Hmm, a few fit for me but not too many, and I was looking at both the Linux and Android columns. ITunes for Linux is definitely scary, haha. I think I would shrivel up and die if I had to regularly use a Segway or Prius instead of my MR2 Turbo. I don't think multitouch is really a raw nerve (or maybe I'm just "meh" about it), and a fear of a cumbersome, app-delaying review process seems more likely.
But how can buy-in 100% to a platform when their best phone has so many problems with it? You HAVE to be mad at that.
...until you see how quickly Android phones are improving (e.g., Droid Incredible, EVO 4G, etc.) compared to their competitors. The beauty of the Android platform is that there isn't really a "best" phone because there are different phones that meet different needs. If you need a hardware keyboard, an iPhone and Nexus One are both useless to you.
We have no ammo to fire at Apple fanboys if our best representative has so many issues.
Really? I mean, I usually don't bother because they're so happy with their single form factor, no hardware options, no widgets, still-behind-in-features OS, non-user-replaceable battery, iTunes garbage, hard app crashes, non-expandable storage, no camera flash, low speaker volume, magnetic compass problems, lack of carrier choice, average resolution screen, bad 3G reception, lack of buttons, missed calls while at full signal, impossible app-refund process, .... but I'm sure I could think of a thing or two that isn't perfect, if I
really had to.
I'm a realist. And really, the iPhone is a seriously capable phone. Internally, it's as good or better than my phone. Yeah, it's other features aren't going to woo the spec-monger, but how do you bash a phone that literally opened the door and ushered in the current generation of smartphones?
You can bash it because
it has not changed. It was an amazing phone when the first one came out. Now, it's a good phone, not bad, not amazing, good. It looks like the iPhone HD Brick will finally change things up some, though, but competition is good. It even looks like they might be innovating again (at least with their hardware), so that will push other phones to be even better. Fortunately, the Android community sees a new "best" phone every 2-3 months.