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10 Books that you think others should read.

Most of the books I like are murder mysteries/ thrillers/ fictions since these are my favorite genres. :) Here's my list:

1.) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson
2.) The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson
3.) The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Steig Larsson

- Steig Larsson, in my opinion, is one of the best author's I've ever known. He's absolutely brilliant. It's rare for me to find a mystery that really, really gets you thinking. There's so much suspense in his novels that the pages (and time) just flies by. At one point, you'll make your conclusions about something and then you'll find a bomb being dropped on you and then you'll be shocked. I really recommend his trilogy. I'm sure you'll love it to. :)

4.) Dansu Dansu Dansu by Haruki Murakami
5.) A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami

- His books are an absolute art. If you don't appreciate artistic writing or "reading between the lines", then you probably won't enjoy his books.

6.) Kiss The Girls- James Patterson

- This book changed me in some way. It was the first novel I've read that really shocked me and opened my eyes to so many things and issues about rape, sexual trysts, harems, orgies, drugs and even issues with the police. I loved this book because it made my heart palpitate and my eyes pop out. One of the best suspense novels out there. ^^b

7.) Harry Potter series- J.K. Rowling

- LOL don't laugh. But when I was younger, I was completely infatuated with this series to the point of obsession. Her humor, writing style and form is great and she stands out among the fantasy writes not only because her books turned into one of the most successful movie series, but because Harry Potter satisfies the thirst of hungry readers who want to know more about the world that can't be. 'Til today, I continue to re-read her series again and again. I'm reaching my 8th time re-reading the whole thing (from book 1- 7). Maybe I should add, she was the one who got me to start writing my own stories. Reading her stuff improved my vocabulary as well. :D

8.) Lemon Meringue Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke

- This book is a gem. The only reason I found this one is because it got transferred in my paper bag from a book sale. I like this book because it has a lot of humor (which I like), mystery (which I love) and sweet recipes in between. Something for the ladies. ;)

9.) Does she, or Doesn't she? by Alisa Kwitney

- Chick lit at its finest. LOL Actually, I just added this 'cause it's a really hilarious book loaded with British humor that we all love. A few pluses (for more mature readers) is her oversexualized fantasies featuring herself and the hot guy fixing her plumbing, funny clues about her husband's biggest secret ever (an affair? or is it something else? haha), and dealing with her crazy life in between. I've read this book a million times because it is a serious guilty pleasure. Go read it, I dare you. :P

10.) Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli

- This book has a lot of heart. So much heart in fact that once in a while, you'd feel your own myogenic organ squeeze in response. I read this when I was in the 4th grade, and it still remains one of my favorites. The sequel of the book, Love Stargirl delivers the same loving caress of a teenage innocent and is worth every minute.

I actually have a lot more book in my mind-- some from Mitch Albom, Paulo Coelho and Sophie Kinsella-- but I'll probably recommend them next time if I find the time. :)
1. The Man Who Loved Books Too Much by Allison Hoover Bartlett (This book is all about a book thief who rationalizes his thefts by finding it unfair that he can't afford them and it isn't wrong for him to steal. Also a keen look into the rare book trade).

2. The Cuckoo's Nest by Cliff Stoll (I read this in high school and have read it twice in the last two years. A very interesting read as a scientist and amateur computer programmer over several years tracks a computer hacker all the way in Germany through phone lines and military defense networks)

3. 1984 by George Orwell (This book needs no further explanation)

4. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis (Perhaps my favorite author, he writes about subjects so uncomfortable that it's like watching a horrific car crash in that you want to look away but cannot. Very graphic but he really captures the mindset of the wealthy elite in 1980s corporate Manhattan)

5. On the Road by Jack Kerouac (A college favorite and it's well known so I won't elaborate here)

6. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon (A rather long book and while it gets slow in parts it documents a tremendous journey for two cousins who create a great comic book)

7. Going After Cacciato by Tim O'Brien (A haunting look at the Vietnam War)

8. On the Trail of the Assassins by Jim Garrison (Looking back at it now there are certainly areas of exaggeration if not outright fiction but an interesting look at the only person to ever bring someone to trial in the murder of JFK. He was the District Attorney in New Orleans in 1963, which is where Lee Harvey Oswald spent time that same summer)

9. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers (A heartbreaking look at life through the words of a mute man taking up residence in a southern boarding house)

10. I'm A Stranger Here Myself by Bill Bryson (Need something humorous between such serious reading? Bill Bryson tells great stories, many of which all people can relate to)

My list is certainly different as there have been many good titles brought up by other posters in this thread. I went with books that really spoke to me and got me thinking or resonated with something I have experienced. I had to mention a JFK assassination book because I own close to 80 books on the topic. Yes, I used to be a bit obsessed and probably still am. Nobody's perfect...
The Great Gatsby
The Lost Dogs
The Death of Innocence
To Kill A Mockingbird
Infinite Jest
The **** Up
Chinese Takeout
World War Z
The Pride and The Prejudice and Zombies
Stuff White People Like
World War Z is great! Everyone read it! (by Max Brooks) I don't know why people don't list the authors
For a good look at mechanics, if interested, I strongly recommend The Code Book by Singh - the only real explanation of Enigma; many have tried, this succeeds.
I'll have to check that one out. I don't often dip into non-fiction, but I do every so often.

You'll certainly like Len Deighton's The Ipcress File if you've not checked that one out.

Great Science Museum there in Taichung. The scultped dinosaurs I'll PM you about later - they're part of a set of three and are unique in the world.
Watership Down
Take Your Eyes Off The Ball
Alex Delaware Novels (Jonathan Kellerman)
Moby Dick - 1851 version
The Coming Plague
Prey series (John Sanford)
Late, Great Planet Earth
Bloodline Of The Holy Grail
Air Con: The Seriously Inconvenient Truth About Global Warming
Boys Will Be Boys
Just that i had thought of reading that sometime soon. As a lover of books i keep meaning to knock out some of the classics
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Series:

The Hitchhikers Huide to the Galaxy
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Life, The Universe and Everything
So Long and thanks for all the Fish
Mostly Harmless

Whether you like sci-fi or not these are excellent books to which the recent 2005 movie did absolutely no justice too. Douglas Adams died way too young.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Series:

The Hitchhikers Huide to the Galaxy
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Life, The Universe and Everything
So Long and thanks for all the Fish
Mostly Harmless

Whether you like sci-fi or not these are excellent books to which the recent 2005 movie did absolutely no justice too. Douglas Adams died way too young.
I actually liked the movie, DA was around for the first half of production ya know. But you're right

btw, love the username and avatar!! Classic!!
On 'another' forum i go by the name Fordprefect:D (swtor.com)
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Doug Adams

PS to NA79 - don't be so hard on yourself, you just kinda walked into it, that's all. :)
Never got around to reading that, keep meaning to though
omgz! pwnies!

Dirk Gently is really a must-read, especially if you're anything even approaching living in the same neighborhood of a Doug Adams fan - or if your car needs an oil change.

Things connect in strange ways - I think Dirk's the only one that got it right.

Think of Eliot Rosewater's (from Vonnegut) coin flipped over -> Dirk Gently.
omgz! pwnies!

Dirk Gently is really a must-read, especially if you're anything even approaching living in the same neighborhood of a Doug Adams fan - or if your car needs an oil change.

Things connect in strange ways - I think Dirk's the only one that got it right.

Think of Eliot Rosewater's (from Vonnegut) coin flipped over -> Dirk Gently.

Yea i've been meaning to, first read hitchhiker when i was... hmmm, in high school i think. Since then have read it several times. I absolutely love DA!
Think i will dive into it when i finish The Denali, which btw is a very good 11 book series that i would recommend
wow i forgot a lot of what i have seen posted but here is my 2 cents

the wheel of time series by Robert Jordan

all of tim dorsey
all of Azimov's fiction
andrew vachhs burke series
linux bible :)
4.) Dansu Dansu Dansu by Haruki Murakami
5.) A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami

- His books are an absolute art. If you don't appreciate artistic writing or "reading between the lines", then you probably won't enjoy his books.

Didn't expect to find another Murakami fan! To add to these, I'd also suggest The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami as well. My personal favorite of his :)

Other favorites are:

The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan
- the final book (#14) will be out November of this year, I believe, and is actually being written by Brandon Sanderson, as RJ, sadly, passed away before he could complete the series.

As I Lay Dying by Faulkner

Terry Pratchett - especially any of the books featuring Death as one of the main characters, such as Reaper Man or Hogfather.
Can't think of 10 that aren't completely obvious, here a a few:

Catch 22 (Joseph Heller)
Shogun (James Clavell - any of his books really)
Red Dwarf series (Rob Grant & Doug Naylor)
Argos Catalogue...stunning read.
I've discovered a trove of old Philip K. Dick short stories and novelettes at Project Gutenberg that I never heard of before - free, as is their entire (large) catalog. I read them on my phone, so if anyone's interested, here's the instructions to integrate PG into Aldiko -

Aldiko - Gutenberg

It's for the previous interface of Aldiko, but follow your nose through Aldiko Home and then Catalogs and it'll come clear.

If presented with the choice between a kinda plain text and "illustrated" or "picture" version - choose the latter. It'll give you a slightly screwed-up first page while it tries to decide how to flow the text around a cover picture, but that's just a paragraph or two. For your troubles, you'll get a beautifully decorated Georgia font, where things like the quotation marks are proper, not the two-chicken-mark computer font kinda deal.

I personally chose the goldenrod background and black text, and it's way easy on the eyes when adjusting down for brightness. In my case (4.3") screen, I've adjusted the font size so that when I lay my phone atop my most re-read paperback (Eon) the font is the same size and almost identical spacing as that. I should think from smaller to larger devices, the adjustments are there to suit most.

Also - if that doesn't appeal, but Project Gutenberg does, note you can download in several formats and read on any number of devices.

Hope this helps!

PS - Especially the Philip K. Dick treasures - mighty good old-school stuff there for fans.

edit - I'm assuming everyone's heard of Aldiko - it's free in the Market. The new interface is trying to get you to their on-line store, but that's easily avoided. Also, their latest update screwed up download titles on coverless books - so, list view of the bookshelf solves that.
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