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Root [15/10/13] CM10.1 for HTC Merge (Android 4.2.2)


This rom is still very ALPHA. Please do a backup before flashing. Flash at your own risk.


[b]What doesn't work:[/b]
Camera (works, but green tint, distorted line in image)
Maybe sometimes random soft reboot/freeze/lags (enable zram 18% helps for me)

[b]What works:[/b]
everything else?

Build manifest (includes everything I have changed): https://github.com/jianC/android/tree/cm-10.1

Credits: CyanogenMod & Team, Evervolv & Team, Neopeek & Team (r.i.p.. :(), helicopter88, UnitedDev & Team, and anyone who has helped!
Wow amazing Jianc, you are the best, now short description

Phone calls: Work only with headphones
GPS: Work
GSM: Work
SMS Work
Camera: Gren line
Wifi: Work
Torch: work
SDCard: Work
Audio: Work
Capacitive buttons : work
USB Mount: Not work
Video camera: Not work

sometimes freezes and becomes slow but use ram booster and slightly improves

This version is much better than the 9, then could you please give us MIUI ICS.

tomorrow continue, thanks for your great work master.
I have the cm 10.1 rom on my merge and its faster then the stock gingerbread rom was, but that may be the fact that its now on a oc to 1.222ghz instead of the stock 800mhz. the camera is a minor annoyance and the headphone port i see is a known problem also. Keep up the good work and lets see what the next build will bring!

I added google apps in and google now seems to work other then the mic seems to work fine with that...and voice commands work fine. i don't use it as a phone, just a android mp3 player on wifi, so i don't know about the signal reception. the usb connection to computer for a sd mount works fine...at least on the same computer that did the original root and flashing. If i spot anything thats definately a problem ill add a post later
One thing i just came across-i know the merge has a fm receiver in it, is there any way to make it work or is that not available with the newer android versions?
One thing i just came across-i know the merge has a fm receiver in it, is there any way to make it work or is that not available with the newer android versions?

The FM receiver app is not available in CM10.1 anymore, unfortunately.

Updated, and fixed mic. Still working on Camera/Camcorder issue.
I'll just stick to web streams for music... In setting up to update it again right now so we will see what happens :D
Flashed your rom on my S610d several days ago.
feel happy to have android 4.x. Thanks!

several things that don't work on S610d (I don't know if it is reproducible on Merge):
Camera with green line and Video Camera
bluetooth (can't see others, can't be seen)
Portable Wi-Fi hotspot (under settings->more->Tethering & portable hotspot, start forever, cannot cancel, only reboot can cancel)
custom action for search key (neither in CM settings nor by editing keylayout file works, but can set with Xposed Additions)

Could you please briefly tell something about how you fixed the mic, or give some links where I can start? Just interested... I have learned some basic programming, but have no idea how a rom is built...
Hi, Camera/Camcorder doesn't work on Merge either. The other things I have not fully tested yet, so thank you for reporting.

The mic problem was simply just enabling a flag during build. (BOARD_HAVE_HTC_AUDIO), which enables htc mic/htc_acoustic userspace code.
So this is why a bug fix added 10MB to the zip? I guess we also need something like BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH, today I compared cm-9-20130912-UNOFFICIAL-lexikon.zip and cm-10.1-20131015-UNOFFICIAL-lexikon.zip and found many bluetooth-related files (?) such as libbluetooth.so, libbluetoothd.so, libbtio.so, bluetoothd, hciconfig are missing in cm10. I tried mixing them together but failed (hciconfig shows nothing).
I also tried some 3rd party camera apps today. Camera360 and Camera MX can take photos without green line (but cannot record video). Videocam illusion can record, but the frame rate is really low (it may be taking lots of photos and combining them together). Focal, the CM10.2 camera app, doesn't have the green line bug either, but will FC on pressing the record button:
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): Writing exception to parcel
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown URI: co
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): at com.android.providers.media.MediaProvider.ins
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): at com.android.providers.media.MediaProvider.ins
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.ins
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): at android.content.ContentProviderNative.onTrans
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:35
E/DatabaseUtils( 1767): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-102
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown URI: c
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionF
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): at android.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionF
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.insert(C
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(Conten
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): at org.cyanogenmod.focal.SnapshotManager$VideoNa
E/AndroidRuntime( 2358): at org.cyanogenmod.focal.SnapshotManager$VideoNa
Hope it helps...
The bug fix didn't add 10MB to rom (that would be quite a lot of code :P), but it was just a coincidence that CyanogenMod added 2 new packages external_spongycastle and packages_apps_CMAccount.

I will look into bluetooth with your suggestions in mind but it could be a kernel issue since many things were updated to 3.0 drivers userspace.

For camera, I found out that some configs were missing that caused camera to not fully work in CM9 (720p is buggy and media_profiles.xml is not setup correctly). It should be fixed soon after I fix the camcorder issue in CM9.
Hello! Any new bilds? Planning to flash my phone on sunday and can do some tests.
May be some 4.4 development? Sourse code have been released)
Low-End Device Support
KitKat has been streamlined, such that every major component has a reduced memory footprint, with new APIs geared at helping app developers create faster and more memory-efficient apps. This includes the new API ActivityManager.isLowRamDevice(), which lets you tune your app’s behavior to match the target device’s memory constraints. Furthermore, core system process have been trimmed, and new services are configured to run serially and in small groups, to avoid higher memory demands.

This expands on yesterday’s news that Android 4.4 would be better suited for devices with limited memory. As stated on the Android Developers Site:

OEMs building the next generation of Android devices can take advantage of targeted recommendations and options to run Android 4.4 efficiently, even on low-memory devices. Dalvik JIT code cache tuning, kernel samepage merging (KSM), swap to zRAM, and other optimizations help manage memory. New configuration options let OEMs tune out-of-memory levels for processes, set graphics cache sizes, control memory reclaim, and more.
I will definitely look into 4.4, since it has lower ram requirements.. 4.2 is causing our phones to lag a bit because of HWA (takes a lot of memory). Hopefully their definition of low memory is <256mb because I would hate to see our mid-end phones become low-end..

I'm a bit busy nowadays because of university, so updates will be a bit sparse, but feel free to fork my repos and contribute :)
I will definitely look into 4.4, since it has lower ram requirements.. 4.2 is causing our phones to lag a bit because of HWA (takes a lot of memory). Hopefully their definition of low memory is <256mb because I would hate to see our mid-end phones become low-end..

I'm a bit busy nowadays because of university, so updates will be a bit sparse, but feel free to fork my repos and contribute :)

Respect :cool:
I will definitely look into 4.4, since it has lower ram requirements.. 4.2 is causing our phones to lag a bit because of HWA (takes a lot of memory). Hopefully their definition of low memory is <256mb because I would hate to see our mid-end phones become low-end..

I'm a bit busy nowadays because of university, so updates will be a bit sparse, but feel free to fork my repos and contribute :)
Cant wait to test some 4.4. Even if it will be insane buggy i will flash it anyway(:
Hope you manage all thing with university as soon as possible because if i become developer all ur devices will be bricked;)
Well...ill just lurk here and see what roms show up...so far so good. Lets see what gets 4.4 first...the nexus 7 (2012) or the merge. :D Either way, keep up the good work.
I must say that youre so brilliant jianC,and...uhmm,I come from china and as far as I know,nearly all of Chinese HTC merge forums are using ur Kernel,to us,you are a master actually...Im verry happy to see the CM10.1 rom,its so amazing,but in fact it lags alot...And we are eager to see the Android 4.4,but take your time,good luck for your university stuff,Im waiting to say Congrats~:)
We all appreciate your builds and the personal time you put into these, good luck with your academics and we're all looking forward to your future builds when you release them. thanks again
hello dear friends! sorry for offtopic.
i want just thank jianC for awesome cm7 and cm9. it was the best in merge, but i hawe switched it for hd2 again. (wp7.8 i comming for you)
hope porting 4.4 on merge will be easiest as possible!
wish you a stable builds!
working on 4.4 now.. will post teaser pics when i'm done updating the sources

I won't bother with fixing cam/camcorder in jb since it's not very optimized for low memory devices anyways.

edit: so far, progress is a bit slow because i'm compiling on a laptop (I left my build server at home and have no means of accessing it). There's still a lot of things to fix as some HALS and packages expect different formats. Checkout my github to check on progress 8)
It seems like you had some problems with the HALs.I checked your github recently,of course I can't help,but we will support you...wish the best builds!Android4.4...sounds delicious!
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