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Root Anim Mod and CM7??


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2010
Anyone know if Jrummys Anim Mod app works on CM7?
I tried it last night on MIUI and it went bonkers.
Didnt stay on MIUI long. Keep getting Force Close Hell. Box saying Voice Search not responding or whatever. It would not go away. Had to SBF anf try it again. Worked flawlessly for a while but same issue popped up after a few hours.
He did do a bang-up job on the email and sms notifications! Those are extra special. The app in question adds animation to every screen as you work through menus. Example: menu/preferences (go launcher)/ screen settings/grid size... each menu is animated as it opens and closes. It really adds some custom bitchin vs. stock. I think its worth a buck and a half.
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