I have updated the currency on post 5 to show that the currency is Google Credits. I am going to begin the game in a moment. Finalization of characters should be done by midnight EST tonight. I will at that point document in a Google doc everyone's character after that point if you wish to change anything it needs to be discussed with me first (hide tag post here or PM is fine) this includes if you chose a skill and want to change it or if you are using PP to upgrade the character. Backstory is nice and you will be rewarded for

so if you come up with a backstory please either post it here or send me a PM if you do not wish it to be public. If we find that a certain rule isn't working as expected it can be changed but it will only be effective from the time it is changed onward so if rule x causes you trouble today then we change it 3 days from now it doesn't change the past

. Lets try to minimize the discussion of this game in the FGL

I don't want to chase off people from that thread. Remember no editing action posts once you have posted it that is what your character does (there will be exceptions to this but it will be due to discussion. I am still trying to finalize how the roll system will work. I think it will be you do your action. I post a difficulty then your next post (in or out of game as long as it is in this thread) will provide the post ID used in the roll.
Remember questions are still welcome

Lets begin