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Alarm clock @#()*$&

Ok so how the )(_#*$& do i dismiss an alarm that is NOT active. IE alarm goes off, I accidently hit snooze, but want it dismissed. I can't seem to figure out how to open the dismiss/snooze options once they poof.
that can't be the only way!

somehow "Sorry, i forgot to turn my alarm back on after the snooze timer was over" does not seem like an excuse my boss would understand lol
My alarm has been screwy the past two days as well.
Normally when it goes off, I just swipe down and it is dismissed, but now it keeps going into "snooze" instead.
I am very careful not to hit the little snooze button, but it still keeps putting it into snooze instead of dismiss. Anyone else having problems with this?

I end up going into the alarm menu and turning the alarm of there...
I would help, but it seems whenever my alarm goes off, I'm always half asleep. :p

Seriously though, the dismiss works in my case. I do check it every night just to make sure its set (trust issues).
I'm glad someone else mentioned the problem of turning the alarm off but going to snooze instead. I thought for sure I turned it off as always but it went to snooze. This morning it did stay off so I'm not sure what happened.
If you go into the Settings menu (Menu > Settings) of the Alarm app, there's an option that lets you pick the function of the volume rocker switch. I'd probably set that up if you're having issues.
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