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ADW vs Launcher Pro

Without uninstalling LP, is there anyway to disable it temporarily/stop it from running? I want to test out ADW but both launchers seem somewhat laggy with both ADW and LP running on top of the stock home launcher.

Other then that, so far I am actually liking ADW better....adding things to the homescreens is slightly buggy IMO, it adds it to the first available spot instead of the location you longpress on, but thats only minor unless you constantly change your homescreens. It does seem a bit smoother, and it seems to transition from the lock screen to the launcher (ADW) faster than it transitions from the lock screen to LP, which reduces some of the remaining lock screen lag seen on 2.2.

You can just remove the stock home if you are rooted, that's what I did
I think launcher pro is better. You can download themes for adw but i like personalizing with individual icons and docks. And I'm having NO problems with speed running 2.2 on my x. So much faster than stock. its just preference tho. Try both out and decide for yourself. I have adw, lp, and zeam installed on my incredible and I just tinker around with each. Not a fan of zeam tho.
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After having a dock like LP, how can you use anything else? Plus, and it's a big plus for me. With LP, you can have it show missed calls, sms and email. It's built right in. I know there are widgets (sms unread) that can do this, but why bother?
LOL. I'm all about easy.
ADW all the way. Much faster than LP. And LP needs internet connection. Less secure than ADW. No way would I put LP back on my phone, just for that reason.
You can just remove the stock home if you are rooted, that's what I did
I haven't rooted yet and I already upgraded to 2.2, I decided to go ahead and uninstall LP so I could give ADW a fair chance (I have used LP for about a month with no additional home launchers except stock).

If I do root, I may remove the stock home, though it may be nice to have it just in case anything goes wrong with a custom home launcher.

I think launcher pro is better. You can download themes for adw but i like personalizing with individual icons and docks. And I'm having NO problems with speed running 2.2 on my x. So much faster than stock. its just preference tho. Try both out and decide for yourself. I have adw, lp, and zeam installed on my incredible and I just tinker around with each. Not a fan of zeam tho.
You are right, it is just preference. I personally find ADW to be a bit smoother/faster when transitioning from the launcher to apps, or to the launcher from the lock screen, apps, or whatever.

I agree with you, try out different launchers for a few days each and you will find one you like more than the other...I was wary of trying out ADW but I am glad I did, despite the very minor issues I have with it, it seems a bit faster than the other main options while being just as powerful.

After having a dock like LP, how can you use anything else? Plus, and it's a big plus for me. With LP, you can have it show missed calls, sms and email. It's built right in. I know there are widgets (sms unread) that can do this, but why bother?
LOL. I'm all about easy.
I also personally never really customized the LP dock, and it never showed me any missed calls or anything, but I always just used the notification bar to see if I missed any calls and what not (or at least any voicemail). Same with texts, so that wasn't an issue for me going from LP to ADW.

I can check if I have a new email, new sms/mms or voicemail from the stock notification bar, so why bother customizing LP to show the same info at the bottom? I'm all about easy. :P
Just a tip to ppl thinking that lp is too slow transitioning windows and to the app drawer, there are settings to change that speed. Default is 4, max is 10. Dive in and customize the crap out of the launcher when you're testing it. Get the most out of each and decide. I couldn't trade being able to customize my dock icons and dock background that and the scrollable/swipe gestures sold me. I have 3 trays of docks with swipe gestures for most. So that's potentially 30 apps within 2 very fast taps.keeping my home screens clean looking with a few useful widgets.
Oh yeah mwpeck, the reason ppl like the option to have notifications in the docks is because some ppl like the option of hiding the notification bar on the home screen (like me lol). Just saying it is a useful addition.
I can check if I have a new email, new sms/mms or voicemail from the stock notification bar, so why bother customizing LP to show the same info at the bottom? I'm all about easy. :P

The notification bar only tells you that you have messages/mail/missed calls. It doesn't tell you how many until you pull it down. LP gives you the exact number right on the dock so you know as soon as you unlock your phone. That's about as easy as it gets.

I'm not knocking ADW. I have both launchers installed and completely customized the way I want. I like to flip back and forth. Right now I'm using LP because I really like the uniformity and functionality of the widgets you get with the plus version. I also like that you can customize the app drawer icon with LP and properly resize moto widgets.

ADW is a bit faster, especially with opening custom folders made with FolderOrganizer and accessing the preview screen. I also like the dots that let you zip through home pages. It's faster than swiping and results in far less smudging of the screen. I also like the new feature that lets you reorder and switch out home page screens.

Each have there pluses, especially given the recent updates by both. But as of right now, with ADW I have to use a calender, agenda, contact, and messaging app created by four different developers to match the functionality of the LP widgets. While they look okay, they just don't have the clean consistent look of the LP widgets. If I ever decide to give in and purchase all of the really cool "Pure" widgets, I could see using ADW as my default browser. But if the Facebook widget Fed is developing turns out to be pretty good then I may have to stick with LP.

The great thing is since I can switch to either on the fly I don't have to decide which one is better:p
Just a tip to ppl thinking that lp is too slow transitioning windows and to the app drawer, there are settings to change that speed. Default is 4, max is 10. Dive in and customize the crap out of the launcher when you're testing it. Get the most out of each and decide. I couldn't trade being able to customize my dock icons and dock background that and the scrollable/swipe gestures sold me. I have 3 trays of docks with swipe gestures for most. So that's potentially 30 apps within 2 very fast taps.keeping my home screens clean looking with a few useful widgets.
Its not that the transition speed feels slow, it just feels smoother with ADW.

Oh yeah mwpeck, the reason ppl like the option to have notifications in the docks is because some ppl like the option of hiding the notification bar on the home screen (like me lol). Just saying it is a useful addition.
Understandable, I personally use Battery Indicator which shows battery % in the notification bar, so I prefer to leave it enabled. Like mentioned, its all a very personal preference.

The notification bar only tells you that you have messages/mail/missed calls. It doesn't tell you how many until you pull it down. LP gives you the exact number right on the dock so you know as soon as you unlock your phone. That's about as easy as it gets.
When I wake my phone and see a missed message, mail or call, I instantly go into the associated app to look at what I missed. Knowing the number does little good for me personally because I'm going to check it and see how many 2 seconds after I see I missed something anyway, so it simply becomes redundant (which is great for computers and data, but not useful for humans in as many places).

I'm not knocking ADW. I have both launchers installed and completely customized the way I want. I like to flip back and forth. Right now I'm using LP because I really like the uniformity and functionality of the widgets you get with the plus version. I also like that you can customize the app drawer icon with LP and properly resize moto widgets.
I am too cheap to pay for any apps right now, so I do not have things like LPs widgets tying me down. :P

The great thing is since I can switch to either on the fly I don't have to decide which one is better:p
I was originally doing that, but both LP and ADW seemed to slow down a lot on my phone when I had both installed, so I decided to uninstall LP while I give ADW a try.
I agree 100%. I said the same in my first post. Try them both out and decide. btw a cool battery meter that looks nice with the "clean" look is battstatt if ya never heard of it. That and tajm (word clock) are the only things on my homescreen. Those with the text icons in the dock give it a real nice feel.
after being dedicated to launcerpro since my days with the eris, I have recently made the switch to adw and I love it. I love the themes and the ability to make the app drawer background transparent. I also love how you can backup and restore settings.
When I wake my phone and see a missed message, mail or call, I instantly go into the associated app to look at what I missed. Knowing the number does little good for me personally because I'm going to check it and see how many 2 seconds after I see I missed something anyway, so it simply becomes redundant (which is great for computers and data, but not useful for humans in as many places).

I am too cheap to pay for any apps right now, so I do not have things like LPs widgets tying me down. :P

I was originally doing that, but both LP and ADW seemed to slow down a lot on my phone when I had both installed, so I decided to uninstall LP while I give ADW a try.

Well I find the counter useful so I must be not be human:p. If nothing else, it adds an additional layer of information, which many find more useful than simply a generic notification in the status bar. It also gives the dock bar a dynamic feel versus the ADW bar, which is completely static. (Btw, you don't have to customize the dock to get the missed call/message counts to show up in the dock. All you need to do is click the check marks next to three options in the preferences menu. It takes all of one second.)

And the LPP widgets are great. I don't mind supporting good, responsive developers like Fed. Well worth the $3 it costs. The contact widget alone is pretty cool. There are NO comparable contact widgets (free OR paid) on the market right now. Almost all of them suck and the few that are able look blah compared to the LLP widget. The fact that the the developer is continuing to add other widgets such as Facebook/Twitter (and hopefully an email/gmail one down the line) is just gravy.

Aesthetics are pretty important to me so a key aspect of any launcher is how cool I can make my homescreens look on them while maintaining a good level of functionality. Yes, there are plenty of free apps that pretty much do what the LLP widgets do. But I've never been really satisfied with the arrangement of hodgepodge widgets I had to use with ADW to imitate the LLP widgets. Maybe its a good thing that you don't know what you're missing because once you get used to them, it's hard to go back to the collection of free widgets I used before buying LPP.

And I've not had any real performance issue I can think of with both ADW and LPP installed so I don't know exactly why it would slow down your phone.
I get better Quadrant scores using the built in Blur, than with the other two launchers installed. Does blur keep running under the other two? Not sure if I notice the difference in use.
Anyone know where i can find text icons for launcher pro? I cant find any that download directly to the phone.

Search for manup simple word (or text?) icons. I had to go with his because they were the only I could find to download to the phone. I'll try to find the link for ya
Thank you very much. It wont download to the phone :( I will play with it for a bit. I am at work and i cant download anything to the computer so I am trying to do it all on the phone side.
Thank you very much. It wont download to the phone :( I will play with it for a bit. I am at work and i cant download anything to the computer so I am trying to do it all on the phone side.

I clicked to start the download and it stated immediately. I am using dolphin browser. Idk if that is making a difference, it shouldn't be tho.
I get better Quadrant scores using the built in Blur, than with the other two launchers installed. Does blur keep running under the other two? Not sure if I notice the difference in use.

Quadrant has no meaning in day to day use. You can have a high quadrant score and a laggy phone at the same time.

Tweak your phone for the best usability not the highest benchmark.

I think LP Pro is great and worth every penny. You get about 12 dollars worth of widgets with it.
I keep going back and forth. I bought LP Plus and used it for a while. Uninstalled it, then put ADW on. I went back to LPP, then Stock for a while, then back to ADW. No matter what I do, the phone seems to be faster when I'm stock than when I'm using either Launcher. I think I'm going to go back to stock and stay there.

In a nutshell, there is an occasional lag in one application or another while the launcher apparently is doing something in the background. It's more or less random and seems to depend on what is going on/running at the time. In the end, my assumption is that any aftermarket launcher is running on top of the existing system and simply cannot outperform stock unless it completely removes stock and replaces all core functionality. I'm fairly certain that this isn't the case though I may be wrong. Assuming it is, however, there is no way the aftermarket launchers can be "faster" in terms of overall performance than stock. It may "look" faster or smoother when scrolling or something like that but as for processing your intents in the background -- no way.
after being dedicated to launcerpro since my days with the eris, I have recently made the switch to adw and I love it. I love the themes and the ability to make the app drawer background transparent. I also love how you can backup and restore settings.

FYI you can backup and restore setting in LP also. Just saying...
Thank you very much. It wont download to the phone :( I will play with it for a bit. I am at work and i cant download anything to the computer so I am trying to do it all on the phone side.
Can you tell us why? Do you get an error? How are you trying to download it? Info man info!

If you have 2.2 you can open the link in a PC browser and get right up to the point where you download them and they use ChromeToPhone or FoxToPhone (for FireFox) to send the page to your phone. Once the page opens on your phone just download it. Of course you could also do the whole thing on your phones browser but then you wouldn't get to play with ChromeToPhone :D
I am at work otherwise I would do it off the computer. I blame it on having to work on a sunday everything is more complicated lol. I will just wait till I get home I guess
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