If by "America," the United States is the subject here, it is not a true "empire" in the first place.
The U.S. is an amalgamation of little empires, business being the most influential. That particular empire is always in the background, kind of like wallpaper; you don't really notice it unless it begins to peel off, which is happening now and has happened in the past. Once it gets to a certain point, it is not replaced anew so much as taped and patched and glued back into place.
I feel that most of the empires that make up what we call the United States could survive just about anything that's destroyed other empires through history around the world because the U.S. is not a homogeneous society, and is thus diversified enough to find success in dire circumstances, such as what has been going on economically now through three presidential terms.
Frisco, please read this site. Keep in mind it was written in the 90's so you now have the opportunity to see EXACTLY what was written has occurred...SKY ROCKETING DEBT- check, WARS- check, paperless money - almost check.
The Federal Reserve Is A privately Owned Corporation