It's a little tough trying to find fresh quality oysters in Kansas. The cook looks fun and good. The cooker he has looks fun to cook on as well.
Forty bucks a cap sounds pricy for sure. At least it's still offered. No such thing at my Costco. My only option is to buy a ribeye roast and butcher my own spinalis dorsi. I looked at a small ribeye roast at my local market just tonight. It was fifty nine bucks for a very small roast.
I didn't bother to see what the weight. I ended up buying some beef ribs I'll smoke tomorrow. They were not very meaty but priced to sell.
At least I'll have something smoking while I watch me some football.
Forty bucks a cap sounds pricy for sure. At least it's still offered. No such thing at my Costco. My only option is to buy a ribeye roast and butcher my own spinalis dorsi. I looked at a small ribeye roast at my local market just tonight. It was fifty nine bucks for a very small roast.
I didn't bother to see what the weight. I ended up buying some beef ribs I'll smoke tomorrow. They were not very meaty but priced to sell.
At least I'll have something smoking while I watch me some football.