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Any Time is Grillin Time

I enjoyed my pulled pork, the game, the commercials, and the half time show. :)
I'll be eating left over pulled pork tomorrow night. Better to have too much than not enough though.
It should reheat just fine. :) -5 this morning, but sunny! Wife is making venison stroganof (sp?) tonight. I wouldn't drink Budweiser on a bet, but that commercial with the puppy has to be the hands down winner. Even the game was entertaining, which isn't always the case. Are you a Chiefs fan?
I'm afraid I am. I can't help but root for my state's teams. Chiefs, Royals, Kansas basketball etc. I had noting vested in either team playing but I did enjoy the game. It had just the right combo of incredible plays to keep me entertained. Enjoyed the commercials as well... half time.. meh. It was ok, I at least watched it lol. My pulled pork and fixins were great. Made for a fun day.
That was an interesting game. I miss the days when the SB game was more important than the hype surrounding it. I put it on mute during the halftime performances. It was pretty extravagant. Nothing wrong with Chiefs fan.
SB= lots of money. Money dictates the game and atmosphere. I doubt we ever see it revert back to just a game for the championship. At least it was entertaining this year. It's still a great excuse to have a party and cook up some good eats. :)

I was in middle school when the AFL Texans moved to KC and were renamed the Chiefs. Some of their games were on TV and it was flat cool to root for a local team. Just a couple of years later they played the first game between the AFL and the NFL. It was a few years later before it was called Super Bowl I ...about that same time it became the AFC and NFC all under the NFL umbrella. I've been a fan for a while lol. Likely a little known fact: The Dallas Texans/KC chiefs' owner, Lamar Hunt, started the AFL because the the NFL refused him a franchise for a second Dallas team. He wanted it so bad he started his own league lol. He moved his team to KC because he was miserably failing at making money in Dallas. Dallas already had a NFL team. It was also Lamar that came up with the name Super Bowl.

If you ever have the chance to attend a Chiefs game, be sure to come early. The real fun is in the parking lot.
I can't claim that tail-gating started at Arrowhead but they have taken it to a level that's unrivaled. The grillin and smokin of meats fills the entire complex with an unbelievable aroma. The innovative cookers will make you marvel. I've known people that will pay for multiple parking spots just so they can set up tents and chairs and grills and have plenty of room to party down. It's crazy fun!
We could debate who has the best tailgaters. Packer fans are pretty proficient at it. There will even be tailgaters at Lambeau when the Packers have an away game. What is cool is that it shows the support of the fans. A whole lot of Seahawks fans left the NFC Championship game early because they thought the Packers were going to win it. Then they got mad they wouldn't be let back in. Fair weather fans. Do your Royals fans tail gate too. I grew up in MA and there were only 12 NFL teams so so the Giants were my favorite by default. We moved to WI in '64. Great time to become a Packer fan!

Wisconsin bratwursts are my favorite thing to grill.
I bet those local brats are great. Just the mention of them make me hungry all over lol.

I will concur... Packers have great fans... and they travel well. I attended the Packer / Chiefs game the last time they visited with Favre at the helm. You won btw lol There were a lot of Packer fans in attendance and we all had a great time. One of your fans was parked just down from our gold parking spot in a huge Winnebago that was all custom painted with Packer logos etc. They were grilling with the rest of us. Was a lot of fan. In fact, if the Chiefs didn't exist, I'd likely be a Packer fan. I like the cut of their jib.

Royals fans enjoy their time in the parking lot as well. KC is world famous for it's BBQ so there is an image to uphold. :)
In 2011, The Packers went 15-1. Their only loss was to the Chiefs.

The Brewers also have a good tailgating tradition. I went to a lot of games when we lived down there. Our oldest daughter is a huge fan and lives within walking distance of the stadium. My Fathers Day present every year is to get treated to a Brewer game. I have a bucket hat that is loaded with Brewers pins. Do you ever put BBQ sauce on your bratwurst? I got that idea from the Brewers Secret Stadium Sauce. Somebody must have stolen their secret, because the sauce was a whole lot zestier back in the 80s, than it is now.
I have never tried BBQ sauce on a brat. I love a good brat so that I guess you could say that I'm a purist. I eat them plain, enjoying that wonderful flavor. I will have to try saucing one and see what I think. Are you saying that you use a spicy sauce? I'm not a huge fan of BBQ sauce and haven't tried many. I use Charlies once in a fashion on chicken. It's a sweet sauce and the wife is a big fan of it on her grilled chicken.
I use Sweet Baby Rays. It isn't very spicy. Try it on a couple brats, once they start to firm up so there is only about 5 minutes left to cook. Fry some onions in melted butter on the grill to add to it.
I've used Ray's sauce. Not bad. I love grilled onions and often fry/steam some up on the grill. I just cut some up and make a foil pouch with some butter. No fuss.. no muss lol. If you garden, try picking some green tomatoes.
Cut them in half and rub both sides with pepper. Add a bit of Worcestershire sauce to each half, place a slice of onion between them, wrap them in foil and steam them while you are grilling. Good stuff.
Grilled some T-Bones last night, for my son's 12th B-day the day before. Just some salt and pepper, delicious.

Had some burgers tonight, also great. Just some cheese on top.

Nice, unseasonably warm weekend, trying to figure out what to grill tomorrow night, maybe some pork chops.
It's been warm here too. Highs in the teens or low 20s.

olbriar, we have an acre of woods. No room for a garden, which is okay as neither of us gardens anyway. We are headed to New Orleans next week for a cruise. Not much cooking until we get back.
Grilled some T-Bones last night, for my son's 12th B-day the day before. Just some salt and pepper, delicious.

Had some burgers tonight, also great. Just some cheese on top.

Nice, unseasonably warm weekend, trying to figure out what to grill tomorrow night, maybe some pork chops.

That all sounds great. Man the warm weather just cries out for some grilling. I'm thinking about chops too.
Great minds think a like. :)

It's been warm here too. Highs in the teens or low 20s.

olbriar, we have an acre of woods. No room for a garden, which is okay as neither of us gardens anyway. We are headed to New Orleans next week for a cruise. Not much cooking until we get back.

Gardening is fun but it sucks up a lot of time. Fresh veggies are great and seem to make all of the effort worth while. Your woods is beautiful however. Would be a hard call for me ... woods or garden.

Enjoy your cruise.
I am retired. Too busy for things that suck up time. I want the wild critters to come visit, not chase them away. Between the bears, raccoons, deer and rabbits, a garden wouldn't stand a chance anyway.

I am going to have to figure out something to grill once more before we go. The Friday before the cruise, a group of us are going over to Kiln, Mississippi to The Broke Spoke. That is the bar where Favre used to hang out. They are going to fry us up some catfish. What a treat. They have gone on some cruises with us, as has Brett Favre's mom, Bonita.
Oh man... I love fried catfish. It's basically the reason I love to fish. I bet hanging with the Favre's was some kind of fun. I've never been on a cruise but often thought it would be something to do.. sort of bucket list if you will.
I'm grilling out my pork chops right now. I rubbed them with some pork rub and to finish them I've applied a honey glaze. I gotta run.... time to eat... mmmmmmmmmm
We have been on 12 cruises with Packer players. Favre's mom was a hoot! One of the cruise she was on was with Aaron Rodgers too. This time it is just Packer fans.

I spotted some pork chops in the refrigerator that we are having Tuesday night. Supposed to be a high of 25 with snow. Perfect grilling weather!
2o degrees and snowing. They did turn out great! That was actually fun. Now I get to go out and remove said snow from our driveway. :)
Bummer. Glad your chops were good. I hate shoveling snow. Every year I threaten to buy a snow thrower only to chicken out. A normal year in these parts just doesn't warrant a snow thrower... but, I want one.
Up here a snow blower is as necessary as a lawn mower. I love using the snow blower and really like shoveling. What I really, really, really do not like, is lawn mowing.

Good thing I grilled last night as we have had a cold front move in and temps have plummeted. Below zero temps for tomorrow with -20s wind chill.
My weather is cooling off again as well. Around freezing is all for highs... lows in the teens. No complaints though, it's that time of year.
I like mowing lol. I mow around 40 lawns a week in my spare time. It's just a sideline but I do enjoy my little lawn care business. I've been a finish carpenter for almost fifty years. Just doing something different is fun.
Don't get me wrong, I love working wood, but it's great to get out in the sun and fresh air. I have to love it considering I do it at nights and weekends above and beyond my carpenter work. It makes for late nights but... I love grilling at night. :)
The sun and the heat make me dizzy because of blood pressure medication. The humidity and grass clippings affect my asthma. Not to mention the bugs, mosquitoes and deer flies. Throw in the fact that I have to take in the bird feeders each night because of bears and raccoons and you might get the impression I am not a big fan of Summer.

When we lived in Milwaukee, I used to snow blow the main sidewalks two houses to the north and two to the south. If one of their parking spots in the alley needed clearing, I might do that too. And I didn't particularly like em. :) I just like being outside in the winter.
As a youth, I loved being outside in the winter. Now that the years have added up, not so much. I can't seem to keep my hands warm. When they get cold they just ache. I suspect it's the many years of the physical labor has taken a toll on my hands. They work fine... as long as they are thawed out lol.

With the weekend coming I'm contemplating dong a brisket on the smoker. It's been a while and it sure sounds good. As long as it's not windy, winter is great time to smoke something. The smoke hangs in the air and the whole area smells glorious.
I'm again contemplating smoking a brisket this weekend. Last weekend just didn't work out. I grilled out some chuck eye steaks tonight. They were tasty but just a tad bit on the tough side. The last time I grilled the chuck eye they were to die for. Sometimes the magic works... sometimes it doesn't lol. Was good to be grilling and that cooker smell made me return to the brisket idea. I'm tempted to do prime rib.. but dang the prices... wow.
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