And how long have you lived in the US?
I grew up there. My Family is still there. My Brother is in the Military.
I lived there for 20 years then I tried moving back in my late 20's but I realized Canada was a better choice for myself and future kids.
So you see, my threads and posts are based on my experience and observations between to the two Nations and "systems".
Let me put it to you this way. Buffalo (Niagara Falls area) is a 1.5 hour drive from downtown Toronto and man let me tell you that you would HONESTLY think you stepped into the twilight zone.
Upstate NY is like the land before time. Building falling down, caved in, just sitting there and this is along the highway section that takes you through downtown Buffalo.
If I lived in Buffalo and came to Toronto, I would never go back. I do NOT exaggerate one bit when I tell you it is as different as the Sun and the moon. Detroit is the same too. Detroit has some really cool old buildings but the gutting of the state has left that place in a mess too. Both Buffalo and Detroit, you just literally have to walk across a bridge to experience a GIANT difference. Our drinking age is 19 so we get a lot of kids crossing over to party.
Toronto is a city that is pretty much made up of the world. There are about 150 languages spoken here but everyone gets along and pulls int he same direction. If a Southern State Republican type came here they would be dazed.
The media filtering that is put on you guys is insane. The US school system teaches you nothing outside your borders. People still think we live in
The sad part is, 2 months ago I was catching up with some US school friends from Jr. High. I was speaking to a software engineer, she a smart woman from what I remember of her too. I told her Toronto is next to Buffalo, she said yeah...I hear you guys have great coffee since you are next to Seattle
uhm wrong coast.
So you see, if you truly take the time to read my threads you will see that I actually giving you guys answers as to what works and to avoid the bullshit you are being fed there.
I noticed this tonight. The Republicans keep saying they want off of foreign oil that it's bad but on the other hand they don't want EPA regulations to get the car companies to make more fuel efficient vehicles thus using LESS FOREIGN OIL. So which one is it then, or are they just talking points to appease the "base". I really don't care about a party as much as I care about the person that will be leading and what their LONG TERM PLAN is.
America was bad ass because it made cool shit and had cool technology and always making new cool shit but unfortunately your so called citizens aka CEO's and Politicians sold your country out by allowing your technology and jobs to leave the country. You gave your global competitors the keys to the house and the code to the alarm along with the blue prints and equipment to make the locks and alarm systems. I am ALL for people making money BUT as a Citizen you OWE the country that provided you that ability to get ahead. Tax payers seeded the ground. US workers got the job done BUT because some CEO felt they wanted MORE $$$ they shipped your National interests overseas.
China now has the fastest computer.
How will you up that and why would the chip makers stay in the US when they know the Chinese are now smart enough and can provide workers and the equipment needed. That is the sad dilemma that you now face. What is America's new cool shit to sell to the world? What does the world need from you that they can note make themselves now?
btw- India is the largest steel producer in the world. The US Military relies on India to provide you the steel you need to make your own tanks and ships. Does that sound like you control your own security/defense? A ranking Navy Admiral made that point.
Your CEO's made you an internal service based economy, in a nutshell you all will work for Walmart... speaking of which after the US Military Walmart employees the MOST people globally...scary shit huh?
Anyways feel free to challenge my "rantings" or ask questions.
Another tidbit for you
China has 1.3 Billion people or more.
GM is BIG in China and growing. They love the Buick name there hence why GM did not drop that old badge for a car line in the US.
If you were a business, wouldn't be better to move GM to China and make cars and sell them back to America as well. The US is at best 350 million people. China has you beat by 1 Billion for a customer base. India is right next door to China with another 1.1 Billion plus people. India has produced the worlds cheapest car right now...the Nano I think they call it. Do you see where this is heading? Think of it this way for the new super powers...USA is now China and India is now Russia. Those are the emerging powers. China and India now have space flight. The US is scrapping theirs. Russia is getting by by selling seats to private citizens.
What does America have to offer? What technology do you have left that the world NEEDS to buy from you? That is the answer as to why you will not see your job market firing up and steaming ahead. It will be a slow burn to get back to 7% I say. The lifestyle the US middle class had is over. The gap from middle to rich is growing as fast as the interest on the debt. The middle is slipping down with the poor. Sure the Tea Party says take the country back...but back to what...1950's...that ship has sailed, burned, and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. What is your competitor doing and what can you do to match or surpass them?
What does America have to offer? What technology do you have left that the world NEEDS to buy from you?
That is the answer as to why you will not see your job market firing up and steaming ahead. China and Germany are the Green Leaders in technology and Manufacturing where was the US in that race, still fighting with each other and stuck in the locker room. The race already started and you don't have your running shoes on because you are being trained to fight each other over the red shoes or blue shoes to wear to the race.
You actually do have a great President. He is a brilliant person.
If you stop and listen to his plans, then listen to Nobel prize winners in Economics from around the world you will see they agree he is on the right path but sadly Beck and Limbaugh are your other leaders and economic geniuses. Fyi, Rush makes over $100 million a year and has I think 2 jets 1 for sure. You really think he cares about you...he just needs some of you to keep listening.
Try to google and use foreign media analsysis of Obama and where he fits into the global strategy. I think you will quickly learn why the rest of the world respects and likes the guy. It's too bad his own Nation and Citizens don't see it.
The fastest and largest growing US business is...the PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (
Prison-industrial complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).