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Accessing learned words in Samsung Galaxy keyboard

Hi! I'm currently sharing a phone with someone who's being pretty shifty and I just need some help.
I was typing an email address in the search bar of a browser on the Samsung Galaxy a12 we share when a whole bunch of suggestions popped up. They were all usernames ( @username ) in the suggestion part of the keyboard and when I hit the ... to view more, a whole lot of others showed up as well. I went to write them down but the problem is I only got to click on two of them before they ALL stopped showing as suggestions in the keyboard.
I'm not sure if it was an accidental glitch and I was never supposed to see those suggestions pop up at all, but the fact that they did means they've got to be stored SOMEWHERE in the phone... Right? Is there any way to access that data- anything I can try? Is there a way to hide the "learned words" that I don't know about? Could they have installed and hidden a whole separate keyboard altogether? The keyboard is just the Samsung keyboard, not GBoard and the phone is not rooted. Is there a way to do that myself in order to access that data?Any help would be really appreciated, thank you!I tried looking up the answer for this already but I'm not really getting the answers I need.
It seems like you're either suspecting them of cheating or jealously noticed the usernames of people they've searched on a social platform like Instagram. Does that sound about right?

My advice is that finding where this data may or may not be stored is not the solution. The solution is having a partner you trust and engaging in good communication in the toughest of times.

If there's something that concerns you, raise this issue gently with your partner. Give them the opportunity to explain before you go snooping down a path that will cause more problems. Or maybe your concerns will sound crazy if broached aloud, in which case, maybe you're overreacting, reading into things that aren't there, and need to calm your nerves- go for a walk, meditate, listen to some music, etc...

It's likely that this data was cached and the search history or app data has since been cleared. If that's the case, it won't be long before it's populated again- people are creatures of habit. You'll likely have the chance to "snoop" in the future if the situation is dire... but it seems like you're looking for something that you don't actually want to find. That's an endless search that only turns up two things: emptiness or heartbreak.
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