Yeah mixing and matching is fine and I expected it to happen which is why I didn't just come up with a spell list but left it at schools keep in I don't think a death lord would be fighting for you at such a low level

but you may be able to call a hell hound or something similar I would need to know in advance so I can come up with some stats. Also keep in mind when mixing schools it may take multiple actions as preparation and the things you call will be limited as to how long they remain summoned.
You could also work with another spellcaster to mix schools so you and marc could have your characters work together to summon a fire elemental, this would cut down on casting time since it would require less for each of you than doing something like this on your own.
I am also working out raise undead and resurrection spells. You may not like them too much since they will cost PP to cast. Raise undead will make undead of course, depending on how many charges you use and how much PP you spend will affect the strength of the undead. Resurrection will take 20 healing charges and cost 50 PP, it affects 1 character and they are restored to 50% HP but suffer a -1 to all stats and must have been dead less than a day before you try to resurrect them
Greater Resurrection: 100 healing charges and costs 200 PP, it affects 1 character target is restored to full HP and suffers no penalty for having been dead, there is no time limit on how long the target can have been dead prior to resurrection however you must have part of the target’s body to perform spell
I am currently updating the rules and set spells we have come up with