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Alcohol suggestions

Make some apple pie. It's really easy, just boil a gallon of apple juice with a gallon of apple cider and some cinnamon sticks. Then cool it off and add a bottle of Everclear (190 proof if you can get it).

Or just get a bottle of Captain. I'm not one for mixed drinks so I normally do shots or drink beer.
The reason the question was asked, is because most of us probably wouldn't suggest alcohol to an underaged drinker. (Especially on a family forum, where anyone is allowed to join.)


I like what I like, but I'm not advertising/mainstreaming it on a all-ages Android board, especially in an underage drinking thread, for pete's sake.

FWIW, IMO, YMMV- Alcohol in excess has done more damage to more lives than a lot of things that are less legal, and less mainstream. College is a binge-y environment, where everyone is finding their way with an order of magnitude less guidance/supervision than they have had previously in their lives... Be careful, and use your head. (The Northern one. The Southern one really has it's own agenda. :p)
FWIW, IMO, YMMV- Alcohol in excess has done more damage to more lives than a lot of things that are less legal, and less mainstream.

Just need to look at the UK for this. Fighting on street corners at kick-out time is terrible here. The government thought that if they make t24 drinking law like the rest of europe, it would cut down on "Binge drinking" as they could spread out the same drinks over a longer time. FAIL. They just extended their "binge" longer, making it worse.

The problem is the UK is different from all other european countries culturally. The rest of europe knows this when they see British Tourists in their countries acting the same.

They legalised somehthing you can smoke in Brixton, London as a trial for a short time. They stopped the trial however, they did report findings.

Basically they found huge % increases in things like Pizza orders and misdirected Pizza orders. No fighting.

I dont smoke anything myself but I did find that quite funny. Of course there are underlying psychological issues that are associated with that.

I suppose Alcohol has long term effects and immediate effects (Depressant, impaired judgement, aggressiveness) where as the other tends to lean more heavily towards the longterm effects.

Many things in moderation is fine, excess is always going to be the end of you.

Its a hard argument the under-age thing though as this is an international forum and the OP is not underage to drink where I am from.
And political correctness is ridiculous. Raise your hand if you've never had a drink before you were of legal age... I was allowed when I was younger, and taught that it wasn't a huge deal... Because it isn't when done in moderation. When you put it on a pedestal it makes it something it shouldn't be. Let's hide it from our kids and let them learn the wrong way on their own.... o_O
And political correctness is ridiculous. Raise your hand if you've never had a drink before you were of legal age... I was allowed when I was younger, and taught that it wasn't a huge deal... Because it isn't when done in moderation. When you put it on a pedestal it makes it something it shouldn't be. Let's hide it from our kids and let them learn the wrong way on their own.... o_O

Personally, I think you're right on this... I saw so many kids in school who were not well served by the 21 drinking age. There are, I think, a number of cogent arguments to be made for 18.
For whisky, I've been liking Maker's Mark.

For cheap whisky, Jim Beam, for when I'm broke.

Coconut Rum with Mountain Dew is surprisingly good.

Presidente tequila with Squirt soda is also good.
States would never lower the drinking age because they would lose highway funding :/, my first drink was like 2-3 years old and it was a sip of beer (I lived in the Philippines before I moved here). As for coconut rum, try Ciroc and pineapple juice (Its called coco loso and trust me its good). Also what are the best liquors to use for a long island iced tea? I usually just get the cheapest ones.
Arguments about legal statutes and brand particulars aside, you may want to consider how much you are drinking and whether it's a problem or is leading to a problem. If you're missing classes or work, losing money, losing relationships, losing jobs, driving buzzed or getting into legal trouble, you're in problem territory. Sorry to be a buzz-kill but crashing and winding up in the hospital is a bit of a buzzkill too. Or endangering someone else. Stuff that's hard to press the "Undo" button for. Just sayin'.
Peace bro'
Here's my current favorites:
Vodka: VOX is terrific, as is Jaguar (which is a sugar cane vodka and goes great mixed with juices or in things like cosmos or lemon drop martinis)
Tequila: El Caballo Estrella Repesado for mixed drinks (very good tequila at a very good price, I usually buy a case of 12 for shy of $100). For drinking straight I have yet to find a better tasting tequila than 1800 Anejo.
Gin: Hendricks is great with a very subtle flavor that doesn't overwhelm with juniper. For a bit more money (ok, about double) try Cadenhead's Old Raj Gin 110 proof. Its got a saffron element to it, and it's plain delicious.
I'm not much of a whiskey drinker, but Jameson isn't bad there. Evan Williams is a decent bourbon for not much money too.
For whisky, I've been liking Maker's Mark.

For cheap whisky, Jim Beam, for when I'm broke.

Coconut Rum with Mountain Dew is surprisingly good.

Presidente tequila with Squirt soda is also good.

Maker's Mark is bourbon. Bourbon is a whiskey, but not all whiskey is a bourbon ;)

-Butterscotch schnapps and Bailey's Irish Cream (layer schnapps on bottom, cream on top and you have a buttery nipple...tastes like worther's original :) )

-Appleton Estates Jamaican rum

Other than that, really depends on what you're doing :) If you like to mix drinks or drink straight. I'm a mixer. I like to whip up margaritas and daquaris in different flavors. In order to do that you need different varieties of rum, tequila, orange liqueur, etc. Different tequilas make for a drastic difference in taste whether it's reposado, blanco, or anejo.
Also what are the best liquors to use for a long island iced tea? I usually just get the cheapest ones.

So many liquors involved that one bad one would ruin the lot. If you're into mixing drinks, I would suggest get a small bottle of good higher quality of each: vodka, rum, gin, orange liqueur, tequila, and throw in a coconut rum.

I know nothing about vodka and gin.
Rum: Appleton Estates
Coconut Rum: Malibu
Orange liqueur: Gran Gala
Tequila: Patron Silver

I say Patron Silver for the tequila because it is a smooth, milder tequila and won't overpower in mixed drinks. Just my experience. Start getting into aged tequilas and you'll really taste it no matter how little you put in.
And political correctness is ridiculous. Raise your hand if you've never had a drink before you were of legal age... I was allowed when I was younger, and taught that it wasn't a huge deal... Because it isn't when done in moderation. When you put it on a pedestal it makes it something it shouldn't be. Let's hide it from our kids and let them learn the wrong way on their own.... o_O

It gets a little hazier in the UK too. Although 18 is the legal age, you can have a glass of wine with a meal in public accompanied by adults from 14.

Drinking at home is also allowed, under supervision
I've had dates that order stronger stuff than what's been suggested...

Good for you. If the object is to get drunk and do so quickly, then obviously the only suggestion should be 'shine. If you're drinking for the enjoyment of the flavors, then by all means, continue following a lot of what's suggested.
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