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A N D R O I D - F O R U M S: It's the First Annual Appreciation Week for the appreciation week maker


Pâtes avec votre foie
Thank You Rico!!!

To my first friend on AF, thanks Rico. I think it was your guides appreciation thread when I first became active on the forum and felt comfortable with the staff that they weren't just cops and organizers. The personalities, humor, sophomoric jabbing at each other really made me feel welcome. I know I am staff now, but that was how I felt when I was a junior member with only a few posts. So I cannot express my gratitude to you enough.
Thanks Rico, you're so awesome for thinking up the super cool appreciation weeks.
When will we get rid of this guy!!?

Jeepers creepers!

He's cluttering up the place with his mindless gibberish,


Some one ban Rico ASAP!!

If only I had the super human powers of a mod... I would ban em all ... sigh :(
Frisco! You been tawlkn with my mamma [...said in a "whatchoo talkn about willis!..tone xD] how did you bribe her to give you that pic of me as a babe! Wasnt I FFFFIIIIINE!


Stinkcefus! Did you receive that gift package of RAID that I sent you for xxx-mas? XD
Rico you have hurt my feelings!!


I just KNEW something was up!

I knew it all along!!

Damn backstabber...

This photo reminds me of your sinister self...


Naah all jokes aside! :)

You really are an awesome guy man!

Great troll - err I mean guy!

This place would be a lot more quiet with out you! ;)

This thread is makign em laugh so hard

can't ...stop.... giggling....must... stop some ....how!

@ jmartino5920...



You are loaded dude!!

Tell me now my new best friend...

How much Moola / Deniro / Shillings is in that picture my bestest of best friends? :)

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