You notice on the radar the ship is getting further away from you not closer. You also notice there are now 2 other ship on the radar all appear to be going in the same direction as you.
"It seems ,its a iArmy warship on a mission .I have a hunch ,maybe the Sd chips are on one of the ships .In any case we can loot one of these ships 0we may get some resources ."
Turns to Sparky
"Whats the iArmy protocol if one of the ships is captured by pirates ? "
"Sorry, I was special Ops and not in the naval forces, I was not privy to that information. However, I don't see how trying to hijack a warship with 4 others nearby is a good idea."
"Because warships require quite a long time to change direction by 180' but the time we trap one ship ,the other three will be miles ahead .Plus turning to save the ship will only hamper the time and they wont usually do it ..
Covert operations on a moving ship ? I dunno ,only smith and you seem to be capable for covert operations .If you are up to it,I can use some of mage trickery to send you to the ship but them we will only meet in Gamin provided you dont get caught . The choice is yours though ... "
Yeahha decides to give T'res another heart attack...
"Yeah, but if they discover their ship is hijacked, it will be 4 v 1, I don't like those odds when we are dependant on equal ship capabilities. If you can get me on board, after I get any info I could slip over the side and wait for you to pick me up.
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