Big O subbed? Hm, never watched it subbed before. Probably because the dubbed version was played to death on Cartoon Network. I suppose watching it subbed would put a new spin on it.
And I still haven't gotten around to Hunter x Hunter yet. I will eventually though.
Yeah, I liked it on the Cartoon Network too (they're actually credited with co-producing it but that could be misleading) and always meant to give it a go - but - yeah, seen it a whole lot, right?
So, I decided to give it a go on the trusty - and two things -
One, the combination of subbed and watching it in order makes it a full order of magnitude less loveably dorky.
Two, R. Dorothy is really entertaining. She always seemed like some gratuitous extra on CN, but not in the Japanese version.
I'm really enjoying it and it's full of Easter Eggs and homages.
Of course, Eliot Rosewater is a recurring Kurt Vonnegut character. I always liked how that Easter Egg was so in your face.
I just like how much there is there without overdoing it.
Never a fan of the giant robot genre but some I really like - such as Knights and now back to The Big O lol.

(Plus a few others of course.)