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A little about me


Aug 4, 2010
Hello everyone they call me hairman! Had to add the 512, lol. But seriously im a semi newb to this . i got my moto droid after my blackberry storm 1 was stoolen and people i tell you i dont miss it at all hehe .You all know what i mean well ive been rooting my phone cence the father of the leak p3droid has released it on june 7th and man ive done some crazy stuff to my phone started with 2.1update-1 and thats what i rooted from and now im just jumping around from site to site trying to figure out what i have done works good and all but has lots of lag and does some strange things so im really looking for the newest builds for fryo whitch i put on on the 7th while i was in orlando at a convention did it straight from my phone despite all the warnings i coul brick it lol now i think im just a little more thsn a newb now im trying to just learn how to swich roms and get roms withought totally wiping my phone all the time but i love all you people for all the time and info you put into this for all of us and hope i can find what i need on your comunity thanks for having me ANDROID RULLS sorry not such a good speller or typer lol :D


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