I revised the spell list a bit, added explanations. If you can figure numberwise what makes them balanced, it would be great

. Also let me know if you think some would require a higher level magic skill.
Fireball (travels from one spot to another, conal type spell, immediate damage, can affect multiple targets)
Wall of Flame (self explanatory, damaged if walking through it)
Rain of Fire (immediate damage to multiple targets in an area. )
Burning Hands (hands on fire, touching others causes damage. Lasts e rounds?)
Create Fire (non-combat) (could this be used on an object while in combat? Not a person.)
Fire Trap (set up on ground, when triggered causes fire damage)
Flame Blade (creates temporary blade of fire, type of blade specified used in melee combat)
Flaming Sphere (a contained ball of fire, can be used as a light, also can be thrown, when hitting an object it causes fire damage)
Slow Burn (damage over time spell)
Ring of Fire (like wall of fire, but in a circle, can be used as a trap, for imprisonment, damaged if walked through)
Battering Ram (invisible force to break doors/walls/etc)
Force Field (aoe shield/wall)
Force Shield (individual shield of pure force)
Force Hammer (like a smaller battering ram spell)
Forceful Grasp (snare type ability, think of an invisible hand closing around someone)
Floating Disc (self explanatory, could fit 1-5 people?) (maybe a single person version for lower level skill, higher level skill would hold more people?)
Magic Missle(s) (invisible magic bullets larger caliber .50? Larger? Maybe like grenade size)
Slapping Hand (basically an invisible hand slap, good for gags

Wall of Force (movable force field?)
Absorb (absorbs a spells effect)
Break Enchantment/Charm (self explanatory)
Resist Element (type) provides 5 resistance to selected element per charge used for 3 turns
Dispel Magic (dispels a magic effect, like a damage over time spell or a debuff)
Counterspell (like a spell rebound type thing)
Hand of Freedom (snare removal)
Hide Magic (hides evidence of magic)
Obscure Object (Hides an object from magical, and normal, scrutiny)
Remove Curse (self explanatory)
Remove Fear (self explanatory)
Resist Magic (school) provides 5 resistance to selected element per charge used for 3 turns
Blur (sort of making people not notice details of something without realizing that they don't see them)
Change Appearance (on others)
Decoy Image (makes a stationary decoy, can move itself a bit but not walk/travel)
Disguise Self (self explanatory)
Programmed Image (makes an image that repeats when triggered, or on a timer)
Project Image (makes a copy of one's self that you can project in the distance, within 1 mile?)
Cloak of Shadows (hides one in shadows)