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Today i successfully rooted my P500 (with z4root) and installed custom recovery (Custom Recovery P500/Thunderg v1.2). it was late night i stopped here.
when i used the custom recovery for taking back up, i got the menu as mentioned by you with options:
1. Nand Backup
2. Nand Backup + .android secure
3. Nand + ext backup
4. Nand + ext backup secure
5. Nand Restore...
I selected the 4th option, i got a message = Error: use " from adb. The log file is attached. How do i take back-up
One more Q - when i log into custom recovery a msg at the bottom of screen displayed saying - E: 'Bad Boot Message', any help on this?Other details:
Phone - LG P500
Custom recovery - Thunderg v1.2
Thats an old version please use the one listed on downloads in this thread. You want version 2.2.1
You must remove as per directions.Has anyone playing around with 2.2.2 on the ally noticed Amonra recovery 2.2.1 will not stick? I can flash it, and boot into Amonra but after I reboot it goes back to Verizon's stock recovery and I must flash Amonra again to use it, then it goes back to Verizon's stock recovery again on the next reboot.
**Edit** the phone boots up into 2.2.2 fine but when I try to go back into recovery its always Verizon's unless i reinstall Amonra before reboot.
When tried to install V 2.2.1 with the following commands:
$ su
# mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system
# cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image
/sdcard/flash_image: No such file or directory
I got the above error "no file....", but in fact the flash_image was there in the sd card. what may be problem
Before using V2.2.1 should i uninstall older version or upgrade. I did not do this in the above case. If i have to uninstall upgrade, how should i do it. Pls help me.
Battery is more than 60%
Free space of about 1GB on sd card
You must remove as per directions.
You must remove as per directions.
You must unzip into root directory of sdcard (not in any folder)
Well I gave up and tried the old 1.1.0 thunder-c recovery and it seems to work perfectly fine.
I'm having the same problem on my LG Optimus V, as well. I didn't have any trouble while following the directions. (I didn't have the file to delete.)
But when I try to boot to Recovery, I get just a black screen after the LG logo. If I keep holding the buttons, it usually reboots again into the normal mode. If I let go, it seems to just stay on a black screen until I pull the battery.
I guess I should have read the whole thread before trying. (I also should have grabbed a copy of my oren stock recovery to fall back on.)
Out of curiosity, what is the difference between the stock flash_image and the provided replacement?
More options. With this recovery your able to flash roms stock you can't.
So i believe i followed everything correctly (but since im having trouble apparently i havent. lol)
I have an LG Optimus V
so i type everything in the command prompt and when i enter the line where you type in the recovery image name i get the following:
usage: flash_image partition file.img
then when i type in sync.
from this point i expected it to reboot automatically but nothing happened. So i fiddle around with my phone, turning it off, and pushing the home volume down and power button simultaneuously, but i cannot boot into recovery mode.
any suggestions?
PLEASE NO LINKING OF THESE DOWNLOAD LINKS OR REHOSTING!!! Please direct users to this thread!!!!
This thread is an all in one recovery thread.
1. You must have a rooted device
2. Adb setup on computer (terminal on phone can be used in place of adb but adb is preferred)
3. Phone charged 30% or greater is required to use nandroid.
Supported devices:
LG Ally (aloha)
LG Optimus S
LG Optimus V
LG Optimus M
LG Vortex
LG Chic (alessi)
LG Optimus P500, Optimus T P509 (thunderg)
HTC Droid Incredible See link here Xda
LG Shine Plus
Gz'One Commando (in testing)
Want to submit a new device see thread here :
Recovery Features:
ADB as root user
USB-MS Toggle :mounts sdcard as mass storage
(dinc only) mount /Emmc
Nand Backup : Select Items to backup with the [X]
Nand Restore : browse to and select nandroid backup to restore
As of 2.2.1 sd-ext is backed up as whole so link2sd users should work fine
Flash Zip From Sdcard: must be in root of sdcard or you can directory browse. (Fixed dir-browsing)
Flash Zip From Emmc (Dinc only)
Toggle Signature Verify : Turn of signature checking on flashing zips
Wipe Menu:
Wipe data/factory reset: wipes all
Wipe cache
Wipe Dalvik cache : Wipes Dalvik cache in all possible locations if moved by apps2sd
Wipe SD:ext : Wipes Apps2sd ext partition
Wipe Battery Stats
Wipe rotate settings
Wipe data only
Wipe .android secure : Wipes froyo native .android_secure on sdcard
Partition Sdcard:
Partition SD: Partition's sdcard for apps2sd (this formats card so all non backed-up data is lost)
Repair Sd:ext
SD:ext2 to ext3 : coverts apps2sd ext2 partition to ext3
SD:ext3 to ext4 : same as above but ext3 to ext4 (requires kernel support for ext4 which all but shine have)
Gui mounts to avoid typing in terminal to mount and cd into a dir to mount system, data, cache, sd-ext (if exists), sdcard
Fix apk uid mismatches
Move recovery log to SD
Key Test : Output keycodes for debugging recovery
Wipe Sdcard
(Dinc only)
Format /data as ext3 | ext4 : format(reformat) /data between ext3,ext4. (This wipes /data also) Requires modification of & and compatible rom kernel see dinc thread link above
I have included flash_eraseall binary to recovery which can be used to fix/erase corrupted partitions that will not mount correctly to nandroid restore to.
Useage from adb shell is : flash_eraseall /dev/mtd/mtd4 (where mtd4 is the number of the partition from "adb shell cat /proc/mtd" you want to erase)
Trouble Shooting:
1. Use option under Other menu to move recovery log to sd. Mount your sdcard to pc and read that file called recovery.log. It should have detailed cause of error.
2. If you get an out of memory error reboot device and do it on a fresh reboot.
3. If you get a file not found on the "mv /system/etc/ /system/etc/" skip it and move to the next step as this file will not be in your rom unless it has recieved an ota-update and if so needs to be disabled.
4. Permission denied means you are not root user (#)
5. If rebooting into recovery you get a little android guy with a ! and does not look like picture above you still have stock recovery and did not remove the
6. You did check the md5sum for a match before flashing correct?
Please check all the above issues before posting. This is the format I request to be used for troubleshooting.
Device :
Recovery Version :
Error :
Please upload the recovery.log AS AN ATTACHMENT that you moved to sdcard and read. Posts without this log will be ignored!!!
Please no PM's!!!!!
Device system paths:
Ally: /dev/block/mtdblock4
Optimus M: /dev/block/mtdblock5
Vortex: /dev/block/mtdblock4
Optimus V: /dev/block/mtdblock5
Optimus S: /dev/block/mtdblock5
Optimus P500/Optimus T: /dev/block/mtdblock1
Chic: /dev/block/mtdblock1
Shine Plus: /dev/block/mtdblock1
Directions to flash recovery:
Download your device specific recovery and check md5sum for a match before flashing. Download and unzip it to root of your sdcard. (Not in any folder)
Copy your devices recovery.img to root of sdcard.
Below can be done via adb shell or terminal emulator on phone via root # shell not a $ shell
Note do not type the # or $ as they are for reference only!
Example for LG Ally above would be:Code:$ su # mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 (your device /system path) /system # cat /sdcard/flash_image > /system/bin/flash_image # chmod 755 /system/bin/flash_image # mv /system/etc/ /system/etc/ # flash_image [B][COLOR=black]recovery[/COLOR][/B] /sdcard/(your device recovery.img name) # sync
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock4 /system
Device specific recovery keys:
Key mapping for Optimus Line & Vortex:
Move up & down = Vol-up & Vol-down
Select = Menu
Backup = Back
Boot recovery from device off: Vol-down + Home + Power and release at LG logo.
Chic(alessi): Vol-up + Vol-down + Power
LG Ally & LG Shine Plus:
Move up & down = Up & down on sliding keyboard
Select = Enter on keyboard
Backup = Vol-down
Boot recovery Ally: Send + Menu + Power
Boot recovery Shine Plus: Vol-down + Home + Power
Adb reboot recovery can also be used to boot custom recovery on most devices.
Do not flash a radio.img
Do not factory reset your device via Android OS. Use wipe in recovery.
Source for recovery & recovery kernels My Github
Special Thanks:
Thanks to :
Amon_Ra for his awesome source and a few pointers. His original Source Link Buy him a redbull
Worstenbrood's desire recovery Link
My many testers (too many to name one by one)
fcccddea6110fa6bcf676bdc409e0261 recovery-RA-alessi-2.2.1-GNM.img
05f57d682efe7845f7584087aa533ebb recovery-RA-aloha-
f370e39969c8ce4bdd0dd18b897cddeb recovery-RA-optm-2.2.1-GNM.img
4a8e8d4a64cc027020f6dc2e1371a6ee recovery-RA-optS-2.2.1-GNM.img
354419bf92ea0bfcc2609e88243a8889 recovery-RA-optV-2.2.1-GNM.img
368e7e2fa2e5962040e3ee00f02f39c2 recovery-RA-thunderg-2.2.1-GNM.img
97e551cdcf6574f86da237fd4259c755 recovery-RA-vortex-2.2.1-GNM.img
14a7a269ddc1173cc1a8bf00ea4cf443 recovery-RA-shineplus-2.2.1-GNM.img
Download Link
Donation link to Buy me an Energy Drink is below:
Contact me on twitter @getitnowmarket
doesn't work on the optimus v followed directions to the letter. when reboots go to lg screen flashes then boots to android.
Optimus V has a comfirmed bug in it and I have not yet had time to investigate the cause of it. For now optimus v users please use the Optimus S recovery.
I'm having the same issue, theres no way to get any files on or off of it, adb wont work because my computer no longer recognizes my phone when i plug it in,, recovery doesnt work because i can no longer boot to recovery ( even with key combo) just keeps booting to android screen and thats it,, i have vortex as well...