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800 pound gorilla coming

If the iPhone was made by someone other than Apple it would be a middle of the pack phone. Apple's name sells the iPhone just like all of their other devices. The Xoom with Honeycomb will probably be the best tablet with how amazing Honeycomb is but it won't outsell the iPad. iOS while very smooth has become stale and boring. People talk about how beautiful is it which is mind boggling. You're looking at the same 5x4 screen all the time. After four iPhones I'm done. I'll get an iPod Touch for games but something else for my phone.
iPhone hasn't even arrived yet and it is already killing Motorola phone sales at VZ....]

I made an account just so I could respond because I feel so strongly about this. Your probably right there is an 800lb gorilla coming. But it doesn't worry me a bit. Android is here to stay, this will simply be a minor set back. LSUTiger said it well, if it was made by any one else the hype just wouldn't be the same. Apple has put their phone under lock and key. They seem to worried that someone may do something better then them and are worried about loosing that apple touch, "secrecy."

The way I see it people are of course going to flock to the iphone like a bug zapper. Looks pretty, sounds enticing, but a month after they have it and they get that bill the big differences come out. Charge charge charge for all those little apps and services and it all adds up. Even motions as simple as adding ringtones to the iphone is a huge ordeal especially if you don't want to pay for it. I'm not talking illegally using them either, if you purchase the song you should be able to use it as a ringtone right? Nope, gotta buy that separate unless you want to spend another 5 mins going through several confusing steps (for an average user that is) just to allow yourself to use it when someone calls. I should also mention how slow Apple is to update things.

People will see the difference and once they do they will come back. So yeah for the next year people will flock of course, but once the hype of something new is gone and the contracts start to run out they will return. Slowly? Maybe. But thats business, one game of chess at a time folks... Android is here to stay, that you can count on

Don't believe me? Did you notice the return Apple gave to Google when Google started pushing their chrome apps a while back? Apple Apps on their computers with an update, don't let apple fool you, they have reason to be concerned and they know it. It'll be fun to watch it play out though
Finance isn't that straight forward. Its possible that Moto sales are slowing because they have announced some amazing devices in the very near future. I know I'm not buying Moto right now but not buying the iPhone either. Probably Bionic on launch day but I'm not 100% yet.

Maybe its time to sell aapl on the hype while there is some and buy mmi long as the price drops.

Actually, maybe shorting apple is the right answer for the near future...

But just with my 2 cents lol
^I agree with this.

Then look how long their recent phones have been out. Yea 6 months isnt a long time, but with the way Android phones have been coming out lately, ppl might be anticipating new phones soon even of they dont know about the phones announced at CES. It could be Moto just being modest.

Like when the Droid X and 2 came out, I'm sure sales of the Droid 1 went down. And thats with the Droid 2 not selling as well as the Droid X.

Then look at this from the article:

Motorola's forecast of a difficult first quarter isn't a total surprise. CEO Sanjay Jha warned in December that Verizon (NYSE: VZ) Wireless' competitive actions in the first quarter of this year could have "an impact" on Motorola's financial results during the period. Verizon is set to begin selling the Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPhone early next month.

Well....I dont think Moto has any new phones coming out in 1st Q 2011...lol. The iPhone on Verizon would be a new phone for Verizon customers in the 1st Q.

With that said....I wish I had stock in Apple...lol
endorphin, my brother is a perfect example of an apple customer, he has had his iPhone for almost 3 years but where he lives can not get a good signal on ATT while I get a great signal there on my VZ service. So he decided to give in and get a VZ phone starting last year. He tried the original Droid 1st and took it back, said it was not as good as his iPhone, then tried the DINC and same result. Late last year he tried the Samsung Fascinate at my suggestion, he hated it and took it back. He now has his iPhone still with ATT and a cheap VZ phone to answer calls at his house. He is so excited to get the iPhone in Feb even though I have told him it will only be 3G and not 4G and not as fast as the new android phone processors. He doesn't care as he tells me the iPhone is easier, cleaner and better for him to navigate. BTW he bought 1K shares of AAPL in March 09 when it was in the 80's so he has made over $250K on apple in the last couple of years so that might also be a contributor. He also loves his iPad which I think is silly as I use a Thinkpad which I love....but typical apple customer plus he loves that all his kids have iPhones because the apps are somewhat controlled with inappropriate content compared to androids...
I do not see Android going anywhere. Most likely the cause in the slow down in sales at the moment is somewhat caused by iPhone but everyone on these forums are drooling over the upcoming LTE Phones and the second generation Droid's. We will see when those phones start hitting the market how sales go up. I personally am waiting for the X2, I want a Thunderbolt, but it will be years before I get service where I live.

PS I did watch a video on Thunderbolt this morning where the emphases was how well the TB performed on the 3G network as well as LTE. So who knows, I may jump. I have been want to try the HTC experience.
I don't think a slow down would be entirely due to the Iphone. Couple of other major factors would be LTE phones coming very soon and that Motorola doesn't really have a new model out right now.
If the iPhone was made by someone other than Apple it would be a middle of the pack phone. Apple's name sells the iPhone just like all of their other devices. The Xoom with Honeycomb will probably be the best tablet with how amazing Honeycomb is but it won't outsell the iPad. iOS while very smooth has become stale and boring. People talk about how beautiful is it which is mind boggling. You're looking at the same 5x4 screen all the time. After four iPhones I'm done. I'll get an iPod Touch for games but something else for my phone.

Rip on the Iphone all you want but it would never be a middle of the pack phone regardless of who made it. Considering it revolutionized how touch screen phones work, i'd say it's still near the top. Other then HTC and maybe, maybe Motorolla can you name a company that makes better phones?
yes the iphone revolutionized the smartphone industry, I think the point is that if Apple hadn't put the marketing behind it, it would have just been another phone on AT&T.
Rip on the Iphone all you want but it would never be a middle of the pack phone regardless of who made it. Considering it revolutionized how touch screen phones work, i'd say it's still near the top. Other then HTC and maybe, maybe Motorolla can you name a company that makes better phones?

Meh, give me a phone:

1. Hardware Designed by Sony or Samsung
2. Built by Motorola or HTC
3. Running Android
4. With Apple's attention to detail and polish
5. On Verizon's LTE service
Amazing, VZ took so many orders in the first 2 hours for the iPhone they had to shut down the orders....

Verizon sees 'record' first-day sales with iPhone - Yahoo! Finance=

saw that coming a mile away lol. Hopefully with Iphone taking a lot of sales, Motorolas big ass will hurry up & finish bionic! It's ridiculous we have to wait...most phones that get announced come out within the next few weeks (Iphone, Droid 2 droid x , Thunderbolt etc.) but NOOO not the Bionic. :mad:
I want the one with the bigger GB's and the wi-fi---

-Seriously though- no Android phone will outsell the iphone. Mostly because there is only 1 iphone. Overall Android is outselling the iphone. Additionally, Motorola doesn't need to sell as many as Apple- they need to sell enough to make a good profit.
The fact that there's so many people on Android in the first place marks it's place securely in the market. We know the iPhone is can't be knocked off in sales by any one phone. I look at it like this, the Toyota Camry has been the best selling car for ages. That doesn't make it better than a Lexus. We have the superior phones, and looks like we'll continue to.
I am slowly getting accustomed to my Dolphin browser, but from time to time I still pick up my iPod touch and surf. I just like the iPod experience better. I saw a video of the Bonic's browser and it looked similar to the i experience. I hope so.
Yes, no one Android device will outsell the iPhone. The Android OS as a whole has the chance to. That's what attracts people to Android. You have so many choices - physical keyboard, front facing camera, etc. It's not fair when people compare one Android device to the iPhone.
If the iPhone was made by someone other than Apple it would be a middle of the pack phone. Apple's name sells the iPhone just like all of their other devices. The Xoom with Honeycomb will probably be the best tablet with how amazing Honeycomb is but it won't outsell the iPad. iOS while very smooth has become stale and boring. People talk about how beautiful is it which is mind boggling. You're looking at the same 5x4 screen all the time. After four iPhones I'm done. I'll get an iPod Touch for games but something else for my phone.

You can't make this argument anymore. What smartphone (for comparison's sake, let's limit it to a strict Verizon comparison) has a better camera for photos? What smartphone records better videos? What other Verizon smartphone will support bluetooth keyboards? What other smartphone has the PowerGPU 535, second only to the 540 in the Fascinate? What other smartphone is even close to as pocketable, but still gets comparable battery life?

It is not a middle of the road device by any means. You may not want the features it has, and there are Droids out there for me and you that want other features, perhaps one of those features is unlimited modding and customization. But it's a fast single core processor, a fast GPU (faster than the GPU in the Droid X), a very sharp screen (does any other Verizon phone have that high of resolution??), and an out of the box experience that still beats most Android competitors in stability, responsiveness and speed. Do any other Verizon phones other than the DX offer video out? The iPhone gives you 1024x768 - not 720p, but close.

I have used the iPhone 4. I have also owned a Droid X and a Samsung Fascinate. I rooted and customized the living daylights out of the Droid X and the Fascinate, and when I was done, they were more responsive and had equal stability to the iPhone 4. But out of the box, compared to the iPhone 4, they both lagged in responsiveness and app load times.

The next thing truly, and noticeably faster will be the Thunderbolt. And guess what? No video out. And know what else? It's also more expensive.

Make your comparisons fair.
You can't make this argument anymore. What smartphone (for comparison's sake, let's limit it to a strict Verizon comparison) has a better camera for photos? What smartphone records better videos? What other Verizon smartphone will support bluetooth keyboards? What other smartphone has the PowerGPU 535, second only to the 540 in the Fascinate? What other smartphone is even close to as pocketable, but still gets comparable battery life?

It is not a middle of the road device by any means. You may not want the features it has, and there are Droids out there for me and you that want other features, perhaps one of those features is unlimited modding and customization. But it's a fast single core processor, a fast GPU (faster than the GPU in the Droid X), a very sharp screen (does any other Verizon phone have that high of resolution??), and an out of the box experience that still beats most Android competitors in stability, responsiveness and speed. Do any other Verizon phones other than the DX offer video out? The iPhone gives you 1024x768 - not 720p, but close.

I have used the iPhone 4. I have also owned a Droid X and a Samsung Fascinate. I rooted and customized the living daylights out of the Droid X and the Fascinate, and when I was done, they were more responsive and had equal stability to the iPhone 4. But out of the box, compared to the iPhone 4, they both lagged in responsiveness and app load times.

The next thing truly, and noticeably faster will be the Thunderbolt. And guess what? No video out. And know what else? It's also more expensive.

Make your comparisons fair.

WOW! After reading that response, and reading all the iPhone reviews from people who pre-ordered them through receiving and activating them, I am ready to get an iPhone, but I will wait because I want a larger screen. I will test the Tbolt when it arrives and make up my mind.
WOW! After reading that response, and reading all the iPhone reviews from people who pre-ordered them through receiving and activating them, I am ready to get an iPhone, but I will wait because I want a larger screen. I will test the Tbolt when it arrives and make up my mind.

You just have to get the phone that has the features you want. I personally don't want an iPhone. I love my live wallpapers and limitless customizable widgets. I also like larger screens, too. I'm lucky, though, that a friend brought the LG Revolution to my attention. In case the Bionic has too locked down a bootloader for my tastes, I will be able to get the LG Revolution and still have my much desired HDMI out.

I considered the iPhone. In fact, I was set to get one when I thought my account qualified for a special promotion where it would be pretty much free. The iPhone has two features I really like: video out and SD card reader capability.

I was going to splurge the extra $100 for the 32GB model. You can get the attachment for video out (same one that works on the iPad works on the iPhone 4). Not only that, but You can get an attachment that reads SD cards. When I'm on photo shoots I can use the SD card reader to backup the photos from my Nikon's SD card. This is another situation where the phone would provide more versatility to my camera shoots. I have other SD cards of course, but I only have one or two high speed ones, and when they fill up, I could simply back them up on my phone. It's another situation where I won't need to lug around a laptop.

Ideally, I would use a tablet or slate of some kind for this, and simply slip it into my camera bag. But I'd rather have HDMI out with mirroring and android, honestly, so I think I'm going to pass on the iPhone for now and just plan on getting a slate of some kind for photo shoots later that has 32GB storage and an SD card. 32GB would be enough. That would give me lots of refills on my 4GB high speed card.

Then I can just spend my monies on an Android phone. HDMI out with audio is still better than iPhone's VGA output requiring a separate audio cable.
yes the iphone revolutionized the smartphone industry, I think the point is that if Apple hadn't put the marketing behind it, it would have just been another phone on AT&T.
I'm not sure what relevance this point has, though. The same can be said for Android and VZW's juggernaut marketing push, with the original Droid...or most any product that has ever gone mainstream in a major market.

When the bottom line is profit, obscurity isn't a good thing. Marketing has it's place, and in the case of Apple, it's exceptionally effective while being reinforced by a very good and polished product. I couldn't knock them for playing to their strengths, but I'm happy they do, as it's only helped to shape and refine Android's competitive response.

In the interest of the thread, I hope Apple drops a huge bomb on the sales of competitive devices, once it releases on VZW. I don't fear for Android, at all (given it's also mainstream), but I feel it will be a wakeup call to some companies, who've gotten a bit lax/arrogant since their initial product offerings (and are slowly mirroring the less favorable practices of Apple, in the process).
When the bottom line is profit, obscurity isn't a good thing. Marketing has it's place, and in the case of Apple, it's exceptionally effective while being reinforced by a very good and polished product. I couldn't knock them for playing to their strengths, but I'm happy they do, as it's only helped to shape and refine Android's competitive response.

In the interest of the thread, I hope Apple drops a huge bomb on the sales of competitive devices, once it releases on VZW. I don't fear for Android, at all (given it's also mainstream), but I feel it will be a wakeup call to some companies, who've gotten a bit lax/arrogant since their initial product offerings (and are slowly mirroring the less favorable practices of Apple, in the process).

You are exactly right, and I herald both Apple and Android as revolutionary in their own ways. Apple finally brought a mainstream smartphone that didn't hurt people's eyes, fingers, and brains on a daily basis in order to use them properly. It was an interface that was intuitive and smooth. Android came out and tried to match that interface's ease of use, and almost succeed - or succeeded enough that their devices make people happy. But their part of revolutionizing the industry is to make the devices more open, and make phones truly feel to owners like they really "own" their own device, and make it completely customized, with wallpapers, apps, widgets, launchers, etc. I really feel like my Fascinate is mine. If the non-root customizations and tweaks aren't enough, there's even more of a community out there making devices even more personal.

To borrow from HP's phrase they coined a while back of "making the PC fun again" I will coin the phrases for both Apple and Android:

iPhone: Making smartphones fun and easy.
Android: Making your smartphone really, truly yours.

Both steps are taking us in the right direction, in my opinion.
You are exactly right, and I herald both Apple and Android as revolutionary in their own ways. Apple finally brought a mainstream smartphone that didn't hurt people's eyes, fingers, and brains on a daily basis in order to use them properly. It was an interface that was intuitive and smooth. Android came out and tried to match that interface's ease of use, and almost succeed - or succeeded enough that their devices make people happy. But their part of revolutionizing the industry is to make the devices more open, and make phones truly feel to owners like they really "own" their own device, and make it completely customized, with wallpapers, apps, widgets, launchers, etc. I really feel like my Fascinate is mine. If the non-root customizations and tweaks aren't enough, there's even more of a community out there making devices even more personal.

To borrow from HP's phrase they coined a while back of "making the PC fun again" I will coin the phrases for both Apple and Android:

iPhone: Making smartphones fun and easy.
Android: Making your smartphone really, truly yours.

Both steps are taking us in the right direction, in my opinion.

Had to quote that. I agree 100%. And a mistake some ppl make with Android is thinking or feeling it isnt customizable UNTIL you root it and run custom ROMs. Like you mentioned, there is plenty of customization with Android out the box.

I had an Omnia 1, Win Mo phone, and you could customize it too. Dont know if it was to the extent it is with Android cuz I didnt keep it long enough. I remember different home screens available, I dont think you could have more than 1 tho, like 3,5,7. Not sure. The difference with the old Win Mo is the apps cost alot more compared to Android. And Android has some very good free apps.
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