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"So the task you hired us for is to get the Micro SD cards you need? Other tasks would mean other payments correct?"
Negotiation skill check? if needed

"Also, I wouldn't mind one of the Friscoterian texts. Knowledge is never wasted, even if you don't take the writings as fact."

(Takes a shot of the rum)

"You have anything better than this, maybe something top shelf?"

(Winks jokingly in Danforth's direction)

(To everyone)
"You all feel up to this task? I am all for an adventure, but I'm not one to bring folks along that can't take care of themselves. You look like you would be alright, just want to make sure you know how to handle yourselves. What sort of skills do you know?"
"Pirates you say? We'll have to be on the watch for them. For their sake, I hope they don't try anything."

After a moment or two and yet another glance around the room, Cain speaks again to Danforth.

"At least with these papers," Cain pats his coat where the papers now are, "we should have no problem getting into Vipa."

Looking at Smith, Cain smiles. He pulls the his open coat to side showing is firearm, "I think I'll be fine. I'm pretty good at not being noticed. What is it that you specialize in?"

After saying this, Cain looks around, searching for any obvious signs of skills on the others in the room.
Zach says: It's good. Our leader Maximilien, or as he is referred to as "The overseer" leads all of the people in our vault. It's strictly illegal there, to leave the vault. as the overseer says "it is here that you are born and it is here that you die. Because in the vault, nobody enters and nobody leaves" Of course, if the act is bad enough, instead of being locked up or executed, they kick you out of the vault. What makes this bad we have lived in the vault all our lives and no nothing of the outside world so, being kicked out of the vault is the death sentence.
Danforth pulls a small book out of his pocket and hands it to Smith, it has a green fedora on it and is title "The Teachings of Frisco"

"Of course I have access to basically an entire bar, do you have a specific brand you would like? I will pay you for any job you wish to go on for me, I will pay you more than you would be able to make otherwise around town so you need not worry about that. I only gave you 150 GC to make sure I didn't lose money on you, while you are gone I have two other people to find in town and take care of since they have taken my money and didn't show up for this meeting, I am giving you access to my personal vessel and if you can think of anything else you need for this journey I will try to get it for you before you leave."
Danforth to Cain "From what I hear about each of you the pirates shouldn't be an issue more of a bump in the road"

Danforth to Zach "You are wrong there son, if you know the right people you can come and go from the vault with little to no issue. I take it you are not from one of the high nobel families or you should know this. Do you remember the man 'Mikhel' who 'died' a few years back? I had a drink with him in this very room less than 2 weeks ago" Danforth smiles at Zach
To Danforth I say, "Have you heard any news of from Otros? What are the iArmy up to these days.... The last time I saw any of them..." shaking my head, "damn monsters."
"Well then, pass me some of that Nexus."

(Takes a drink, afterwards licks his lips)

"Mmmm, there we go..."

"You have a contact number so that we can get in touch with you if the need arises? Maybe some smartphones to replace this (pulls out his prepaid burner phone). I mean being able to access the net at will might be handy in this crazy quest."

(Looks over at Cain)
"Good, I know a decent amount of arcane magic. I have also traveled for quite some time and know how to handle myself when the need arises. I have a love of history and have studied that in the past, knowledge is never wasted..."

(To everyone)
"From the looks of things, pirates will be no issue. Unless they are with the Dread Pirate Roberts, but I haven't heard of him in these parts for ages..."
Danforth to Cain "No like I said the rebels there no longer trust me either because I was a high ranking member of the iArmy for so long or because I was able to escape from the iArmy which is said to be impossible...Since my granddaughter became old enough to live on her own I've been sailing the seas eventually settling here, she was living in Teafor when taken...have you had any experiences with the iArmy?"
Turning to Smith
"Ahh, a caster. Never was able to get any of that--- should be useful though. Sometimes, history just won't stay dead, will it?"
Zach to Danfourth: Yes I did know him we were close. Enough about me I am ready to take you up on your offer. I hope everybody else is ready. (Takes another drink)
Walking to the liquor cabinet, I pull out a bottle of Bourbon and fill a glass. Taking a sip, I speak to Danforth.

"Well, a few years ago, I was roaming through the country side of Phon, there was a band of iArmy troops. They must have just finished a battle against some rebels... These rebels weren't too organized, it looked almost like a last minute effort, well, these troops. They showed no mercy to the wounded." Finishing my glass, I sit back down at the table. "I followed them, just a few days. Eventually they split up. I followed one group of three. With my rifle, I shot the two guards dead. The last man, he was one who killed a rebel - this poor kid, on his knees begging for his life... I shot him between the eyes while he was searching for what killed his comrades."

"Ever since that day, I swore that I'd see the day this army fell."

After refilling his glass one last time, I turn to Smith, raise my glass and smile.
Danforth to Smith "Yes here is my number. I will got see what I can do about phones and be back in a bit...and I don't see this as a crazy quest I have full confidence in your abilities...you can drink this while you wait"

Danforth put a bottle of 26 year old Chromium on the table and leaves the room

I was ninja'd by 9to5 Danforth will address your statement when he returns
(Towards T-rex)
Yes, I don't want to look up how to spell that everytime I need to use the name, please take my shorthand to mean the real name :D

"Not really. Just stick around us and you will be alright."
"You have any special skills worth noting?"

(To all)
"We ought to see if he has any maps for us when he gets back. Unless he can get us some decent phones we can use for that purpose."
"Anyone know if the ol' nav systems are still active. I remember back in the day, they used to have 'em floating around the sky.... not sure if they're still up though."
"From what I have heard some still work, but it can be rather hit or miss. I haven't had a decent device to check them in ages, so I can't say for sure."
Danforth returns carrying a bag. He hands each of you what looks like a bluetooth headset, he puts the last one on and taps it you see a hologram appear in front of his face. "These 'Nex X' should work well for each of you you can communicate with each other and contact me at any time" he then shows you how to use it "They each have a solar charger on them so you shouldn't have to worry about recharging however here are the chargers" looks at H.T.C. "it looks like you have the equipment available if they need to be charged on the fly"

Danforth to Cain "Yes the iArmy is ruthless, I feel sorry for the people of Phon the iArmy has a large presents there and they have been making moves to overthrow the government for years now"

Danforth to T'resezk "I see you seemed to have picked up some items useful in naviagation. Do you know how to sail?"
Cain places the device over his ear and presses the button looking over the transparent interface in front of him.

"So T'resezk, what you do?"
Smith takes the phone fiddles with it a bit and then turns to Danforth.

"Lets make sure we have everyone's number on these things before we leave."

"Do you know if the old nav systems are still running? Possibly in this area?"
Realizing that he had had enough to drink and that the next day might be eventful, he pours himself a glass of water and relaxes a bit.

"You sure are a quiet one aren't you?"
Stares at Smith
"Dont SEC Omega -1 androids come with the truimph GPS . Wonder what happened to your group ,scientarian ? "

Smith is stunned for a moment .
:) .

He turns towards Cain
" I am a negotiator and valuer .Apart from that I am a skilled navigator and cartographer . Vipa is strange place .GPS systems wont work at all after crossing the Figo channel . Moreover clouds will hinder the star navigation . Magnetic interference may disarray a compass . We need a permanent lock post of Vipa before we depart to the seas . I have maps but a lock post will be better since we may reach vipa faster .However I don't know anyone with a lock post for vipa >_> "

(looks at Danforth )

You had it coming Yeahha,I mean GM >_> :p
"So, does anyone here know how to sail? We'd hate to get out there and get stranded..."

After finishing the chromium, Cain checks his gear to make sure it's all there and ready.
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