the post. I have a feeling it comes with Android 1.5. I personally have the HTC Hero and the 2.1 update has only just been rolled out to its users within the past month or so via OTA. My...
  11. C

    Help Live Wallpaper

    Can I have a live wallpaper on the Samsung Galaxy Portal? I downloaded one from the marketplace but I can't find a link on the wallpaper menu for live wallpaper.:confused:
  12. nailz

    Root Too scared to root.

    OK, well I have a month old i5700, which allready has eclair 2.1 on it. I would like to root it, to be able to remove some of the rubbish that 3 reckons I need, and to get stuff like live wallpaper. However, whilst I am quite tech-savvy, I'm never attempted anything with a phone before...
  13. H

    Help Sort contacts by first name ?

    Anyone know how to sort my contact list by the first names or is there an app that can do it ? I'm new to smartphones but I synched my contact list to my laptop and after that contact list is arranged last name, first name which is annoying. My firmware is 2.1-update 1 if that helps any Thanks
  14. T

    Help Email - Not Connected

    Hi to all in the world of the Android :p As you can see from the title of this thread, I am having problems connecting to my email. My phone is unable to connect to either Gmail or any other email via the phone. I am also unable to connect to the market place. Have compared setting with my...
  15. L

    Yay! Finally got Kindle for Android

    Just installed it and downloaded all the books I've been buying to read on my ipod touch.
  16. Grazuncle

    abyone using external battery charging

    would be handy to use a compact charger when not near mains or car :D
  17. B

    Help music from pc will not play on galaxy???

    hi im really new to this but i installed the `kies` software onto my pc and managed to transfer some of my albums onto my galaxy portal and when i was finished and tried to play the songs it kept saying `music player does not support`!!! help... im soooo annoyed, can anybody help??
  18. Mad_Sunday

    Help GPRS 3G MMS settings?

    I've managed to get my phone on the 'net again after upgrading to 2.1 by filling out the APN stuff following this......... Orange Setup I used the GPRS link and made a new APN. What confuses me tho' is, do I need to set up a seperate MMS APN or will the MMS stuff use the GPRS APN. If I need...
  19. A

    Help Noice During calls.

    Hi all, I have a Samsung i5700 Spica which is 3 days old and everytime i talk to someone on the phone, the person on the other line hears a loud "swoosh" noice every 30-40 seconds(varies), The same thing happens on the hands free aswell, I'm thinking if the problem is with the software? Please...
  20. P

    Help Help, desperate now!

    help, dont know if in right section but yeah, i need help....yesterday, wifi was fine, today, turned wwifi on and it says unable to scan for networks, then wifi turns off...help seriously guys, this is the second problem i have had with android in under a month!!!
  21. A

    Help Camera White out

    Hi, I read the other forum questions regarding cameras and I couldnt see one that quiote matched my problem. I have 2 new samsung galaxy portal phones running android 2.1. Overall they are absolutely fantastic but the camera when we are outside and its sunny the screen and resulting photo...
  22. A

    Help Problem with home screen

    I've just got a samsung galaxy portal. Just started setting up, now the wallpaper on my phone (which i changed to a motorbike) is constantly swapping round from: picture of bike > edge of bike > black > back to start. It's not stopping long enough on the menu screen to let me select anything...
  23. L

    Help 3g doesn't connect when i turn wifi off...

    ...until i reboot phone! Anyone else have this problem?
  24. Mad_Sunday

    Battery life

    I just can't believe how long the battery lasts on this phone! I went to work and the phone was on all night. I left work with 70% battery after playing with the phone a bit during a 12 hour night shift. I put the phone on a windscreen mount and started a SatNav app. The phone was on all the way...
  25. Grazuncle

    Help Anyone using Google Sat Nav

    I only heard about it recently but dismissed it as I only had Android 1.5 and apparently it needs 2.1 I have a Tom Tom but it is not always in the car with me. I take it in from the car to charge it and update maps then forget to take it with me .... :( Curious.. I'm not expecting the...
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