Android Enthusiast
Gangsta: It has to be good since it's based on seinan instead of shonen. I think I mentioned it somewhere.
One Piece : Dunno if you are following the anime or the manga. I really like the Dressora arc. Doflamingo is the coolest villain. Politically manipulating the situation to his whim. Making mockery of Admirals. Dressora arc is almost over in manga and it's midway in anime.
Durarara: It get quite some time to get used to the characters. And there are a lot of characters. Over the 13 volumes ,there are over 50 central characters. It really wont make any sense unless you have marathoned first 13 episodes. A thumb rule.
Until this site makes sense ,durarara will be quite a random affair.
You can also try Baccano by the same author. It's faster but more outlandish !!
Baccano has Natsu's voice actor